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Why is China Dithering While Cairo Burns?

Don't play with words. I know quite well how business works. I simply asked about the difference as someone put it down about the friendship of China and Pakistan..Ain't is business only ?

well you ask me the difference between import and export, I gave you a straigh answer, if one decide not to buy, other side will not able to do anything about it. If you know how business work why asking the question? what are you try to insinuate?
You do not have to worry about that. What happened in Egypt will never happen in China.

First, we do not have a radical islam party and tons of radical followers. Muslims in China are just such a few and we have tight control over them.

In addition, CCP will not be that slow to counter-strike.

The worry of China is, the events in Egypt are same as "tiananmen square" events. The situation and the people's rebellion are looking quite similar to what happened in China.

I think china will give less coverage to what is happening in Egypt and try to rub its propaganda of how good authoritative regime is on Chinese people these days, as they are parroting in some African countries.

The real fear of China is, if a similar kind of uprising is done in China and PLA do not support CCP, then China will become weaker.
The worry of China is, the events in Egypt are same as "tiananmen square" events. The situation and the people's rebellion are looking quite similar to what happened in China.

I think china will give less coverage to what is happening in Egypt and try to rub its propaganda of how good authoritative regime is on Chinese people these days, as they are parroting in some African countries.

The real fear of China is, if a similar kind of uprising is done in China and PLA do not support CCP, then China will become weaker.
PLA do not support CCP will not happen, for many years, the party controls the army and the party is the founder of the army. All the others I agree with you. You are a wise man.
China be wise stay out of Egypt internal crisis, nothing to gain but lot of headache to involve in this big mess.
So the article says U.S. is more willing to work with the Egyptian military while China preferred democratically elected president. Gee, I thought U.S. was the country that trumpeted democracy movements in the Middle East. Then why did Egypt bother about toppling Mubarak?

Anyway, Egyptians are not mature enough. They don't tolerate difference so they are not ready for democracy. I think this is also true in China. Many democracy-promoters in China will not hesitate to call anyone that disagree with them as "Wu Mao," "government paid propagandist," etc. since I myself have been called names by those democracy promoters or "gongzhi" in Sina weibo, lol. This is very similar to Egypt. Some people just think they are holier than others and their views are the best in the world while they don't realize they are also just as selfish as anyone else.

It's a long way to go for both the Middle East and China to fully realize true democracy and I prefer China's model to lift people out of poverty so people can be better educated and not worried about petty self interests.

Actually I think a lot of money was wasted on some "shangfang" or government office visitors. Nowadays too many selfish people are blackmailing the government by using social media. Rule of law is way too weak in China and the police is way too lenient on law breakers.

It's rather funny to see some people side with those blackmailers but didn't realize those people are wasting tax money and disrupting normal social structure.

Basically China and US want different things from Middle East. US wants CONTROL in middle east because US needs petroleum to be hooked up with dollar in order to sustain its economy. China wants STABILITY in middle east because China needs middle east to be a stable supplier of petroleum and as a market for its products.

As for law enforcement with regarding to internet, remember, internet is a new thing and it really only become popular for during the last decade or so. As a result, people and government are still getting used to the idea-----what kind of regulations are needed? How should people behave on the net? These things will take time.
Heh, most Chinese know not to rock their own boat these days. Condition in Egypt is fundamentally different than China, and trying to draw equivalence is laughable.
If they have a chace, Im sure that poor Chinese will sink that boat, they r so fed up wt ur corrupted leaders already. Look at TW and HongKong, they really dont wanna join back to mainland China any more

and dont forget those poor Tibetan and Uyghur in Xinjiang, they really wanna swim away from ur boat:coffee:
Vietnam'd tried to get Laos to follow her along, but apparently China is even stonger in ecnomic and military.
If they have a chace, Im sure that poor Chinese will sink that boat, they r so fed up wt ur corrupted leaders already. Look at TW and HongKong, they really dont wanna join back to mainland China any more

and dont forget those poor Tibetan and Uyghur in Xinjiang, they really wanna swim away from ur boat:coffee:

If we cut hk out of our country, hk will fall within seconds.

Taiwan is a little island even the philippines dares to shoot them.

Tiananmen is what it is, even us had similar events in the past. If you doubt me i can give sources. Tiananmen if nothing else helped china to be the ecnomoic powerhouse it is now.

Ugyars? They can leave if they want, they are not the quebec of china more like the natives of china.
The truth is as much as China cut Vietnam's oils gain in SCS, your country's economy is gonna down immediately. Better living under mercy, don't screw it by yourself. The only army in the recent hostory could make it that far occupuying your capital is China, not even US army. Concentrate on your oil business, or you will make yourself a easier life. Any form of entanglement with China in SCS is not gonna figure it out, appeasement gesture will be your call.
First, we do not have a radical islam party and tons of radical followers. Muslims in China are just such a few and we have tight control over them.

In addition, CCP will not be that slow to counter-strike.

The issue is not about Islam in China.

You need to park your anti-Islam obsession for two seconds and focus on the core question.

The answer, quite simply, is that China has a non-interventionist, hands off approach to most international conflicts which do not directly impact Chinese interests. China has never claimed to be the defender of democracy or whatever around the world.
The worry of China is, the events in Egypt are same as "tiananmen square" events. The situation and the people's rebellion are looking quite similar to what happened in China.

I think china will give less coverage to what is happening in Egypt and try to rub its propaganda of how good authoritative regime is on Chinese people these days, as they are parroting in some African countries.

The real fear of China is, if a similar kind of uprising is done in China and PLA do not support CCP, then China will become weaker.

PLA do not support CCP will not happen, for many years, the party controls the army and the party is the founder of the army. All the others I agree with you. You are a wise man.

dont BS if you people dont know a damn thing

The event is widely covered in Mainland media on every TV newscast and many internet channels:


http://www.baidu.com 埃及暴乱

and the situation was discussed in CCTV4 - 今日关注 Focus Today in the last 2 days

CCTV4 - 今日关注 Focus Today 20130817

CCTV4 - 今日关注 Focus Today 20130816


Must watch the video:

This is india: india's silent war

and this:

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The worry of China is, the events in Egypt are same as "tiananmen square" events. The situation and the people's rebellion are looking quite similar to what happened in China.

I think china will give less coverage to what is happening in Egypt and try to rub its propaganda of how good authoritative regime is on Chinese people these days, as they are parroting in some African countries.

The real fear of China is, if a similar kind of uprising is done in China and PLA do not support CCP, then China will become weaker.


Events in Egypt are headline news in China and are discussed for hours and hours on national TV。

Stop being an ignorant sod or worse,a brainwashed 1diot。:rofl:

dont BS if you people dont know a damn thing

The event is widely covered in Mainland media on every TV newscast and many internet channels:


http://www.baidu.com 埃及暴乱

and the situation was discussed in CCTV4 - 今日关注 Focus Today in the last 2 days

CCTV4 - 今日关注 Focus Today 20130817

CCTV4 - 今日关注 Focus Today 20130816


Must watch the video:

This is india: india's silent war

and this:

These people with pea-sized brain are worse than the proverbial fog sitting at the bottom of a well。:ashamed:
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dont BS if you people dont know a damn thing

The event is widely covered in Mainland media on every TV newscast and many internet channels:

Not again stop posting your ignorant posts.

China shows the events and twists the actual facts in favor of authoritarian regime like CCP

Egypt's Failings Become Propaganda Coup for Chinese State Media » The Epoch Times

Following the ousting of Egypt’s democratically-elected president, Mohamed Morsi, on Wednesday, Chinese state media ran editorials warning of the failures of Western democracy, stating that democracy is not a “universal cure” for the ills that developing countries face.

Egypt’s chaos was proof that this “export of democracy is not a guarantee to cure all diseases, and it cannot solve the difficult issues that different countries face as they develop,” state mouthpiece Xinhua said.

“Some Western countries should use the situation in Egypt as an example, to seriously reflect, wake up, and not readily criticize other countries. This is also saving a bit of face for them,” Xinhua continued.

Bilingual state newspaper the Global Times also published an editorial proclaiming that “countries simply copying the Western style came to grief,” while the Beijing Daily said countries “should not have a superstitious belief or reverently worship the prescription that Western countries have provided.”

The overseas edition of the People’s Daily wrote that to developing countries, “realizing economic prosperity, societal stability, and state security are important tasks that are far more crucial than the ‘one person, one vote’ of Western-style democracy.”

The pro-Beijing Hong Kong newspaper Wen Wei Po stated that Hong Kong should learn from the chaos following universal suffrage in Egypt, warning that “unrealistic and radical actions can cause difficult-to-fix injuries and shock to Hong Kong’s social stability and people’s economic livelihood.”

Days before, tens of thousands of Hong Kong residents took part in a massive demonstration to push for direct elections. Currently, the city’s head of government is elected by a committee that makes up less than 0.02 percent of the total population.

Some Chinese netizens reacted to these editorials with fury. Hu Ziwei, a popular TV show hostess with over 340,000 followers on her Sina Weibo account, posted this message: “You can ask Egyptian citizens if they want to return to the era of Mubarak. You can also ask Iraqi citizens if they want to return to Saddam’s era. Or ask Russians about Stalin, Libyans about Gaddafi. They always think that they can hide China’s own societal ills by mocking others’ small problems.”
Not again stop posting your ignorant posts.

China shows the events and twists the actual facts in favor of authoritarian regime like CCP

You twist and get posting from the source of a cult media? China is most unbiased towards the Eyptians. You need a big fix inside of your cheerleading head
watch and see the links. It is india who is in big trouble in respect of internal turmoils which are worst than Egypt!
If they have a chace, Im sure that poor Chinese will sink that boat, they r so fed up wt ur corrupted leaders already. Look at TW and HongKong, they really dont wanna join back to mainland China any more

and dont forget those poor Tibetan and Uyghur in Xinjiang, they really wanna swim away from ur boat:coffee:
Poor Chinese? Have you look at your country lately? My hometown has more wealth than your entire country put together. Do you not realized the economic cesspool that your fellow retard Viets are in before you comment on the second largest economy in the world?

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