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Why is China Dithering While Cairo Burns?

You suggested that Chinese Muslims have their first loyalty to Islam rather than China.

Do you really want me to find those posts and throw them in your bigoted face?

Let me know and I will dig them up.

Go Gujarati and find the posts now. :lol:

Find me one post in which I have attacked Chinese Muslims.

Start with this thread, since this is the relevant argument. And if you can't find any in this thread, you are welcome to look through my entire post history with the search function.

Or ask Hu Songshan our moderator, who is a Chinese Muslim himself. :no:

I hate those Islamic terrorists like ETIM, but people like you can't understand that.
Find me one post in which I have attacked Chinese Muslims.

Here, after this set up.

Isn't Mecca the most important place for a Muslim?

You wrote.

How many would still 100% side with their country over their religion?

As I wrote, you suggested that Chinese Muslims are not fully patriotic and can't be 100% trusted, because their first loyalty is to their religion.

I would urge readers to read that thread because it also showcases the anti-Muslim bigotry of @Okemos, @darkhero and @ephone .

All of these people, like YOU, were attacking the loyalty of regular Chinese Muslims, not terrorists, not Muslims halfway around the world.
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why don't you look at the conflicts today in the world, taking out the conflicts that are related to islam and see how much conflicts will be left? and see how peaceful the world will be?

Here's a list of separatist movements around the world.

Lists of active separatist movements - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

When you can take a break from your anti-Islam obsession, I suggest you (and readers) go through this list and see how many of them have anything to do with Islam or Muslims.
Here, after this set up.

Grasping at straws again. :rofl:

I asked two simple questions about Islam in general. Not even relating to China. Do you call that "attacking Chinese Muslims"? :lol::lol::lol:

I would urge readers to read that thread because it also showcases the anti-Muslim bigotry of @Okemos, @darkhero and @ephone .

What do you expect after their/my country China (and every other major country in the world) is regularly under attack by Islamic extremists/terrorists?

In this case, it is the East Turkestan Islamic Movement. But it's a different group for every country.
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Grasping at straws again. :rofl:

I asked two simple questions, do you call that "attacking Chinese Muslims"? :lol::lol::lol:


You questioned the loyalty of regular Chinese Muslims -- not terrorists, not just Uyghurs.

The words, and the context, are there for readers to see.

What do you expect after their/my country China (and every other major country in the world) is regularly under attack by Islamic extremists/terrorists?

In this case, it is the East Turkestan Islamic Movement. But it's a different group for every country.

WRONG again.

These people were attacking the loyalty of Hui and other regular Chinese citizens who happen to be Muslim. They were blabbering on about Muslim areas in eastern Chinese cities, etc.

Their comment were NOT about terrorists.

Once again, I urge readers to read that thread and see the comments -- context and all.

You questioned the loyalty of regular Chinese Muslims -- not terrorists, not just Uyghurs.

Wrong. :lol: Anyone can read the two posts of mine you quoted above, they are two simple questions about Islam.

You are a chronic liar and I expect nothing more from you.

WRONG again.

These people were attacking the loyalty of Hui and other regular Chinese citizens who happen to be Muslim.

Their comment were NOT about terrorists.

Once again, I urge readers to read that thread and see the comments -- context and all.

I support ephone, Okemos and darkhero as my Chinese brothers who are giving their opinions.

It's not my fault if their opinion (and the opinion of everyone else in the world), is not to your liking.

Bury your head in the sand as long as you want.
Wrong. :lol: Anyone can read the two posts of mine you quoted above, they are two simple questions about Islam.

Wrong again.

There is a direct statement by YOU doubting the patriotism and loyalty of Chinese citizens who happen to be Muslim.

I support ephone, Okemos and darkhero as my Chinese brothers who are giving their opinions.

It's not my fault if their opinion (and the opinion of everyone else in the world), is not to your liking.

It's not about what I like.

You support fellow bigots who divide the Chinese nation based on religion and question the loyalty and patriotism of fellow citizens based on their religion.

Once again, I urge readers to read that thread and decide for themselves.
It's not about what I like.

You support fellow bigots who divide the Chinese nation based on religion and question the loyalty and patriotism of fellow citizens based on their religion.

I will absolutely support my countrymen Ephone, Okemos and Darkhero over a lying sack of sh*t like yourself, don't worry about that. :lol:

Next time look at opinion polls from China more closely. Their opinions are not that far from the norm, Hell most of the three above are actually quite liberal in their opinions compared to others.
The worry of China is, the events in Egypt are same as "tiananmen square" events. The situation and the people's rebellion are looking quite similar to what happened in China.

I think china will give less coverage to what is happening in Egypt and try to rub its propaganda of how good authoritative regime is on Chinese people these days, as they are parroting in some African countries.

The real fear of China is, if a similar kind of uprising is done in China and PLA do not support CCP, then China will become weaker.

If you could read Chinese you can find the newspaper and television are full of news form Egypt in China these days.
Like the Taliban and Al-qaeda, it is ETIM itself that brought in religion first.

ETIM calls itself the "East Turkestan Islamic Movement". They were founded in 1993, after the Soviet Union had already collapsed.

Their official stated goal is to set up an Islamic state called East Turkestan, carved out of Xinjiang.

Tell me, if they didn't want to involve religion, why did they call themselves the East Turkestan Islamic Movement?

They named themselves that because they WANT to make the conflict an Islamic issue and recruit Muslims from all over the world. Chinese-Dragon is lying really badly now, I didn't say that they didn't want to involve religion.

The ETIM WANTS to make their nationalist struggle an Islamic issue, that is why they use language like Jihad. But it doesn't work, since ETIM is still made out of a minority of Uyghurs (NOT IRAQIS) hiding in caves.

When the Uyghur Communist Separatists under Ehmetjan Qasim fought in the Ili rebellion, they used Communist language like revolution, "imperialist running dogs" and other words to get support from the Soviets. The Pan turkic jadidist nationalists under the Bughra brothers used racist, Turkic supremaicst langusge against Hui Muslims and Han and tried to get recognition from Turkey (they failed).

The ephone liar keeps claiming every single religious Muslim is connected to terrorists like ETIM and offers no proof for his claims. The Muslim Brotherhood for example does not sponsor ETIM and does not support them.

You have no reading conprehension. I never said I supported the American government. I was talking about why Uyghur separtists want support from America. Its because America never hurt Uyghurs, those Uyghur separatists don't care about dead Iraqi civilians, they care about themselves.

I have seen Arabic comments on some ETIM propaganda videos, one of them asked if Muslims were oppressed, why mosques and religious studies were taking place in Beijing itself.

Now imagine if that person saw ephone's posts, boasting about mass murdering religious Muslims and falsely claiming that religious studies are banned in China. What would they think then?

If foreign Muslims knew about Ehmetjan Qasim being a Soviet agent and that the Ili Uyghur rebels were Communists, the ETIM's credibility would be vaporized since they told so many lies about it.

If you noticed, I mentioned the Moros deliberately, since ephone would have a hard time siding with the Philippines or America. Ephone the keyboard warrior was talking about "punishing" Indonesia for the massacres of ethnic Chinese and blamed it on Islam again (the massascres had nothing to do with religion, the Indonesian government didn't intervene either when thousands of Muslim Madurese were killed by Dayaks at the same time as the anti Chinese riots. The riots were purely racial.). I wanted to see the keyboard warrior try to justify the Philippine government massacring tens of thousands of Moro and Chinese civilians in Jolo since he hates Muslims so much. And also the fact that Chinese have sided with the Moros for hundreds of years against the Spanish.

ephone doesn't know shxt about these foreign countries. He has no idea that PAGAN Dayaks in Indonesia massacred Chinese in the 1960s, he would most likely blame "Islam fanatics" for the massacre if he heard about it, he doesn't know that Saudi Arabia is backing the Egyptian military government.

The Indonesian government is not religious and didn't do sh*t about any of the massacres in the 1990s, it didn't care about either Chinese, Muslim Madurese or Christian Indonesians getting massacred.
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They named themselves that because they WANT to make the conflict an Islamic issue and recruit Muslims from all over the world. Chinese-Dragon is lying really badly now, I didn't say that they didn't want to involve religion.

Yeah, same old story with these Islamic extremists/terrorists.

They are always the ones bringing in religion, in their official statements and manifestos. Then they cry when people make the association.

Now imagine if that person saw ephone's posts, boasting about mass murdering religious Muslims and falsely claiming that religious studies are banned in China. What would they think then?

Does it look like I care?

When even the highest profile Muslim politicians like Erdogan, accuse China of committing "genocide" in Xinjiang, what do you expect Muslims on the ground to think?

If you noticed, I mentioned the Moros deliberately, since ephone would have a hard time siding with the Philippines or America. Ephone the keyboard warrior was talking about "punishing" Indonesia for the massacres of ethnic Chinese and blamed it on Islam again (the massascres had nothing to do with religion, the Indonesian government didn't intervene either when thousands of Muslim Madurese were killed by Dayaks at the same time as the anti Chinese riots. The riots were purely racial.). I wanted to see the keyboard warrior try to justify the Philippine government massacring tens of thousands of Moro and Chinese civilians in Jolo since he hates Muslims so much. And also the fact that Chinese have sided with the Moros for hundreds of years against the Spanish.

ephone doesn't know shxt about these foreign countries. He has no idea that PAGAN Dayaks in Indonesia massacred Chinese in the 1960s, he would most likely blame "Islam fanatics" for the massacre if he heard about it, he doesn't know that Saudi Arabia is backing the Egyptian military government.

You're the one who doesn't know sh*t.

Ephone makes a lot more sense than you do.

As for other countries killing their own ethnic minorities (including ethnic Chinese), that's not my problem, unless the ones bring killed are Chinese citizens. If they are killing their own citizens it's their own problem.
Why don't you look at the major ones that causes destruction of people's lives and country's economy??? Just look at the news everyday, it does not have to be western news.

Here's a list of separatist movements around the world.

Lists of active separatist movements - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

When you can take a break from your anti-Islam obsession, I suggest you (and readers) go through this list and see how many of them have anything to do with Islam or Muslims.

idiots like you keep side-tracking the topics and dumping tons of shxt there either totally unrelated or remotely related but not in discussion at all.

Stop following my comments. I can not teach a cow to appreciate the gist of music.

Yeah, same old story with these Islamic extremists/terrorists.

They are always the ones bringing in religion, in their official statements and manifestos. Then they cry when people make the association.

Does it look like I care?

When even the highest profile Muslim politicians like Erdogan, accuse China of committing "genocide" in Xinjiang, what do you expect Muslims on the ground to think?

You're the one who doesn't know sh*t.

Ephone makes a lot more sense than you do.

As for other countries killing their own ethnic minorities (including ethnic Chinese), that's not my problem, unless the ones bring killed are Chinese citizens. If they are killing their own citizens it's their own problem.
I do not mind debate. However, whoever is debating, fixes on the topic. It is useless by dumping tons of garbage materials that are totally unrelated to the topic or not even in discussion.

What Muslims think varies depending on the country they live in.

Perhaps take his nationality into account for his source of bias.
idiots like you keep side-tracking the topics and dumping tons of shxt there either totally unrelated or remotely related but not in discussion at all.

Stop following my comments. I can not teach a cow to appreciate the gist of music.

I think you quoted the wrong person there ephone. :no:
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