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Why Indians embraced slavery in past ?

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My first reply in the thread was enough from my side until another Pakistani dude came through to defend this crap. He might be okay with his beliefs being mocked but we can't take it.

Tell me who has abused it?. it wasn't me or @DesertFighter i think you barking up a wrong tree my friend.

Now if you are frustrated then vent it out on those who responbible.
He would say alot worse for you aswell... :lol: 

Dude go help your guys sitting in muzafarnagar first..

Go see what happened in Muzzafarnagar.

You ll see so many muslims getting killed.

What he says would be valid only for pathans,his views about me wont be relevant. 
Dude, where u from in S.India? Such abuse doesn't suit us South Indians well. Stay Classy.:partay:


just chill out.
Tell me who has abused it?. it wasn't me or @DesertFighter i think you barking up a wrong tree my friend.

Now if you are frustrated then vent it out on those who responbible.
I didn't quoted you first now did I ? Anyway tu apne raaste aur mein apne.
Go see what happened in Muzzafarnagar.

You ll see so many muslims getting killed.

What he says would be valid only for pathans,his views about me wont be relevant. 


just chill out.

I thought you were from South India. Apologies if you aren't.
i know that,thats why his views are relevant for pathans alone.

anyway chotu,you annoy like a silly pomerenian,this is the last exchange between us.

I have not started this topic to insult anyone. These are two genuine questions come in my mind frequently which i was not able to get any logical answer.

We know English,Arabs, Persian, Mongol, Turkish, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Russian etc went all over the world to conquer different region and had established their rule over there. Some of them were less in number compare to native Indians of sub-continent region. Which part of the world ruled by Indians ? Why Ghaznavi, Ghori, Abdali with few thousand of people managed to conquer India easily? Why native Indians gave up and embraced slavery of Arabs/afghan/Persian/Mughal/British easily which lasted century after century ? Was It because of cowardice or submissive/subdue nature of Hindus?

The only Hindu empire worth noting for its bravery was the Marathi empire of the 18th century which actually had a lot of Muslims soldiers in its ranks. Living among Hindus for so long the minorities of India have also been affected by this disease of gutlessness and cowardice. Is there something in the Hindu scriptures or Indian psyche that drives this cowardly behavior?

or this cowardice nature was because of extreme division among themselves along caste (sub caste within caste), culture, state, sect, language, dialect etc etc which in result created insecurity, jealousy, hatred, fear, mistrust among them. We know Religion often acts as a morale booster if you are full of confidence and hold your beliefs close to your heart. This is true in case of Muslims at least. Muslims were very few in the beginning of Islam but they faced opponents three-four times bigger in size/strength and often defeated them convincingly.

Hindus create their own interpretation of Hinduism based on their secular beliefs. This is why Hinduism today is nothing more than idolatry, senseless rituals, polytheism, caste system, cow worship etc. Hindus claiming that smoking, drinking, drugs, homosexuality, robbing, cheating etc etc are all cool in Hinduism because Hinduism has "no rules". It is all being done to show that Hinduism is more compatible with west and it is a very liberal religion. You can act cowardly because there is something called karma. You are very peaceful if you cannot dare to fight. I don't think such Religion with no rules can inspire its followers to fight against invaders.

I have shared my personal thought and perception. I would be interested to know what you guys think about it ? Please give to the point answer without bringing irrelevant stuffs. Thanks

In reality HIndus and Indians are more brave than all the muslims that have invaded it. Which ruler would be gracious and brave to release those who he defeated like Prithviraj did to Ghori. It only shows what a sneaky person Ghori was to attack his own benefactor.
Every society has weak people and strong people. In india the weaker people converted to islam and sided with the muslim invaders. the strong Indians are the indian hindus of today.
Also, India 1000 years ago became prosperous and thus turned to science nad knowledge instead of barbarism. they did a mistake by not developing their military technology and went on developing high philosophy , astronomy etc. that's why the muslim invaders who have been barbaric because of its founding were able to destroy the hindu and Buddhist universities in taxila (current days weakminded people of pak) and nalanda.

Also if you want proof that the weak minded Hindus converted to islam look at Pakistan. They are happy to allow American drones and all other come into their land and boomb their people. this has been happening since 1947. The Pak first allowed American and now China. THey take money and they ask their invaders to bomb the sh1t out of their own people. Thus it proves that religion has nothing to do with it. Its only the mindset of certain societies which do it. I am glad that such a society has moved out of Hinduism and india.

Lastly if you think islam is a religion you are wrong. It was an imperial force created to conquer land. If you think Mohammad was a prophet you are wrong. he just made up some stories by copying religion known in that land (xtian and jew) and modified it to suit his needs. When challenged by another person who claimed to be prophet , he changed the rules of the muslims manual called quran and made himself the last prophet. there is no proof still that he is a prophet. he used to kill women and people for merely insulting him. His people used to kill other trib men and made a rule that having 4 wives is ok in islam. but he never made a rule that having 4 husband is ok. Anyways, islam will soon die out because the current followers of islam have no bravery, they are only people ike arabs who have let American boots to firmly stamp mecca and medina. then there are people like Palestine who want to steal the promised land of jews. then there are Pakistanis who prostitute themselves by taking money to get screwed. and lastly there are terrorists who blow themselves up without understanding dharmic philosophy. so with these kind of people islam is poised to be under the shoes of other for next 10000 years. this will prove that brains are more lasting than brawn.
The combined forces of islam are no match for secular india of today.

islam has taught all the attributes you mentioned like homo (slave boys), cheating, robbing of helpless peoples wealth, stealing wives, drug (afghan and pak muslims are dealing in drugs to keep thei economy afloat). in Hinduism we think of connecting with god. we leave laws realting to above things to man. this is why india is slowly progressing whereas the only things muslims know is dig in the ground for finding any wealth like oil producing nations.

I am glad you know about the Maratha empire which broke the back of muslims in india. but I don't know of any brave and honourable muslim empire. they may have won wars due to cheating and treachery but in reality the muslim rulers were shot dead by british and their women forced into prostitution for enjoyment of hindus in the kothis of UP.

Being peaceful does not mean you cannot fight back. the rajputs and marathas have proved that. India is improving but Islamic world is sliding. Muslims today live like beggars in UK - on dole and doing cheap menial stuff. the hindus in Britain and doctors , financiers and professionals. the hindu in UK contribute to economy and society with arts and media. the muslims contribute only to the population and make a society of ghettos. they are so cowardly that they ghettoise themselves and are afraid to study and use their minds to explore the world. they believe everything in the manual which is why they are not able to progress.

Anyways hope it clears you misconception that muslims and islam are good. contact me if you need more help
I didn't quoted you first now did I ? Anyway tu apne raaste aur mein apne.

Khade, tamam and just chill Winston, good and bad in all.

If you must speak other then English then atleast try to speak Urdu and not Persianised Hindi.

Now just chill.
In reality HIndus and Indians are more brave than all the muslims that have invaded it. Which ruler would be gracious and brave to release those who he defeated like Prithviraj did to Ghori. It only shows what a sneaky person Ghori was to attack his own benefactor.
Every society has weak people and strong people. In india the weaker people converted to islam and sided with the muslim invaders. the strong Indians are the indian hindus of today.
Also, India 1000 years ago became prosperous and thus turned to science nad knowledge instead of barbarism. they did a mistake by not developing their military technology and went on developing high philosophy , astronomy etc. that's why the muslim invaders who have been barbaric because of its founding were able to destroy the hindu and Buddhist universities in taxila (current days weakminded people of pak) and nalanda.

Also if you want proof that the weak minded Hindus converted to islam look at Pakistan. They are happy to allow American drones and all other come into their land and boomb their people. this has been happening since 1947. The Pak first allowed American and now China. THey take money and they ask their invaders to bomb the sh1t out of their own people. Thus it proves that religion has nothing to do with it. Its only the mindset of certain societies which do it. I am glad that such a society has moved out of Hinduism and india.

Lastly if you think islam is a religion you are wrong. It was an imperial force created to conquer land. If you think Mohammad was a prophet you are wrong. he just made up some stories by copying religion known in that land (xtian and jew) and modified it to suit his needs. When challenged by another person who claimed to be prophet , he changed the rules of the muslims manual called quran and made himself the last prophet. there is no proof still that he is a prophet. he used to kill women and people for merely insulting him. His people used to kill other trib men and made a rule that having 4 wives is ok in islam. but he never made a rule that having 4 husband is ok. Anyways, islam will soon die out because the current followers of islam have no bravery, they are only people ike arabs who have let American boots to firmly stamp mecca and medina. then there are people like Palestine who want to steal the promised land of jews. then there are Pakistanis who prostitute themselves by taking money to get screwed. and lastly there are terrorists who blow themselves up without understanding dharmic philosophy. so with these kind of people islam is poised to be under the shoes of other for next 10000 years. this will prove that brains are more lasting than brawn.
The combined forces of islam are no match for secular india of today.

islam has taught all the attributes you mentioned like homo (slave boys), cheating, robbing of helpless peoples wealth, stealing wives, drug (afghan and pak muslims are dealing in drugs to keep thei economy afloat). in Hinduism we think of connecting with god. we leave laws realting to above things to man. this is why india is slowly progressing whereas the only things muslims know is dig in the ground for finding any wealth like oil producing nations.

I am glad you know about the Maratha empire which broke the back of muslims in india. but I don't know of any brave and honourable muslim empire. they may have won wars due to cheating and treachery but in reality the muslim rulers were shot dead by british and their women forced into prostitution for enjoyment of hindus in the kothis of UP.

Being peaceful does not mean you cannot fight back. the rajputs and marathas have proved that. India is improving but Islamic world is sliding. Muslims today live like beggars in UK - on dole and doing cheap menial stuff. the hindus in Britain and doctors , financiers and professionals. the hindu in UK contribute to economy and society with arts and media. the muslims contribute only to the population and make a society of ghettos. they are so cowardly that they ghettoise themselves and are afraid to study and use their minds to explore the world. they believe everything in the manual which is why they are not able to progress.

Anyways hope it clears you misconception that muslims and islam are good. contact me if you need more help

Can you provide some evidence and i mean credible evidence to prove that Prithvi Raj captured Ghuri and let him go since you brought that up.
yes i am and am asking you to relax.

My place in south india,people do swear a lot.

It was just a joke dude! Of course people everywhere are the same. But try not to match them North Indian thickheads(dickheads too) in usage of profanity.:enjoy:

The highest profanity in S.India is usually heard either south of Madurai or North of Hubli. You from any of these areas?
oops @resin just been dreaming of Ghuris capture, no credible evidence to back his claims.
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