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Why India and Pakistan will keep growing apart

It is indeed very interesting when an Indian born in post-partition India says that, the two nation theory was flawed or was wrong. Those born and bred in post-partition environment have lived in two different countries as two different sets of peoples belonging to two different nations for over 60 years now. So why would the Indians still call it a flawed concept. Why is it that the Indians do not accept the fact that Pakistan is a reality and won’t go away because of what they feel was a flawed concept.
Gandhi said: 'Pakistan is a reality which I'm forced to accept, but I don't accept it as legitimate.'
What Gandhi said about Pakistan
Jawaharlal Nehru said:
If today by any chance I were offered the reunion of India and Pakistan, I would decline it for obvious reasons. I do not want to carry the burden of Pakistan’s great problems.

I have enough of my own.”
Have we really seen the enemy? | DAWN.COM

Of course Indians don't accept 2NT. Because it is against our national fabric and has been patently proved wrong. However they accept the fact that Pakistan is a separate state. If you came across some Indian who wants to join India and Pakistan, you are very lucky.

I am a Pakistani. I don’t know what India looks like. I don’t know many Indian people. I see them as foreign nationals belonging to a neighbouring country. Yet even after over 60 years of our creation I am being bombarded with the mantra that somehow, Indians and Pakistanis are the same people.
Well, Indians and Pakistanis are in fact same people. You may shut your eyes and ears for the fact. But truth still stares at you in the face. And you complain about bombardment. Just drawing a line on a map does not overnight change people on both sides of it. It takes centuries for the cultures to branch away.
Most of such ideas emanate from India. By still challenging the two nation theory, they don’t accept the creation of Pakistan and subsequent emergence of Bangladesh. For those who cite creation of Bangladesh as a negation of two nation theory fail to understand that, Bangladesh did not rejoin Indian union and has probably reframed the two nation theory into three nation theory.

I immensely dislike when Indians here come and challenge the existence of my country, telling me that we are the same people, telling me that our cultures are the same, our languages are the same. How can one sink it in their upper story that I am neither like any Indian, that my language is different, that my culture is different and that I am a Pakistani. My father would’ve lived in pre-partition India. As for me and many more like me, I am a Pakistani and very proud that I am.
I explained above about the rationale behind what Indians think. They don't think Pakistan's creation was legitimate. But they have come used to the fact of it. At least, today after 2008 since Pakistan has been rocked by extremist violence, any Indian who dreamed of a single country(whatever frame of mind he has: saffronist, nostalgic), now corrected his/her opinion. They actually think it was good riddance.
In one sentence, Indians don't accept the ideology of the two nation theory as it's against the integrity of present-day India as well, but most Indians, especially from the younger generation are glad that partition happened in 1947.
Very true 400 million is a huge number, but India is doing many correct measures to eradicate this poverty - but no one is having magic want to wipe the poverty over night, it will be done gradually, after India opened it's economy 20 years back India have lifted almost 330 million people out of poverty to make them middle class families which is equal to UAS population...If you see the PDF previous posts you will understand who uses the poverty tag - if India sends a moon mission, conducts CWG games or F1 Race by private company, Sends a satellite or tests missile or any development projects most of the Pakistanis will jump in to the thread and say millions live in poverty and Indians wasting the money, then it becomes necessary for us to point-out your own house in which you have similar share of population living in poverty and yet you spend very less on development, even lesser than India and more on defense budget...

India's share of defense budget on GDP 2.5% - Pakistan 2.8%
India's share of education on GDP 4.1% - Pakistan 1.8%!!!

India spends more on poor to uplift them...but there are countries which India can envy on thier education expenditure example Cuba...

CUBA education share 18.1%!!! on it's GDP and ranks number one

Pakistan budget on education is 0. 9% of GDP since last 2 yrs and defence budget is 4.5% of GDP.

India's defence budget is 1.9% of GDP in current fiscal.

nobody cares what indians think. somehow you people come here and think you will tell us what indians accept and do not accept and expect us to give your words any sort of value.
Very true 400 million is a huge number, but India is doing many correct measures to eradicate this poverty - but no one is having magic want to wipe the poverty over night, it will be done gradually, after India opened it's economy 20 years back India have lifted almost 330 million people out of poverty to make them middle class families which is equal to UAS population...If you see the PDF previous posts you will understand who uses the poverty tag - if India sends a moon mission, conducts CWG games or F1 Race by private company, Sends a satellite or tests missile or any development projects most of the Pakistanis will jump in to the thread and say millions live in poverty and Indians wasting the money, then it becomes necessary for us to point-out your own house in which you have similar share of population living in poverty and yet you spend very less on development, even lesser than India and more on defense budget...

India's share of defense budget on GDP 2.5% - Pakistan 2.8%
India's share of education on GDP 4.1% - Pakistan 1.8%!!!

India spends more on poor to uplift them...but there are countries which India can envy on thier education expenditure example Cuba...

CUBA education share 18.1%!!! on it's GDP and ranks number one

I agree with you. For countries like India and Pakistan, it is indeed an uphill task but a must do. Both need sustained economic growth to get out of the poverty spiral. Not an easy task indeed with economic growth slowing down owing to differing reasons.
What Gandhi said about Pakistan
Jawaharlal Nehru said:

Have we really seen the enemy? | DAWN.COM

Of course Indians don't accept 2NT. Because it is against our national fabric and has been patently proved wrong. However they accept the fact that Pakistan is a separate state. If you came across some Indian who wants to join India and Pakistan, you are very lucky.

Well, Indians and Pakistanis are in fact same people. You may shut your eyes and ears for the fact. But truth still stares at you in the face. And you complain about bombardment. Just drawing a line on a map does not overnight change people on both sides of it. It takes centuries for the cultures to branch away.

I explained above about the rationale behind what Indians think. They don't think Pakistan's creation was legitimate. But they have come used to the fact of it. At least, today after 2008 since Pakistan has been rocked by extremist violence, any Indian who dreamed of a single country(whatever frame of mind he has: saffronist, nostalgic), now corrected his/her opinion. They actually think it was good riddance.

Ha you quoting an article written by Ardeshir Cowasjee.

Ardeshir Cowasjee is a traitor!

We Pakistanis from different from Indians.

We Punjabis, Sindhis, Balochis, Pathans, Kashmiris, Gilgitis have nothing to do with you Tamils, Malayalis, Rajasthanis, Gujaratis, Biharis, Bengalis, Asssamese, Oriya!





Now or Never; Are We to Live or Perish Forever?"

I call on all Pakistani members right now to defend our differences with India!
Now or Never! We cannot allow to be infected by lies that Indians trying to promote!


I would like to see the Punjab, North-West Frontier Province, Sind and Baluchistan amalgamated into a single State. Self-government within the British Empire, or without the British Empire, the formation of a consolidated North-West Indian Muslim State appears to me to be the final destiny of the Muslims, at least of North-West India.


In short, Indians go away! We don't anything do with you! Be Gone!

Hopefully improvement in bilateral relations with the Central Asian countries and China will make us so different from India, be will ask "Was Pakistan ever one country with India in the first place!"

I disagree with Allama Iqbal on the part that Pakistan is Northwest India. PAKISTAN IS NOW PART OF CENTRAL ASIA. Allama Iqbal was only using terminology used by the Imperialists, what else?


South Asia begins at the Thar desert and not the Hindu Kush!

I know Indians crying because the lost of Pakistan and Myanmar was a defeat for Indian civilization!
I am glad the old hag india was cut into pieces, independence was the best thing that could have happened, we are glad we don't have to look at indians every day.

Are you joking? There is no such thing as India. India is just colonial term used by the British!
Even Myanmar was part of British India. Does that make Myanmar Indian? Absolutely not!

Even Winston Churchill famously said India is no more a country than the equator.

We Pakistanis simply got independence form the British. There was no such thing as Partition!

We Pakistanis have more in common in Afghanistan!

Besides every Pakistani is Pro Chinese and Anti-Indian!

The Chinese will exploit this to the maximum extent!
i agree that pakistan and india will keep growing apart. however to deny that we are similar or share commonalities such as history, food, language, dress is absurd and is a distortion. as much as pakistanis want to erase their "indianess" and associate with arabs or believe that they dropped from the sky spontaneously...we can't we need to accept the reality...but we also need to move towards creating a stronger national identity that does not rely on hating or demonizing the indians (i kno thats hard after coming in contact with indian members on pdf:P) but thrives on national accomplishments. theres still a long way to go for that...but hopefully if we dont annihilate each other before that we may be able to accept each other and move forward towards friendly neighbourly relations...
and come on! ban the sari??...whats wrong with u guys! lets take a women's poll and decide what they want before imposing our personal dress codes on them!

Don't be rediculous! No Pakistanis says we are Arabs. we are the inheritors of the Indus River Valley civilization and we have more in common with Afghanistan!

Check out this picture:

Liaquat Ali Khan and Jinnah with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and Hassan Al Banna in Cairo


We should remove all the Indianess! Now we are closer the Afghanistanis

What about the Durrani's Empire


See what Pakistan intellectual Ahmed Hasan Dani has said:

From his extensive fieldwork and research experience, Dani refuted any influence of South Indian culture on the Indus Valley Civilization.[5] Using a geographic perspective of the socio-political systems and cultural distribution of the Indus Basin and surrounding hinterland, he observed that the Indo-Gangetic Plain did not play any significant role in the development of Indus Valley culture.[8] Nor was there any invasion from the seaside during the Bronze Age, although the coastline facilitated maritime trade. The major influence, according to Dani, came from Central Asia in the west. He asserted that the hilly western borderland that appears as a boundary to the external eye is actually a network of hill plateaus where the local people have always moved freely. He therefore argued that the cultural history of Pakistan is more closely related to Central Asia through Buddhist, Persian and later Sufism influences.[1] He strived to revive this relationship by promoting organizations such as Pak-Central Asia Friendship Association.

Ahmad Hasan Dani - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I seriously wish some one should give this guy a tour of history....it be way better if a Pakistani poster will do....
so you are implying that Muslims are war-mongering violent people whereas hindus in comparison are peaceful loving people accepting of all other religoins and do discriminate on their own kind?

and you are also saying that the following are fabrication propaganda news to defame india and hindus?

Indian Christians tormented with music, then attacked by Hindu extremists

The Tragic Truth About India's Caste System - Reason.com

Giving one or Two links doesn't make the entire thing, its rule thats follow......

a) tell me how many country is Secular which have muslim domination population ? only Turkey which is also in the way of becoming Muslims country? How many know that Malaysia once was Hindu kingdom before it become muslim country? Non why because no Muslims want to tell this to others, why are they afraid of truth? because they don't respect other religion and they dont want other to learn that

B) Kosovo, Dafur (Sudan), Russia, Kenya, J&K are perfect example where Muslims people killed minority Religion people and drove them out from their land Or seek independence territory.

( infront of J&K terror against Hindus , Hindu Towards Christian is just a very small thing)

C) PAK, Malaysia are example of the country where other religion people given 2nd citizen with no right and no Justice even by courts. (Have many links including video)

d) terror and Support, : Many terrorist organization operate in PAK, get funds from PAK and SA, Rallies in favor of OBL, support for Dafurs killers are some of example.

I seriously wish some one should give this guy a tour of history....it be way better if a Pakistani poster will do....

they were told some fancy history in which they were told something imaginary which suits their thinking.

BTW, they tried to destroy history, remember Buddha Statute in Afgan which was standing long before Muslims religion came into existence.

Are you joking? There is no such thing as India. India is just colonial term used by the British!
Even Myanmar was part of British India. Does that make Myanmar Indian? Absolutely not!

Even Winston Churchill famously said India is no more a country than the equator.

We Pakistanis simply got independence form the British. There was no such thing as Partition!

We Pakistanis have more in common in Afghanistan!

Besides every Pakistani is Pro Chinese and Anti-Indian!

The Chinese will exploit this to the maximum extent!

So Chap , when did your Muslims History starts from? which date and Year? Hindu Control the region even before BC where were you muslims that time?
I seriously wish some one should give this guy a tour of history....it be way better if a Pakistani poster will do....

what sort of history tour? by an indian history source? if so i'd rather sick my head in a toilet.
what sort of history tour? by an indian history source? if so i'd rather sick my head in a toilet.

No the real history which you didn't even heard of because of your all scholars don't teach and don't want to other to know it.

History , like how many of you know that Malaysia was once a hindu kingdom ? NON and no where in Muslims country this is told any..... but you cant deny truth or history even if you don't tell you among themselves.
Don't be rediculous! No Pakistanis says we are Arabs. we are the inheritors of the Indus River Valley civilization and we have more in common with Afghanistan!

Check out this picture:

Liaquat Ali Khan and Jinnah with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and Hassan Al Banna in Cairo


We should remove all the Indianess! Now we are closer the Afghanistanis

What about the Durrani's Empire


See what Pakistan intellectual Ahmed Hasan Dani has said:

From his extensive fieldwork and research experience, Dani refuted any influence of South Indian culture on the Indus Valley Civilization.[5] Using a geographic perspective of the socio-political systems and cultural distribution of the Indus Basin and surrounding hinterland, he observed that the Indo-Gangetic Plain did not play any significant role in the development of Indus Valley culture.[8] Nor was there any invasion from the seaside during the Bronze Age, although the coastline facilitated maritime trade. The major influence, according to Dani, came from Central Asia in the west. He asserted that the hilly western borderland that appears as a boundary to the external eye is actually a network of hill plateaus where the local people have always moved freely. He therefore argued that the cultural history of Pakistan is more closely related to Central Asia through Buddhist, Persian and later Sufism influences.[1] He strived to revive this relationship by promoting organizations such as Pak-Central Asia Friendship Association.

Ahmad Hasan Dani - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

ur dumb. pak are not closer with afghani. afghanis are arabs. they are spreading terrorism in our country.
Stop bringing partition topic up again and again, you are happy with India and we are happy with Pakistan, end of the story and discussion
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