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Why Ind creates problem for Pak?

Even India doesnt have balls to fight with China so better we should avoid emotional talk.

As far as India behaving like a big brother well that is again an attitude steming from some complex which India is having currently.

Thats again shows some insecurity otherwise when big tall claims of Indian ahead of Pakistan in military and weapons and nukes, and then coming up crying over even if we get the same or lesser modern equipment. Well thats indeed a cry baby like situation.

That's because Pak is not governed by it's people. Look around and you will know what I mean. Those terrorists groups you have fed for so many years, have turned against you, killing your own people. A change of mindset is needed. My apologies, but I do not see it coming from you.
Even India doesnt have balls to fight with China so better we should avoid emotional talk.

As far as India behaving like a big brother well that is again an attitude steming from some complex which India is having currently.

Thats again shows some insecurity otherwise when big tall claims of Indian ahead of Pakistan in military and weapons and nukes, and then coming up crying over even if we get the same or lesser modern equipment. Well that's indeed a cry baby like situation.

why would India want to attack China? Have they killed innocent Indian citizens? All there is to India-China is border problem that we are again, trying to resolve peacefully on both sides without the use of terrorists killing innocent people. Wrong analogy!!!!

If you think "responsible" sounds like a cry baby then so be it. Its just not us, the whole world is scared of the terrorists taking over not just ur Weapons of Mass Destruction but your regular weapons. Its only natural, India is defending itself as it does not think your country is responsible, add to that history tells us the aggressive posture you guys take aka Kargil..that is when we were supposedly on a table talking!!!! Far more importantly this is what we do..we ask questions..oh wait your still a nascent democracy or are you???
Cry babies vs beggars??? make your choice.

as a side note its a Useless thread!!! been there debated before!!!!
why would India want to attack China? Have they killed innocent Indian citizens? All there is to India-China is border problem that we are again, trying to resolve peacefully on both sides without the use of terrorists killing innocent people. Wrong analogy!!!!

If you think "responsible" sounds like a cry baby then so be it. Its just not us, the whole world is scared of the terrorists taking over not just ur Weapons of Mass Destruction but your regular weapons. Its only natural, India is defending itself as it does not think your country is responsible, add to that history tells us the aggressive posture you guys take aka Kargil..that is when we were supposedly on a table talking!!!! Far more importantly this is what we do..we ask questions..oh wait your still a nascent democracy or are you???
Cry babies vs beggars??? make your choice.

as a side note its a Useless thread!!! been there debated before!!!!

ANOTHER TROLL!!! kargil agression? what was siachen that india did in 1984!!! and come on grow up no one can just walk in and pick up nukes and press a button!!!cuz there is no button! stop scaring yourself! actually carry on scaring yourself we like it that way! kapil dev cried on BBC manmohan and AK ANTONY cried on tv too....so i guess india is a cry baby nation!

now stop derailing this thread
why would India want to attack China? Have they killed innocent Indian citizens? All there is to India-China is border problem that we are again, trying to resolve peacefully on both sides without the use of terrorists killing innocent people. Wrong analogy!!!!
Who is suggesting that India can or will attack China ;)

If you think "responsible" sounds like a cry baby then so be it. Its just not us, the whole world is scared of the terrorists taking over not just ur Weapons of Mass Destruction but your regular weapons. Its only natural, India is defending itself as it does not think your country is responsible, add to that history tells us the aggressive posture you guys take aka Kargil..that is when we were supposedly on a table talking!!!! Far more importantly this is what we do..we ask questions..oh wait your still a nascent democracy or are you???
Cry babies vs beggars??? make your choice.

as a side note its a Useless thread!!! been there debated before!!!!

Thats not reasonable but ages-old hatered against Pakistan by Indians so your govt and leaders every now and then never spare a chance to harm Pakistan.
Yeah... That's why so much US is investing in Phase-1 i.e. Creating dependency.. from Power sector to defense. You will get taste of US just be patient my friend.

Dependency.....LOL!!! Yeah I believe you havent heard of some of India's other close allies, Russia (Defence + NSG), France, (NSG supplier group+ Defence)....Israel(Defence)...UK (Defence).....

With money on our side, do you think the US can dominate us.....Money rules my friend!!!

What India is giving to US other than $$$$. I can see demand and supply :)

Yaar.....I dont have time to teach you basics in Economics....

Fursat mein aa......Manmohan se bhi accha economist bana doonga!!

So you accepted finally that MKI is not best fighter jet, do you really? Look no decision has taken yet but we both know this fact and we both know who announced this deal even before Indian government :agree:

whatever....we can argue when the time comes.....

Opppppppppssss! After signing a nuclear deal with US suddenly India realized that she can held hostage by hands of Pakistan. Why pipeline was named IPI (Iran-Pakistan-India) for which India was part of? Any idea?

It was named Iran Pakistan India pipleline because the countries fall in that order.....
Listen....you can cook up all the conspiracy theories you want.....it wont change reality!!!
India cannot be bullied or dominated in its international policy....mano ya na mano!!!

Because US is sensing ever increasing anti Americanism in Pakistani masses so there might be a need and also how India will move its troops to Afghanistan if required, which is very likely by looking at how desperately US need someone to fight its war.

US really doesnt need you guys....consider what they are doing as a courtesy.....so their reputation is not marred in the international arena.....frankly....if they decide tomorrow, they can level Afghanistan in minutes along with the ISI propped Taliban.....

And frankly they dont need us to be a player in Afghanistan either......

Dont overestimate your importance....lest one day you find out that you were discarded like a used tampon!!

So are you telling me here that US really did put pressure on India to
solve Kashmir... You are really making me laugh now.

Aaj ki taaza khabar boss

Pak wants US to mediate talks with India - India - The Times of India

Arree...what happened.... Did you gorget to cry even after reading word like "Hi-Tech" in my post..

I think one google search on Indian cries over Pakistan getting U-214, F-16....... lol even C-130 would be a good for you.

This is called...small thinking....

The world is moving to 5th generation fighters.....Nuclear submarines....and you're stuck on 4th generation F-16s......U-214's.....
We have the option of buying better F-16s than yours and the F-35......Go figure.....But we wont.....In about 5 years the F-16 will become obsolete with no production....LOL

Be happy boss....Trust me none of us will cry....you can scare the Afghans all you want with your "hi-tech" weaponry.....India is too big a fish to fry for the likes of you.....
so Mr. humblehobbes are you trying to say that it is not the indian that do creat the problem or are you trying to justify it,, it may be my fault that i didnt got your point so can you please explain it again!!

hey guys like i dont have much interest in india an pakistan's issue and always thought india is a neighbour of pakistan so perhaps it have good relations, i dont watch tv much so dont know wats going on.and i stay in kuwait i have lots of indian frnds here.we sit together,eat together.but i watch indian media,how they boast about pakistan realy seems so ignorant.so that wat i wanted to know that who is true indian. my frnds or that media.and as i thought pak and india are neighbbours and having good relations,so why should india create prob for pak in buying those man killing machines..
hey guys like i dont have much interest in india an pakistan's issue and always thought india is a neighbour of pakistan so perhaps it have good relations, i dont watch tv much so dont know wats going on.and i stay in kuwait i have lots of indian frnds here.we sit together,eat together.but i watch indian media,how they boast about pakistan realy seems so ignorant.so that wat i wanted to know that who is true indian. my frnds or that media.and as i thought pak and india are neighbbours and having good relations,so why should india create prob for pak in buying those man killing machines..


To put it simply.....

Its all politics......An average Indian or Pakistani could give a rats ars about RAW...ISI.....espionage....strategic foreign policy...proxy war...etc etc....

Every country is out to secure its own agenda and .....The media tells us how we should think....The media drives public opinion which in turn drives the selection of a political party in the lead for that country (Only in democracy).....
Hence you will notice eg in the US.....certain news channels favor Republicans while others the democrats.....In the case of China with its one party system and controls on the media, the local populace is fed the agenda of the only party.....hence lack of differing opinion.....leading to a one channeled thinking....Im not criticizing one over the other....Just giving you an example of the importance of Media.....

Above is the reason why journalists are given such importance and "free media" is so prized....

On an average, an educated Indian and Pakistani is well aware of propoganda and is able to differentiate between "news" and "credible news".....

I have lived with Pakistani's for a few years in my past.....all excellent people....great human beings and true friends......apart from joking jabs at each other....there is no India-Pak hate.....Pakistani's are the closest in kin to Indians after Indians themselves....afterall we were one not so long ago....

But let me also make one thing clear.....I would not allow anyone....Pakistani, chinese, american etc...to ridicule my country nor would they theirs.....everyone loves their country....but one should have respect for others countries as well....

Apart from that.....Media sensationalising Pakistani aquisitions is just to rile up the public...so we can get better goodies under fear that we need to counter Pakistani weapons.....
And then comes Kashmir...the root of all problems....If India or Pakistan dont object to each others policies, weapons procurement etc....then possibly one could get the upper hand on the other thus putting India or Pak in a vulnerable position wrt Kashmir.....
And so the game continues......
Fursat mein aa......Manmohan se bhi accha economist bana doonga!!

Pehlay khud tau ban ja....:rofl::rofl: Pata hai how many Indian live without a male in day?... They need your expertise more than anyone else. :agree:

whatever....we can argue when the time comes.....
So now you are taking back you argument of choosing Best Fighter Jet? Or now you have confused with which one is best... MKI or F-18?

It was named Iran Pakistan India pipleline because the countries fall in that order.....
Listen....you can cook up all the conspiracy theories you want.....it wont change reality!!!
India cannot be bullied or dominated in its international policy....mano ya na mano!!!

Hahahaha....It can't get any funnier than that. you yourself post one incident where India bow to US pressure when voted against Iran... I posted you second incident which you can't deny... Both times India did what US told it to.... mano ya na mano!!!

US really doesnt need you guys....consider what they are doing as a courtesy.....so their reputation is not marred in the international arena.....frankly....if they decide tomorrow, they can level Afghanistan in minutes along with the ISI propped Taliban.....
UH! Really... Any reason why they are not leveling it ???? I don't see any reason if they are so capable. Listen dude! even if US do this...Afghan will continue to resist just read history.

And frankly they dont need us to be a player in Afghanistan either......
Do you really Check News regularly on internet? Go search for "AfPak doctrine" of Obama administration and check countries included in it.

Oh YEAH!!! and you think I am going to buy trash of TOI... Lol

This is called...small thinking....

The world is moving to 5th generation fighters.....Nuclear submarines....and you're stuck on 4th generation F-16s......U-214's.....
Actually, It is always India to introduce new weapon systems in subcontinent to fulfill its long standing desire of Akhand Bharat... Pakistan always responded the threat. Once demand come every threat would be answered accordingly. Coming to your comments, Now tell me what 5th gen fighter IAF has currently? (Don't come ranting FGFA/PAK-FA here), Nuclear sub doesn't fit in our doctrine.
We have the option of buying better F-16s than yours and the F-35......Go figure.....But we wont.....In about 5 years the F-16 will become obsolete with no production....LOL
Go buy....Pakistan is not gonna make hue and cry like India always do.

Be happy boss....Trust me none of us will cry....you can scare the Afghans all you want with your "hi-tech" weaponry.....India is too big a fish to fry for the likes of you.....

How the hell i can scare some country who was not scared by mighty USA? Actually our Hi-Tech will be more than enough to keep you guys on borders for months and then returning them back without firing a single bullet. ... Fishing India never a aim for Pak it always remain other way around.
Actually, It is always India to introduce new weapon systems in subcontinent to fulfill its long standing desire of Akhand Bharat.

No intention to interrupt in your discussion with Peshwa but can you please tell me what is our long standing desire about Akhand Bharat???? What countries it include...Just Pakistan or bangladesh..nepal...burma etc etc...

I have no problems if you are saying this just to score in the argument but if you really mean it(i have read in few posts by other Pakistani members as well) then please care to elaborate..i might be ignorant but can't think of any incident when we forcefully try to merge any country into india(now please dont give me examples of 1947 - hyderabad blah blah)...i mean lets say for the sake of argument that Pakistan will give india a bloody nose..so india is scared of fulfilling her dream of annexing pakistan...but how about other miniature countries like Bangladesh..Nepal...etc etc...In fact we helped bangladesh liberation ..not sure why we did not annexed it???

As far as this thread goes...that why India creates problems for Pakistan...i am not sure why we need 100 posts(100th being mine) to conclude that we both are not good neighbours and diplomatically we will do whatever we can to keep each other at corner... Now india having a comparatively independent foreign policy....and a projected super power(economically) it needs no brainer to understand her geo-political significance in today's world...Thats the reason we are able to comparatively do more(atleast in our minds) diplomatically than what pakistan can...

Answer me one question honestly...if given a chance won't pak try to deny indian more MKI's or for that matter nuclear deal etc etc...Its not like that PAK say's give india whatever you want to we are brave enough to fight it out...Whatever we get it becomes a headache for our adversary(to get counter measure) and vice versa...Its more of if you object do you have enough weightage to make it happen??? I am not saying india has(dont want ot sound i am flaming) but when developed world see a lucrative market such as india is they obviously would not like to choose pakistan over india but vice-versa cannot be ruled out...

So if all the above is true can anyone please suggest what actually are we debating about???

To put it simply.....

Its all politics......An average Indian or Pakistani could give a rats ars about RAW...ISI.....espionage....strategic foreign policy...proxy war...etc etc....

Every country is out to secure its own agenda and .....The media tells us how we should think....The media drives public opinion which in turn drives the ion of a political party in the lead for that country (Only in democracy).....
Hence you will notice eg in the US.....certain news channels favor Republicans while others the democrats.....In the case of China with its one party system and controls on the media, the local populace is fed the agenda of the only party.....hence lack of differing opinion.....leading to a one channeled thinking....Im not criticizing one over the other....Just giving you an example of the importance of Media.....

Above is the reason why journalists are given such importance and "free media" is so prized....

On an average, an educated Indian and Pakistani is well aware of propoganda and is able to differentiate between "news" and "credible news".....

I have lived with Pakistani's for a few years in my past.....all excellent people....great human beings and true friends......apart from joking jabs at each other....there is no India-Pak hate.....Pakistani's are the closest in kin to Indians after Indians themselves....afterall we were one not so long ago....

But let me also make one thing clear.....I would not allow anyone....Pakistani, chinese, american etc...to ridicule my country nor would they theirs.....everyone loves their country....but one should have respect for others countries as well....

Apart from that.....Media sensationalising Pakistani aquisitions is just to rile up the public...so we can get better goodies under fear that we need to counter Pakistani weapons.....
And then comes Kashmir...the root of all problems....If India or Pakistan dont object to each others policies, weapons procurement etc....then possibly one could get the upper hand on the other thus putting India or Pak in a vulnerable position wrt Kashmir.....
And so the game continues......
see peshwa.like i have not said any wrong thing about india..i have criticsized indian media for their behaviour.see they always want to get some news with which they could bring pakistan in bad shape in front of everybody..see they are becoming a symbol of an embarassment for you ppl,as watever they say we all laugh and just make fun of them.and like i also said that yes i also have indian friends who r excelent ppl with a good sense of humuor...really they all are great..so why still hatred among us..??.

No intention to interrupt in your discussion with Peshwa but can you please tell me what is our long standing desire about Akhand Bharat???? What countries it include...Just Pakistan or bangladesh..nepal...burma etc etc...

You are welcome... It is funny you are asking me about Indian long standing desire. I am not sure about how many countries included in it but it is there since 14 Aug. 1947.

I have no problems if you are saying this just to score in the argument but if you really mean it(i have read in few posts by other Pakistani members as well) then please care to elaborate..i might be ignorant but can't think of any incident when we forcefully try to merge any country into india(now please dont give me examples of 1947 - hyderabad blah blah)...i mean lets say for the sake of argument that Pakistan will give india a bloody nose..so india is scared of fulfilling her dream of annexing pakistan...but how about other miniature countries like Bangladesh..Nepal...etc etc...In fact we helped bangladesh liberation ..not sure why we did not annexed it???

Why not... Capturing of Kashmir by force, Capturing Jona Garh etc. all were part of grand Indian plan to occupy as much land as she can.
Don't include Bangladesh in miniature states actually if a small state of Kashmir can have .7 million armymen you better know what a big country like BD can do if annexed forcefully. Not having ability and not having a desire are two very different things India has latter and trying to get former one.

As far as this thread goes...that why India creates problems for Pakistan...i am not sure why we need 100 posts(100th being mine) to conclude that we both are not good neighbours and diplomatically we will do whatever we can to keep each other at corner... Now india having a comparatively independent foreign policy....and a projected super power(economically) it needs no brainer to understand her geo-political significance in today's world...Thats the reason we are able to comparatively do more(atleast in our minds) diplomatically than what pakistan can...

Nopes.... India adventage is of economics as India is a big market for any manufacturer.I can well imagine the doom's day scenario for India in Afghanistan once US leave Afghanistan. Yeah we both are not good neighbors.

Answer me one question honestly...if given a chance won't pak try to deny indian more MKI's or for that matter nuclear deal etc etc...Its not like that PAK say's give india whatever you want to we are brave enough to fight it out...Whatever we get it becomes a headache for our adversary(to get counter measure) and vice versa...Its more of if you object do you have enough weightage to make it happen??? I am not saying india has(dont want ot sound i am flaming) but when developed world see a lucrative market such as india is they obviously would not like to choose pakistan over india but vice-versa cannot be ruled out...
Issue is not making attempts to deny something to someone.... issue is crying over it as an extensional threat to itself. Yep! we are brave enough to fight out anything comes against us... you are right India is a lucrative market for world.

So if all the above is true can anyone please suggest what actually are we debating about???

No it is not that simple SO...
Oh man

If there were no hostilities between India and Pakistan then South Asia will become more peaceful than Europe More progressive than US and more economical than the whole wide world.

But the Fascist on both side cannot see past the fact that us fighting only empowers others.

I wish someday India and Pakistan have relations like US and Canada.
You are welcome... It is funny you are asking me about Indian long standing desire. I am not sure about how many countries included in it but it is there since 14 Aug. 1947.

No its not funny because it seems like you know about some grand plan of india that me being an indian don't know...anyways seems like you yourself dont know apart from re-iterating the same lines about "Akhand Bharat"...

Why not... Capturing of Kashmir by force, Capturing Jona Garh etc. all were part of grand Indian plan to occupy as much land as she can.

Wow..if india was capturing kashmir by force then what pakistan was doing?? Anyways lets avoid this Kashmir talk for now..

Don't include Bangladesh in miniature states actually if a small state of Kashmir can have .7 million armymen you better know what a big country like BD can do if annexed forcefully. Not having ability and not having a desire are two very different things India has latter and trying to get former one.

Pity that you choose to give me a 62 years old example..Anyways you missed my point...i was trying to make you think that if you look(after removing your biased view) there has been no attempt by india to annex any land from any one...anyways i dont think that any argument can make you see other side of the coin...so you are welcome to have your view...

Nopes.... India adventage is of economics as India is a big market for any manufacturer.I can well imagine the doom's day scenario for India in Afghanistan once US leave Afghanistan. Yeah we both are not good neighbors.
Dooms day for india...hmmm...i must appreciate your far sightedness but may be future will shape a little different..Anyways lets leave it to future...however you missed the point..Unlike pakistan we have a comparatively free foreign policy which is showing its fruit..

Issue is not making attempts to deny something to someone.... issue is crying over it as an extensional threat to itself. Yep! we are brave enough to fight out anything comes against us... you are right India is a lucrative market for world.
Sorry who cries about whom being extensional threat?? Last time i heard its Pakistan that consider india as extensional threat and US is trying hard to pursuade you otherwise...besides what's your point...being an adversary i don't see anything wrong in making any defense procurements difficult for your enemy because in the end they will come to haunt you...then i say if pakistan can she would...point is Pak cant..where do you agree/disagree???
No it is not that simple SO...
honestly it is...if we try to look at it from practical point of view...but then emotions run over...it is as simple..why do i make life of my enemy difficult...answer would be why not...what say??
Oh man

If there were no hostilities between India and Pakistan then South Asia will become more peaceful than Europe More progressive than US and more economical than the whole wide world.

But the Fascist on both side cannot see past the fact that us fighting only empowers others.

I wish someday India and Pakistan have relations like US and Canada.

Both, India and Pakistan have to understand the benefits of having a peaceful and stable neighbor. :angel:

Look the way both countries are diverting their funds to procure more n more n more weapons, instead of using them to develop the country to next level.... :hitwall: :hitwall: :hitwall:

US, China, Russia, France, Israel and other arm suppliers are getting new contracts by each passing day .:agree:

US and France are selling weapons to both the countries :cheesy: like a perfect businessman :sniper: out of them US is doing this on his own terms...
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