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Why Ind creates problem for Pak?

How funny ....jumbo country, one of the top country in poverty list but also day dreaming of becoming a super power....huge numbers in forces.... no comparison with pakistan and yet u find pak land the biggest threat.... it says it all mate..... hehhee

Yeah, right mate. We are the top country in poverty and even though it is Pakistan who is begging the developed countries for money. You got no grain, but for America mate. Don't you get it???
Now that is ur true face.............I am sick of hearing ur so called might....and yet in the battlefield all u do best is ....RUN!!!!11

Oops, I remember when we ran. It was during Kargil when Indian govt. disowned its loyal troops - forget arm support, didnt even provide basic necessities like food for days and many were acknowledged to be "good" taliban (aka Indian Northern Infantry) and left to die.
This is Military Aviation sections how can u come up with this discussion here close this thread....
:) India will remain the cry baby forever no matter even if it boasts about its new honeymoon with US

if India gets aggressive, you say "Big Brother", "3 Times our Size", "We will retaliate with all our might" and silently run to the US

if India is passive you say, "They are 3 times our size, acts like a bossy big brother but does't have the b@lls to fight with us"

If India uses diplomacy, you say "Cry baby"

for everything else you use the "N" word.

PakShaneen Bro, do you watch Television. OK sorry, is there television in the part of Pak that you live? My apologies if you are disconnected to the outside world.

Yeah I do but not Indian media which start yelling ISI,ISI even car of Indian official get a dent in India.

Not one PM gave a joint statement in Egypt. Your joker Rehman Malik, a bunch of lies, lied once again. And also, William Burns did not ask Indians to close consulates in Afghanistan, you can ask your defence.pk think tank for that matter.
Why I must ask think tank of a Pakistani forum when I have Indian sources...Read below "Mr. All Knowing"!
Shri Burns was even more brash. He asked India to close down the Indian Consulate in Jalalabad in Afghanistan because of Pakistani complaint that India is “fomenting trouble” through that Consulate in the North West Frontier Province and Baluchistan? Can India ask the US to tell Pakistan to shift its capital from Islamabad to Karachi because Islamabad is causing trouble in Jammu & Kashmir? Who is Shri Burns to advise us where we should set up our Consulates? The US does not want Iran to equip itself with nuclear weapons, but it is turning a blind eye to what is happening in Pakistan which is expanding its nuclear arsenal by leaps and bounds? And yet America is pouring billions of dollars into Islamabad’s kitty. Pakistan already has 60 nuclear weapons in its arsenal and is working hard to produce more. There is not a word of protest from Washington on the subject.
(When you are going to send them a request to remove this article as Kerala News has done?)
NOW would you accept and please SHUT UP.
Thanks for accepting Rehman Malik as bunch of lies as he was the only one who accepted that Mumbai terrorists travled in a small boat to Mumbai from Karachi dogging mighty blue water navy of India. So you agree that he is liar? Do you??

And sadly, as you said, you do not believe in Indian dossiers given to Pakistan. So what about the people killed in Mumbai? I hope you have no condolences for them too. Expected from a character like you.

I never said a word about people killed in that drama. Pakistan became biggest victim of that saga when officers like Karkary was eliminated. BTW, how many Indian arrested afterwards for logistical help for these attacks if they were from Pakistan.

Mumbai was not a drama, it was a bloodbath. I always try to be decent on my part when I talk in this forum. Let me reply to you this way, "If we want, guys like you will never ever have the courage to be born twice, AND or curse for their life to end".
Don't tell me about what blood bath is ok we face it daily on our soil. BTW, We born just once not twice and course of our life ends only once by will of Almighty not by will of some cow urine drinker.

This is a nice forum, got an aweful lot of sane Pakistanis, so I stop at that. I also feel sad that guys like you exist!!!

Nature always has its own balancing law... until and unless nuts like you roam around here you will often meet with likes of myself.

Chal Shabash ab so ja aram se....:hang2:
Well...if you're suggesting that India will sell itself short to please the Yanks....then you obviously havent met Indians.....We cannot give a bargain not can we live without one.....Remember this about Indo's

Yeah... That's why so much US is investing in Phase-1 i.e. Creating dependency.. from Power sector to defense. You will get taste of US just be patient my friend.

Please explain....I dont understand your logic......

There are 2 benefactors in business....Do I need to explain Demand and Supply....Economics 101 my friend...

What India is giving to US other than $$$$. I can see demand and supply :)

That indicates that India went for the best fighter jet to counter its enemies...and protects its boundries......

I dont see a subliminal message here.....
So you accepted finally that MKI is not best fighter jet, do you really? Look no decision has taken yet but we both know this fact and we both know who announced this deal even before Indian government :agree:

Exclusion!!!...Choose your words carefully mate....lest it become propoganda...

India chose to stay out of the IPI pipeline to prevent it from being held hostage by Pakistan.......I dont see how one can read this any differently....
Opppppppppssss! After signing a nuclear deal with US suddenly India realized that she can held hostage by hands of Pakistan. Why pipeline was named IPI (Iran-Pakistan-India) for which India was part of? Any idea?
Do you think India will give up its ambitions to please the US??.....If that was the case....Explain why the Chahabar port is being built by India,....and no objections from the US???
You're quite delusional my friend.....
Because US is sensing ever increasing anti Americanism in Pakistani masses so there might be a need and also how India will move its troops to Afghanistan if required, which is very likely by looking at how desperately US need someone to fight its war.

Is it your habit to laugh at you own jokes.....please bring me into the merriness....
So are you telling me here that US really did put pressure on India to
solve Kashmir... You are really making me laugh now.

Arre....what happened.....Did you forget to laugh at your joke??

A) China is the East NOT the West
B) Chinese = High Tech.....NOT!!!
C) No money no boom-boom

Arree...what happened.... Did you gorget to cry even after reading word like "Hi-Tech" in my post.

I think one google search on Indian cries over Pakistan getting U-214, F-16....... lol even C-130 would be a good for you.
Oops, didnt realize that! How many times I told RAW to remove the "Made in India" label before giving to our friends - the Taliban

Yeah! We both need some consulting to our intelligence services as I must also tell ISI not to send Pakistani made match boxes, Soap, Shampoo when sending someone in Mumbai:cheers:
I cansee you have shown your true Indian colors by adding your BS statment into my statment and attributed that to me.

what a shame man.

sorry madam actually that was by mistake:undecided: otherwise i had no intensions to put my statement ohhh sorry my BS statement acc. to you in your statement, that was by mistake n i apologize for it.....still kinda new to this forum;) so am working to be lil better on my postings n stuff:D anyways my first comment was kinda bitter right?:cool: but what can i do i just said the truth n truth is always bitter n hard to digest:agree: so thats why u got all mad on me but u know what.....I dont give a shnikey about how u feel or thinks about me:smokin:
OOhhh.....run run the nukes are in terrorist hands. Get a life kid. what happened when USSR lost first afghan war and Kazakhstan had 1400 USSR nukes with it. What happened to them. I wont tell do a little research and then comeback. And please stop watching Indian news channel. It will help you alot.

Thanxs for lil history lesson sir:partay: very proud of ur history memory:pakistan: And for your knowledge i dont watch any indian new channels because I dont get any at my home. To know the reality of Pakistan nobody needs to watch indian news channels actually u dont need to watch any news channels national or international.....pakistan is so world famous that everybody know their reality and truth:D
So kid go and play some gulli danda because it aint gonna do anything better if u still gonna argue and say that pakistan is very safe and has very strong government. So betaji go and save ur country's A** before Uncle Sam cross the western border n blow yall up becuase sooner or later they r gonna bomb da sh*t outta your country and they already have started in your tribal regions.
God save pakistan:pakistan:
Forget asking for proof, they have it and the details are locked up in Islamabad. Ask any Pakistani, they will vouch on it!

Yes you are rioght, thats because certain security analyst who also masters in ecconomy told them so.

Its easy to point fingers than look at ones self.
We both the countries have the same attitude. With the naxalite attack on Rajdhani exp 2 days back, what does that mean?
If we cant take care of our own internal problem why should we ask Pak to take care of 26/11 ?
Yeah I do but not Indian media which start yelling ISI,ISI even car of Indian official get a dent in India.

Why I must ask think tank of a Pakistani forum when I have Indian sources...Read below "Mr. All Knowing"!

Organiser - Content
(When you are going to send them a request to remove this article as Kerala News has done?)
NOW would you accept and please SHUT UP.
Thanks for accepting Rehman Malik as bunch of lies as he was the only one who accepted that Mumbai terrorists travled in a small boat to Mumbai from Karachi dogging mighty blue water navy of India. So you agree that he is liar? Do you??

I never said a word about people killed in that drama. Pakistan became biggest victim of that saga when officers like Karkary was eliminated. BTW, how many Indian arrested afterwards for logistical help for these attacks if they were from Pakistan.

Don't tell me about what blood bath is ok we face it daily on our soil. BTW, We born just once not twice and course of our life ends only once by will of Almighty not by will of some cow urine drinker.

Nature always has its own balancing law... until and unless nuts like you roam around here you will often meet with likes of myself.

Chal Shabash ab so ja aram se....:hang2:

Thank you very much. I stop at that. I'm moving onto some other topic.
lol useless discussion with Indians ...

India and Israel the most BS people in the world... actually dont have gutz to talk face2face thats why using US against pakistan lol cry baby both!
lol useless discussion with Indians ...

India and Israel the most BS people in the world... actually dont have gutz to talk face2face thats why using US against pakistan lol cry baby both!

But don't you think that's a good idea to do. Stay in your chair and control the world.
RD-93,F-16,useless ban for china.......india can't creat much problems
if India gets aggressive, you say "Big Brother", "3 Times our Size", "We will retaliate with all our might" and silently run to the US

if India is passive you say, "They are 3 times our size, acts like a bossy big brother but does't have the b@lls to fight with us"

Even India doesnt have balls to fight with China so better we should avoid emotional talk.

As far as India behaving like a big brother well that is again an attitude steming from some complex which India is having currently.

If India uses diplomacy, you say "Cry baby"

for everything else you use the "N" word.

Thats again shows some insecurity otherwise when big tall claims of Indian ahead of Pakistan in military and weapons and nukes, and then coming up crying over even if we get the same or lesser modern equipment. Well thats indeed a cry baby like situation.
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