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Why doubt that Pakistan is the Leader of the Muslim World?

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To do that, Pakistan will have to come out of the current vicious circle of extremism and western dependence, which will be awesome for the whole region. So yes, I pray with you that Pakistan finds the leaders that can achieve that... :pakistan:

Thanks brother. May take time to find but we can only hope. If you know anyone that fits the bill let me know!

---------- Post added at 01:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:46 PM ----------

we do not have any issue with existence of Pakistan. That is a myth you are living in.

Are you a bit dim young man? You request this thread is closed down then here you are still commenting. If you want it closing down then why are you still on it having your 2 pennies worth. jeeeeeeeez!
Just because what I say hurts you does not mean that I troll, learn to keep personal emotions out of debates kid. Your chest thumping will get you nowhere.

It doesn't hurt me, what does hurt me is that you're wasting precious bandwith on PDF with your useless crap on how bad/backwards Pakistan is in your distorted eyes.

Don't try and call me a kid, if you think that somehow it will demand respect you're wrong, the respect I have for Indian trolls like you is below zero.

Try and add something constructive next time you post here, instead of your usual parasitical nonsense on Pakistan.

I have yet to see one post where you actually try and bring Pakistan and India together on a subject without a one-sided view.

Try and learn to see things both ways, mister "adult".
It doesn't hurt me, what does hurt me is that you're wasting precious bandwith on PDF with your useless crap on how bad/backwards Pakistan is in your distorted eyes.

Don't try and call me a kid, if you think that somehow it will demand respect you're wrong, the respect I have for Indian trolls like you is below zero.

Try and add something constructive next time you post here, instead of your usual parasitical nonsense on Pakistan.

I have yet to see one post where you actually try and bring Pakistan and India together on a subject without a one-sided view.

Try and learn to see things both ways, mister "adult".

blah blah blah blah what do you think that your internet rage post will prove anything, its funny when people cannot debate any longer they start getting personal. Anyways have fun with your rage quest.
To "lead" the Muslim world, Pakistan is not ready nor will it ever be for the foreseeable future. Arab states wield a considerable amount of influence in Pakistan. Especially states like Saudi Arabia , who are practically capable of dictating pakistani foreign policy. The point im trying to make is simply this. Pakistan is a client state to some and subservient to most. This is the reality of the situation. It would take the country decades of growth surpassing those that control it; to even hope to be at par with them. Let alone, being able to dictate terms.

blah blah blah blah what do you think that your internet rage post will prove anything, its funny when people cannot debate any longer they start getting personal. Anyways have fun with your rage quest.

Is the adult replying with "blah blah blah"?

You don't sound very mature now.

Don't talk about getting personal, you went along that line aswell by calling me a kid.
I hope you enjoy being lectured by a "kid".

This is not about debate, this is about your hatemongering anti-Pakistani posts everywhere, it's like a cancer, and i'm confronting you with it. You don't seem to like that.
Pakistan has been looted, plundered, abused and handed over to absolute vultures, but still after 66 years, our spirts are High, and our Youth is vowing to hold on to the integrity of this country...
Obviously its not just the Youth thats been holding it now is it?

There is some special protection enveloping this Country. Our National Anthem ends with it.

BLA has been trying to seperate Balochistan for so long... Within this time, Kurdistan Movement started and now there is free Kurdistan, in Iraq.
Lybian rebels, Iraq under US occupation, Egyption Revolution, Yemen, Somalia, now turkey...

ALl these country's got some instability and now change of game is happening in them..

but Pakistan has been under External War pressures, Internal Terrorist pressures, Internal Lawless ness, Corruption, Political instabilities, economic crunches! Its amazing that despite all of these combined we're still standing...

Any of the aforementioned countries would crumble even if one of these elements was given enough fuel.

Then Why do people still doubt that Pakistan is destined to stay, and hence play a bigger role in the Muslim Ummah!

its not weak that it would get so easily disintegrated...

A Happy news is, that from the day we got Pakistan, till now, the Pakistani occupied Kashmir has increased in territory and Indian Occupied Kashmir has decreased! :pakistan:

Yea right. A country that will collapse in itself if its life support is removed from USA can lead the Muslim world. I like that. All those things you said about your country is a myth. All a bunch of lies to keep you happy.
blah blah blah blah what do you think that your internet rage post will prove anything, its funny when people cannot debate any longer they start getting personal. Anyways have fun with your rage quest.

You know why the rage?

Because the truth bites. ;)
Pakistan needs to have a strong and independent foreign policy if it can dream of leading the muslim world.

Only having Nukes won't help ....
Pakistan needs to have a strong and independent foreign policy if it can dream of leading the muslim world.

Only having Nukes won't help ....

We need leaders not susceptable to bribery and influenced by USA blood money for a start. Need leaders with balls to stand up. I think HAVING nukes is a clear deterent and does put us on the international map. At least no iminent attack will occur knowing Pakistan have the nuclear ability to strike back with such ferocity. So having nukes is better than not having them.
Why doubt that Pakistan is the Leader of the Muslim World?

Because it doesn't even have control over its own country?

What a stupid question. How can you be a leader of 50 plus countries, when you can't even lead your OWN country. I love Pakistani's, I really do, but please having a few nukes doesn't doesn't mean **** when when your people are starving and economy in shambles.
Because it doesn't even have control over its own country?

What a stupid question. How can you be a leader of 50 plus countries, when you can't even lead your OWN country. I love Pakistani's, I really do, but please having a few nukes doesn't doesn't mean **** when when your people are starving and economy in shambles.

Refer to my post I made earlier on page 3 .

You know why the rage?

Because the truth bites. ;)

You should look at your own people, when we post some raw and hard (negative) facts about India.

Truth seems bitter for them aswell. ;)

You obviously missed my point, but it's ok, One troll backing up another, it happens. :)
Yea right. A country that will collapse in itself if its life support is removed from USA can lead the Muslim world. I like that. All those things you said about your country is a myth. All a bunch of lies to keep you happy.

Pakistan has survived in the 90's without US support, when US placed sanctions on Pakistan and Pakistan will survive today without US support.

Worry about your country, is there even a building in Afghanistan. Your country has collapsed a LONG LONG time ago.
Pakistan has survived in the 90's without US support, when US placed sanctions on Pakistan and Pakistan will survive today without US support.

Worry about your country, is there even a building in Afghanistan. Your country has collapsed a LONG LONG time ago.

Not only did we survive as a result of those sanctions we started working on al khalid, jf 17 babur and on the road to self sufficiency in weapon production. thank you america for those sanctions

please can we have some more sanctions please
Though I like Pakistan but what is there to learn from Pakistan? In Economy? In Industrialization? In Education? In keeping peace and integrity? To show or lead the Muslim world?

However, I believe PK has the potential to show the world and be in good position among the Muslims countries in far future along with Indonesian, Malaysia, Turkey or Dubai if it can get rid of this situation? Even being in Middle East Dubai provides more freedom than PK in culture and business/
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