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Why did France allow the tabloid to provoke Muslims?

Freedom of speech does come with added responsibility. What those vulgar french islamophobic bigots did is something that goes against the western stated principle on freedom of speech and also shows their bigotry, hatred and hypocrisy. But whatever happened in paris should not have happened. It will cause more problem for muslims in europe.

provoke muslims??
kinda a shame you gotta tip toe not to upside certain Muslims.
if Muslims made fun of Jesus and Christians would be alright for them to kill the provokers or innocents in general??

be the bigger person and don't fall into the trap of showing that they are right

Jesus (pbuh) like Muhammad (pbuh) was a prophet and messenger of the only true God i.e Allah (swt) . He preached the same message i.e oneness of God and to worship God alone without associating any partners with him, in other words Islam. He was a muslim just like all other prophets. Making fun of him or any other prophets of Islam is blasphemy. Have u ever heard any muslim making fun of jesus (pbuh)?
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provoke muslims??
kinda a shame you gotta tip toe not to upside certain Muslims.
if Muslims made fun of Jesus and Christians would be alright for them to kill the provokers or innocents in general??

be the bigger person and don't fall into the trap of showing that they are right

Have they done that? Don't tell assumptions, see facts no Muslim has ever made fun of Jesus or Christians. Like another person said here in this forum defend this freedom of speech when someone would be insulting your mother or wife.
No, you're the fool if you can think you can outfight the West. A few bearded baboons in the mountains of Afghanistan are not a threat. If the West really wanted to kill the Taliban it could have used tactical nuclear weapons against them and they would have been annihilated. No, you're not a threat. You're a nuisance, a pest, like vermin, like rats and mice. Moslem terrorism is a nuisance to the West but it is hardly going to bring down Western civilisation or destroy countries. You're a pest, not a real threat. I repeat, we don't fear you or piddling threats. You are trifling vermin, and that is all you are.
No one threatened you my european-australian friend. You are the one threatening Muslims in here. Expecting them to surrender to your aggression. You wiped out the aborginals and you are planning to do the same to Muslims.

Like I said if the west is capable of destroying entire Muslim world then they would have already done so.

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the west. Converts to Islam are highest. Our birth-rates are highest. So we already have a reserve army in your countries, if your religious war fantasy comes true.
@Jf Thunder

I urge you to read up on the Triomphant class SSBN.

The missiles it carries.

The number of warheads per missile.

The yield per warhead.

The strike range of the missiles.

And then read up on how many of those France puts to sea patrol. And how many stay at dry dock.

Please stop playing chor polis here. Get serious and debate seriously.
So much of modern technology yet 12 men get killed in the capital in broad daylight. Something to think about for weapon comparing people like yourself.
No one threatened you my european-australian friend. You are the one threatening Muslims in here. Expecting them to surrender to your aggression. You wiped out the aborginals and you are planning to do the same to Muslims.

Like I said if the west is capable of destroying entire Muslim world then they would have already done so.

Islam is the fastest growing religion in the west. Converts to Islam are highest. Our birth-rates are highest. So we already have a reserve army in your countries, if your religious war fantasy comes true.

Not at all. You are the ones boasting that Moslems are going to conquer the world through armed force. I'm merely telling you what will happen if you try. For all your bragging and boasting, you've got nothing.

And actually, Buddhism is the fastest-growing non-Western religion or religious philosophy in the Western World. I suggest you convert to Buddhism. Buddhism is about living in reality and practising self-discipline and self-control and shedding of delusion, all qualities very lacking among deluded Moslems.

Indeed, the teachings of Lord Buddh, the Enlightened One, and of those who followed him are constructive and productive and about the freedom and happiness of the individual and how clear-thinking and secure human beings can constructively contribute to human society, so unlike the teachings of Mohammed which preach killing and the destruction of human life and the enslavement of the individual to the religion he propagated.
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I believe we will witness something similar in our lifetime - a serious fight or conflict in the near future between forces of civilization and those of darkness.

Of course bro. It is coming. More and more I am sure that there is a serious fight coming. Serious as in the US and NATO (with background help from the Russians and Chinese) running roughshod over the entire Middle East.

And when I say roughshod I mean not the gentle treatment Iraq and Afghanistan got. This time there will be few boots on the ground. Borders will be bolstered, large areas will be quarantined, and then the scorched earth campaign will begin.

As I said to our Indian Jihadi brother, the subcontinental Muslims are uniquely placed to take advantage of their Hindu roots and be seen as different and thus protected within the larger Indian umbrella. Both Pakistan (if its sensible enough and self preservant enough) to stay out, as well as Bangladesh. And to an extent large swathes of SE Asian muslims as well, in the rain shadow of the Hindu kingdom. And maybe Iran too looking at the US's new found love for them.

But the Middle East is going to change. Geographically. Politically.
The papers published many of these cartoons as well.

I know your religious burden is far greater ..But that does not mean you can be selective when it comes to a religious discussion ..You can worship you God forever for your personal gain or for your coreligionists ..But you dont have right to demand respect from others ..You should earn it through your good deeds ...If some one mocks your religion then you should pray for his ignorance rather than going for his jugular veign ..Or is he not poorer with that ignorance according to you? The very idea of blood for mocking the religion shows how poor those followers are with their religion
dude, blasphemy is a criminal law at least in Pakistan, that's just like saying you should pray for murderer instead of trying him
At this time when innocent people have been killed, I believe these kind of threads should be banned. Ban the OP too.
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So much of modern technology yet 12 men get killed in the capital in broad daylight. Something to think about for weapon comparing people like yourself.

That's not the point is it?

Am pretty sure more than 12 French would have died of heart attacks or traffic accidents that same day. The killings had shock value, but what did they really achieve.

You want to know what an M45 or better an M51.1 SLBM launched from somewhere in the Aegean sea from a submerged Triomphant class submarine can achieve when it lands in the center of say Riyadh?

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