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Why did France allow the tabloid to provoke Muslims?

What those vulgar french islamophobic bigots did is something that goes against the western stated principle on freedom of speech and also shows their bigotry, hatred and hypocrisy.
People don't have to accept your defition of 'God', therefore it is not Blasphemy.
Excellent logic. The rules of Islam only apply to Moslems, not to nonbelievers in Islam. What is blasphemy to a Moslem is the exercise of his right to free speech to a nonbeliever in Islam.
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No one supports the killings. All Im saying is why do you have to hurt the religious sentiments? Some people may be fine with other's making fun of their religion. Muslims are not. Why is it so hard for you to understand? Its like forcefully feeding a vegetarian meat and expecting him to stay quiet. There are certain lines people must not cross and respect each other's faith.

Government can't control the actions of individual people who have civil rights...thats the way it is in the west.Which part of this u don't understand and what do u want changed?And why would they bother to change their way of life based on what foreigners think,are u changing islam based on what some foreigners think?

I would not use the term unbeliever.

We all believe. We just do not believe in what they believe in.
I would not use the term unbeliever.

We all believe. We just do not believe in what they believe in.
Hmm, that is true. Perhaps nonbeliever would be a better choice of words.

In fact, I have changed it to the qualified nonbeliever in Islam to make it more specific.
Not at all. You are the ones boasting that Moslems are going to conquer the world through armed force. I'm merely telling you what will happen if you try. For all your bragging and boasting, you've got nothing.

And actually, Buddhism is the fastest-growing non-Western religion or religious philosophy in the Western World. I suggest you convert to Buddhism. Buddhism is about living in reality and practising self-discipline and self-control and shedding of delusion, all qualities very lacking among deluded Moslems.

Indeed, the teachings of Lord Buddh, the Enlightened One, and of those who followed him are constructive and productive and about the freedom and happiness of the individual and how clear-thinking and secure human beings can constructively contribute to human society, so unlike the teachings of Mohammed which preach killing and the destruction of human life and the enslavement of the individual to the religion he propagated.
Go through the previous pages. You all were saying that Muslims can be easily conquered and destroyed. In some Muslim countries even a 8 year old knows how to use an AK-47 and a rocket launcher. If you idiots think Muslims will easily conquered then you are mistaken my friend.

A lot of Muslims might die in your fantasy war scenario. But more non-Muslim will die. West will fall the moment war is taken to your land. Your liberals,leftists,feminists and gay majority will piss their pants and surrender. On other hand Muslims are pretty used to bombings and invasions. Just look at how Nato failed in Afghanistan and Iraq. We will emerge victorious one way or the other in the end whether you like it or not.

As for buddhism. Many central and south-east asian countries were Buddhist but they are now Muslims countries.
Has a Muslim made fun of a christian belief or any religion for that matter in something so mainstream? It's pretty simple, we don't make fun of your faith so leave ours alone. If you provoke people in the name of freedom of expression, bad things can happen.

Well said. C-130 , Let this be a warning to u. :butcher:
That's not the point is it?

Am pretty sure more than 12 French would have died of heart attacks or traffic accidents that same day. The killings had shock value, but what did they really achieve.

You want to know what an M45 or better an M51.1 SLBM launched from somewhere in the Aegean sea from a submerged Triomphant class submarine can achieve when it lands in the center of say Riyadh?

Yea it can achieve the rage and anger of 1.6 billion people. There'll be no right and wrong after that. Stop posting other country's pictures just to prove your point which does not make sense. I could post a million pictures of scarier looking weaponry Muslim armies have if it comes to protecting the religion.
because there is a conflict between Christians and Muslims in the recognition of LAST prophets, though coming from same origin (Abraham).
Government can't control the actions of individual people who have civil rights...thats the way it is in the west.Which part of this u don't understand and what do u want changed?And why would they bother to change their way of life based on what foreigners think,are u changing islam based on what some foreigners think?
Why should Muslims accept disrespect in the name of freedom of expression? That too a hypocritical freedom of expression. They did ban some cartoonist over another controversial thing but when it comes to Islam there's no limit to freedom of expression.

People don't have to accept your defition of 'God', therefore it is not Blasphemy.
Its not about accepting its about respecting. People prepare to kill each other over petty matters of respect and pride but can't respect another religion.
Why should Muslims accept disrespect in the name of freedom of expression? That too a hypocritical freedom of expression.
Muslims in middle east should not but muslims living in france should.
Muslims in middle east should not but muslims living in france should.
Then should christians and hindus working in middle east accept disrespect to their religion?
Why should Muslims accept disrespect in the name of freedom of expression? That too a hypocritical freedom of expression. They did ban some cartoonist over another controversial thing but when it comes to Islam there's no limit to freedom of expression.

Its not about accepting its about respecting. People prepare to kill each other over petty matters of respect and pride but can't respect another religion.

People don't have to respect your beliefs either. They have the right to be both indifferent and disresctful to them. Besides who are you to question attacks on 'sacredness'? In 1000 lights mosque in Chennai I saw the following lines
' If God Never had a Consort, how can he ever have a son?' . So you go about attacking the ideas of other relegions like immaculate conception but when it comes to your own religion stress on 'respect'?
Yea it can achieve the rage and anger of 1.6 billion people. There'll be no right and wrong after that. Stop posting other country's pictures just to prove your point which does not make sense. I could post a million pictures of scarier looking weaponry Muslim armies have if it comes to protecting the religion.

Ineffectual rage and anger.

And dude, there is very little scarier on an existential level than a nuclear submarine with 24 MIRV tipped SLBMs.

And no, the Muslim world has exactly zero of them.

The ones you are trying to finger on the other hand have around 18 at last count. And many of them a lot bigger than the Triomphant and Vanguard class subs of the French and the Brits.

So get real.
Then should christians and hindus working in middle east accept disrespect to their religion?
that depends on individual.
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