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why Chinese culture can always absorb other cultures and India not

He was born and growed up in Nepal,as for where he went to teach or study,doesnt change his origin.

Again I see people with no knowledge of religion preaching wrong information...

Please google how he became buddha..He was not born as a Buddha but he became one...
Both Chinese and Indian civilization are great civilizations. There should be respect for one another instead of trying to put one another down. Both Chinese and Indians are guilty of pride.
One thousand years ago Indians and Chinese were not morons as we are of now and this useless thread with dumb contents in the original post should get closed.
Again I see people with no knowledge of religion preaching wrong information...

Please google how he became buddha..He was not born as a Buddha but he became one...

Do I have to care how he became Buddha,he was born and growed up in India,and that doesnt changed China being a Confucian country,his teaching was heavily sinicized before accepting by the Chinese,China reformed this religion,not the other way around.
So your family background include the Aryans that invaded India. Good to know that you are not a pure native Indians, such as Australoids or Dravidians.

How insecure is a 35yo boy who thinks someone leaving over 3000 years in a land is not "native". By that logic, your progeny is not American and a thousand generations from now they will still be chinese (or whatever becomes of that land).
So, Chinese culture is adaptation of Indian Culture who adopted is from cattle grazers and still you claim to be superior!! The simple fact is, Chinese culture is like color of a Chameleon... they have the least respect for their own stuff and the stuffs they are proud of is not entirely theirs.... the pathetic attempt to appease people with "Blue eyes, and fair hair" has no limits so much so that all Chinese I have talked to (on business purpose) have an "international" name which pretty much sound christian.. first have self respect before taunting some non-existent cultural superiority....

Never said anything about cultural superiority; just trying to get the facts straight.

And the 'international' names of which you speak are a tiny minority in China, probably not even 1% of the population, while English is an official language in India.
India can assimilate all invaders except for Islam. Nevertheless Islamic civilization is extremely difficult to assimilate, and China is only partially successful in assimilating them.

Nevertheless, the result of China is more due to the fact that Muslim in China are further away from their heart land. While India sits almost next door to Arabia peninsular.

Nevertheless, China way of assimilation is way better than India. The Dalits and lower caste are the subjugated tribes. The high caste Indians still shitt on them despite that they are assimilated. The Chinese despatch scholar to civilized peripheral tribes. Eventually everyone are sinicized and there is no discrimination.
India can assimilate all invaders except for Islam. Nevertheless Islamic civilization is extremely difficult to assimilate, and China is only partially successful in assimilating them.

Nevertheless, the result of China is more due to the fact that Muslim in China are further away from their heart land. While India sits almost next door to Arabia peninsular.

Nevertheless, China way of assimilation is way better than India. The Dalits and lower caste are the subjugated tribes. The high caste Indians still shitt on them despite that they are assimilated. The Chinese despatch scholar to civilized peripheral tribes. Eventually everyone are sinicized and there is no discrimination.

just look at one basic fact:out of 1.5 billion people,which makes up one fifth of the humanity,93% of them claim that they are Han Chinese.that's how convincing the great success of the Chinese sinicization.
So what? This Indian culture was adopted by you guys from cattle herders from Eastern Europe.
History details the physical features of the Buddhist missionaries. "Blue eyes, and fair hair" does not resemble Indians.

Even Hans are two different races, the Northern Hans and Southern Hans. Aryans are said to have arrived 4000 years ago, when Hans were confined in Zhongyuan region.

The blue eyed people you are referring to got Indianized over the centuries. Yuezhi emperors who ruled India and Afghanistan, all had Indian names and followed Indian culture.
And the 'international' names of which you speak are a tiny minority in China, probably not even 1% of the population, while English is an official language in India.

Chinese themselves use Latin Letters to learn to pronounce Chinese symbols.
Chinese themselves use Latin Letters to learn to pronounce Chinese symbols.

pinyin is a tool,they've been around for only 50 years,they are a very new thing like computers,we dont learn Chinese with pinyin.Chinese language has been around for thousands of years.
pinyin is a tool,they've been around for only 50 years,they are a very new thing like computers,we dont learn Chinese with pinyin.Chinese language has been around for thousands of years.

The Chinese romanization system has revolutionized all facets of communication in China, beginning in 1958 when it was integrated into the curriculum of compulsory education across China as a method for teaching Mandarin.

Zhou Youguang: The Father of Pinyin | The World of Chinese
Even Hans are two different races, the Northern Hans and Southern Hans. Aryans are said to have arrived 4000 years ago, when Hans were confined in Zhongyuan region.

Actually Hans have been shown to be more genetically homogeneous than Europeans. We are definitely not two different races. And what is this of the Indo-Aryans arriving in China? Any basic historian can tell you they never went further than the Tarim basin, or optimistically, as far as Gansu. But a simple genetic analysis will show that Han Chinese today are largely related to each other, no matter where they are found in the country, even more so than Europeans are related to each other.

The blue eyed people you are referring to got Indianized over the centuries

Actually, it's the other way around. The blue-eyed people Indianized the brown-eyed people. They replaced your culture with the current Hinduism based one.

The Yuezhi came afterwards and took upon themselves the Indo-Aryan culture of their genetic relatives that had conquered the subcontinent some 1500 years before. In fact, the original Indo-Aryans could have still been ruling the subcontinent as late as 500 AD.

Chinese themselves use Latin Letters to learn to pronounce Chinese symbols.

Not sure what you mean... Chinese characters are definitely not related to the Latin script...
Even Hans are two different races, the Northern Hans and Southern Hans. Aryans are said to have arrived 4000 years ago, when Hans were confined in Zhongyuan region.

The blue eyed people you are referring to got Indianized over the centuries. Yuezhi emperors who ruled India and Afghanistan, all had Indian names and followed Indian culture.

All Han Chinese have the same halogroup 03, whether northern, southern or overseas chinese. Chinese civilization is our own creation and it spread across all East Asia, even though we do not directly rule places like Japan.

During the time of Yuezhi, there was no India culture so to speak, it was vedic aryan. Hinduism was not fully even established yet. Your so called indian names or culture were all taken from Persia starting from Avestan period.

There is no comparison really. Your civilization was created by foreigner, over the course of history, it was shaped by various foreign elements either by invasion or migration into the subcontinent. Literally, your civilization was a mix and mash. Even your language today, Hindi, was formed during Mughal era with a strong Persian element.
Chinese civilization may be the oldest continuous one in world history, and it has a number of enduring characteristics.

1) The uniqueness and distinctiveness of Chinese civilization is due at least in part to geography. It is location at the eastern end of Eurasia and is bounded by mountains, deserts, and steppes. To the north is Siberia, and to the east is the Pacific Ocean.

2) Further characteristic of Chinese civilization has been its ability to have less civilized invaders who then absorbed Chinese culture and the language rather than the other way around, as was frequently the case in India.

3) Also important was the secular nature of Chinese civilization; it never produced a priestly class that had an important political role.

4) In addition, Chinese culture stresses the social rather than the individual life of human beings, thus emphasizing, as we will see in our discussion of Confucianism, the importance of relations between members of a family or between subject and king.

5) Finally, again as we shall see, the Chinese invented (thousands of years before other nations) a unique and stabilizing institution—a civil service recruited by means of public competitive examinations—that lasted into the twentieth century.

Hence, unlike the discontinuities and fragmentation of Indian civilization, Chinese civilization is characterized by cultural as well as political cohesion and continuity.

Lecture Notes: Early Indian and Chinese Civilizations

the reason why India is so diverse is because of the absorption of various cultures. No comments on Chinese culture because i don't know much.
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