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why Chinese culture can always absorb other cultures and India not

I agree with OP, chinese absorb different culture, right now they are absorbing Korean culture! 'Gangnam Style' Wedding For China's New Rich

"Standing by a French chateau's window, the young bride-to-be glows in the afternoon sun as she gazes into her fiancé's eyes. This Chinese couple's fairy tale moment, however, isn't unfolding at a Bordeaux estate. The 20-something Beijing lawyers and fans of South Korean pop idol Rain are part of a small but growing number of affluent Chinese for whom the craze for all things South Korean means flying to Seoul for the weekend just to have wedding pictures taken. The draw for many of the well-healed Chinese isn't Seoul's ancient palaces or the fiery cuisine. It's an elegant urban style that Chinese increasingly want and which is exemplified by Seoul's tony Gangnam district.

China is the source of one quarter of all tourists to South Korea, and a handful of companies in South Korea'€™s $15 billion wedding industry are wooing an image-conscious slice of the Chinese jet set happy to drop several thousand dollars on a wedding album with a South Korean touch."
You claimed that Sanskrit is the inventions of Europeans. Now prove it. :rofl::rofl: I read that Southern Hans came from outside forcefully integrated as Hans. :cheesy:

Here is your Chinese history in Short.


European Journal of Human Genetics - Abstract of article: A spatial analysis of genetic structure of human populations in China reveals distinct difference between maternal and paternal lineages Han culture paper (2004).pdf

Genetic evidence supports demic diffusion of Han cult... [Nature. 2004] - PubMed - NCBI

How Han are Taiwanese Han? Genetic Inference of Plains Indigenous Ancestry ... - Shu-Juo Chen - Google Books

How Han are Taiwanese Han? Genetic Inference of Plains Indigenous Ancestry ... - Shu-Juo Chen - Google Books

Han dynasty maps



Never said anything about cultural superiority; just trying to get the facts straight.

And the 'international' names of which you speak are a tiny minority in China, probably not even 1% of the population, while English is an official language in India.

Lol... is it not official policy (international name)? you are talking as if English is not at all spoken in China.... those who borrow culture from others should not try to comment on others....

Sanskrit came from Avestan, they both originated from Old Slavic, somewhere near present day Lithuania.

Hahahaha..... and chinese came from swahili....
It didn't originate in Europe. It originated from *Europeans*.

Who created the Indo-Iranian languages? A bunch of cattle herders in Central Asia which share the same genetic ancestry as the PIE people of Eastern Europe. The Indo-Aryan languages are a branch of the Indo-Iranian languages which are a branch of the Indo-European languages.

LOL, so why is it considered to share the same linguistic branch with other Indo-European languages? :omghaha:

All of the Indo-European languages were developed by European people. Vedic Sanskrit is traced to circa 1500 BC. The Indo-Aryans moved into Northern India.... circa 1500 BC.


Sanskrit, and other Indo-Aryan languages, and indeed all Indo-Iranian languages, share common ancestry with the Indo-European languages in Europe, the same one's that were brought there by the Proto-Indo-European people.

Again, coincidence?

No one is in disagreement that Sanskrit is an Indo-European language, and the developers of this language group have there Urheimat in Eastern Europe. And indeed they moved from there into Central Asia, where they diverged into Indo-Iranians, and from there diverged into Iranians and Indo-Aryans, and from there conquered the Iranian plateau and the Indian subcontinent, respectively.

Prove that it originated from European people. :lol:
A wikipedia map, LOL:omghaha: :omghaha:
Small wonder I read so many threads mocking indian's IQ. Seriously, if you don't have the knowledge, at least be smart enough to acquire it before opening your mouth, least making yourself look stupid. A wiki map is only as credible as wikipedia itself LOL. Does it tell you something? Do you even know how many dynasty china have? And its transitional period?

Territory changes through history, we Chinese have our country and identity since 220BC. Compare to india? Don't talk about territory, you don't even have a country of your own until 1947. It took an European foreign invader to create your country 3500 years later, after the first European foreign invader gave you vedic civilization. The indian circus has gone full circle. LOL :omghaha: :omghaha:

I heard many people refer Southern Hans as not the true Hans.:woot: Modern China is the gift of America, who liberated it from Japanese. The last Emperor of China collaborated with Japanese to form Manchukuo.
Indian learn knowledge and information by hear from each other's hearsay,lol,a very unique way indeed.we had a war in Japan and it lasted 10 years or something,we had millions of regular army and Japan at it hight only manage to hold onto less than one third of China,if Japan didnt surrender so fast and we would push them back to Japan and conqured it the same as what happened bw Russians and Germany.we even sent troops fighting outside China and blocked way for Japanese advance towards India,we saved India.
You could improve your IQ a lot by learning history from academic sources rather than hearsay.

I heard many people refer Southern Hans as not the true Hans.:woot:

Unlike in India, where Northern India is ethnically different from southern dravidian Indians, "North-and-South" has no ethnic or racial connotation in China, it's merely geographical.

Modern China is the gift of America, who liberated it from Japanese.

Don't be jealous that you didn't have your own country to fight for during WW2.

The last Emperor of China collaborated with Japanese to form Manchukuo

The last emperor you talked about had abdicated his throne to form the Republic of China. When you don't have a country of your own, it's hard for you to comprehend.
You could improve your IQ a lot by learning history from academic sources rather than hearsay.

Are you claiming Northern Hans and Southern Hans weren't once different races. :woot:

Unlike in India, where Northern India is ethnically different from southern dravidian Indians, "North-and-South" has no ethnic or racial connotation in China, it's merely geographical.

What about the Non-Hans who lived in 60% land area of China sharing no cultural similarity with Han people. :woot:

Don't be jealous that you didn't have your own country to fight for during WW2.

The last emperor you talked about had abdicated his throne to form the Republic of China. When you don't have a country of your own, it's hard for you to comprehend.

Truth hurts but modern China is the gift of allied forces. So sad, you hate your liberators. :cheesy:
Are you claiming Northern Hans and Southern Hans weren't once different races. :woot:
Some tribes adopted Han culture later, but yes, they share the same Halogroup 03, except some minority in Yunnan.

What about the Non-Hans who lived in 60% land area of China sharing no cultural similarity with Han people. :woot:

60% land area? another of your wiki knowledge, LOL. Those people were migrants themselves, read history not hearsay.

Truth hurts but modern China is the gift of allied forces. So sad, you hate your liberators. :cheesy:
Did the allied forces fought on behalf of the Chinese on our own soil? We fought the Japs on our soil, you were fighting on behalf of the Queen of England, you didn;t even have a country. Truth hurts, indeed.
Prove that it originated from European people. :lol:

I just did you illiterate.

All Indo-European languages come from the same people. True or not true?

If true, then such languages descended from the Europeans, or else you are left in the awkward position of having to explain to how it is that Germans, the English, the Swedes, the Italians and almost all other Europeans "stole" these languages from other people. They either created the Indo-European languages or they did not.

One is a fool's opinion. The other is fact.
Stop your nonsense !!

do not bring those CDF fights here :devil:

I donot support Oil_Baron and I have nothing against you., Keep your fights with the oil_baron and those guys in cdf in cdf and donot bring them here.

The reason for my ban is "I called those Kashmiri militants terrorists which infuriated some mods like awesome here. We call them terrorists and Pakistanis call them freedom fighters and India do not abide by what mods say in this regard :tup:


Another sh** thread creating by beijingwalker, who claimed that the ancient Chinese were white, indo european caucasians and that mongoloids came and stole China from them. (Look at the thread about han great wall and see what he posted) Is beijingwalker really Chinese or an Indian troll in disguise trying to create a China bashing thread?

The resident Indian troll @SwatCat is going about the claim that China "hannisized its minorities" (like the banned Indian troll @Srinivas) and @Meesna is having a go at it too.

It was the Central Asian Bukharan Muslim Sayyid Ajjal Shams al-din Omar who brought Chinese language, Confucianism and Chinese culture to minorities in Yunnan and spread Chinese culture to them.


page 12

Page 15

In the Service of the Khan: Eminent Personalities of the Early Mongol-Yüan ... - Google Books

Sayyid Ajall made Yunnan Chinese and helped Sinicize the province.

We also had migrants from central asia and mongolia during that time like the Salar and the Dongxiang. Both practice Islam without hindirance and they continue to speak their own languages after hundreds of years of moving into China.
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