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Why China won't allow a Russian defeat in Ukraine no matter what it takes

Lol this forums got so many truly delusional people who are either paid by their government or just the international equivalent of people who support Trump.

How is Russia even on the same level of conversation as USA/Europe when talking military/economically, Russia is a fucking very poor second world country, and military speaking they are sending their best soldiers to take a tiny irrelevant city against a bunch of what were not that long ago Ukrainian peasants....and they are being massacred.

Russia is a non entity on a global scale, you may aswell compare them against the likes of Latvia or Lithuania, putting them alongside China/USA lol!!!!
And now no sane country will touch russian equipment, it's proved to be trash, and people here commenting NATO are running out of equipment? Lol, Russia fielding 1950s vehicles and weapons is proof they are.

China is loving this situation, they haven't had to do anything and they have got a weakened in terms of equipment but probably not what they wanted a significantly more unified NATO...but they have also got a weakened Russia who will bend over, Xi will tower over Putin and get whatever he wants from him, the start of reclamation of stolen lands, Russia's number one past time! (Russia is still essentially a fucking empire, look how many republics they have yet anti imperialists still love them because **** the USA right?).

China and the west is fine, we are both the significant trading partners and any talk that goes on with Russia is purely just standard protocol.

The thing also to keep in mind is that Ukraine is not on the other side of the planet from them. Its literally a few hundred miles from Moscow. If they can't even get decent equipment there then what's their excuse as to where the hell it is and what's the deal with their military??
@Hamartia Antidote
You are forgetting something really crucial, when this war is over Russia will have gained an immense amount of experience and refined its military(and military industry) a lot more than if they had fought NATO how their army was standing Feb 2022.
Unless someone takes Russia 10k hydrogen nukes. Russia will always have the option to turn the West into a parking lot and the West will always live in fear. aka living rent free.

And the West can turn Russia into a parking lot. Or did you forget that little detail?

Russians want to live as much as westerners do, and so they're in no hurry to end their own civilization.
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A negotiated settlement is a Russian loss.
Ukraine war is a gift of USA to China.

China is the most benefited country from Ukraine war.
No, its the US benefited the most, look now it has very hard gripe on EU through NATO, it now has the tight control of the West. It has isolated Russia and China to some degree. Also, US sells lots of weapons to Europeans becos of thd war.
Unless someone takes Russia 10k hydrogen nukes. Russia will always have the option to turn the West into a parking lot and the West will always live in fear. aka living rent free.
yeah the 10k American nukes are for show :enjoy:

No, its the US benefited the most, look now it has very hard gripe on EU through NATO, it now has the tight control of the West. It has isolated Russia and China to some degree. Also, US sells lots of weapons to Europeans becos of thd war.
who started the war ?

@Hamartia Antidote
You are forgetting something really crucial, when this war is over Russia will have gained an immense amount of experience and refined its military(and military industry) a lot more than if they had fought NATO how their army was standing Feb 2022.

How does the immense experience fighting Ukraine have a bearing on a showdown with NATO ? For starters NATO has 3000 F-22/F-35/Rafale/F-15/F-16/Typhoons combat aircraft
This war will just stretch on indefinitely
@Hamartia Antidote
You are forgetting something really crucial, when this war is over Russia will have gained an immense amount of experience and refined its military(and military industry) a lot more than if they had fought NATO how their army was standing Feb 2022.

The main problem for the Russians is their weapons sourced Western chips and other semiconductors. They can potentially use Chinese chipsets, etc., but the quality and the effectiveness of this conflict's weapon weren’t good PR.

On top of the Russian economy, after this is over, it will be in no shape or form to rebuild. Just remember, after USSR, their forces deteriorated, and before this conflict, they weren’t in any better shape.

Then you have the issue of corruption that seems to have caused another set of problems. Many units were not functional because money wasn’t applied properly.

Their strategy and tactics are another story altogether.

As for the experience, they’ve not gained anything as their officers and soldiers were dying in large numbers and units being wiped out. There’s nothing they can take back and teach the next batch of recruits.

The Russians, with their rich military history, are done and dusted for good and will be nothing but a vassal state for the Chinese.
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yeah the 10k American nukes are for show :enjoy:

who started the war ?

How does the immense experience fighting Ukraine have a bearing on a showdown with NATO ? For starters NATO has 3000 F-22/F-35/Rafale/F-15/F-16/Typhoons combat aircraft
You know who instigated the war, who is the original culprit.
And the West can turn Russia into a parking lot.
So the worst case scenario would be Russia and the west disappear from this world at same time.
Nations have some characteristics that remain constant over centuries. One of the characteristics of Russians is that they’ll keep fighting no matter how many millions of soldiers they lose. In WW2 the Germans would decimate a Russian army of a million and they would turn around raise another one. They keep fighting till they win.

Napoleon was doing quite well until he decided to invade Russia. He went in with around 600,000+ soldiers and returned with a few dozen.

Same with Herr Hitler. He had conquered Europe and then decided to conquer Russia. We know what happened. He had to shoot himself to save himself from being taken prisoner by Russian soldiers.

I wonder if anyone bothered watching Putin’s recent 2-hr speech. He said repeatedly that a loss in Ukraine would be a strategic disaster. The deranged maniacs in the West promoting the Ukraine war don’t seem to understand that Russia would rather have a full nuclear war than accept defeat. For them it’s a matter of life and death while for the US/EU strategists it’s just a game.
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If Russia is defeated in Ukraine this will embolden the Americans to fortify countries bordering China just like east europe because they will have alot of momentum at that point and will try to repeat same formula there. The Americans will deploy big time to the chinese borders such as in South Korea, Japan, Guam and even Taiwan.

Hence why China can't allow a Putin defeat in Ukraine and one of my predictions is that the conflict will drag on for few more years where the Russians will gain the upper hand and Also Iran will get more involved with unsanctioned militias from next year and embedded into Wagner group and they will do it secretly with deniability but people will know despite Iran denying it.

China open the door for Iran to focus solely on Ukraine and aid Russia in avoiding stragetic defeat which could have later on bad consequences for the chinese.

But in any case the Russians will rally and gain the victory because giving the US a stragetic defeat is atmost important and critical for the interests of China and Russia.

Why the Iranians will have no other option but to throw everything into this is because they are NEXT if the US gains victory here hence they will throw cannon fodders in hope of delaying or avoid all together Ukrainian victory/West victory
I hope Chinese are not stupid enough to link the fate of China with the fate of Russia.
But who knows, Xi jinping is now the king of China, he has nothing to fear. He will link the fate of China to the fate of Cuba, Nigeria, too.
I hope this is real

And bring that war USA NATO fostering in Ukraine to an end

https://****/thearcangel/36085 💪💪💪🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳👏👏👏👍👍👍

https://halturnerradioshow.com/inde...icially-arm-russia-if-kiev-refuses-peace-plan. 💪💪💪🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳👏👏👏👏👍👍👍BREAKING NEWS: CHINA TO OFFICIALLY ARM RUSSIA IF KIEV REFUSES PEACE PLAN
21 MARCH 2023
HITS: 30807

China will officially join Iran to arm Russia, "if Kyiv does not accept the Chinese peace plan."

That is the information coming directly from the China delegation accompanying President Xi Jinping during his ongoing state visit to Russia.

Xi is expected to call Ukraine President Zelensky later this week; perhaps FROM MOSCOW during Xi's state visit!

Washington's response was like lightning: The Free World officially rejects China peace plan for Ukraine: "China's ceasefire initiative is an attempt to give Russia time to launch a new offensive." - The White House. ==========================================================================================

I bet China 24/7 and overtime ramping up production of Firedragons and drones and more in readiness to send to Russia and in preparation for Reunion with Taiwan. 💪💪💪🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳

Putin must get and use this to. Denazified demilitarised Ukraine 😆😆😆🙏🙏p🙏https://eurasiantimes.com/chinas-tb-001-twin-tailed-scorpion-combat-uav-spotted/ 🥁🥁🥁

China’s Tengoen TB-001 drone was photographed recently carrying a full load of air-to-ground munitions of missiles and bombs, indicating the force-multiplier effect the Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle (UCAV) can have on the battlefield. The photo of the drone was shared over multiple social media and Twitter accounts, which showed the drone carrying twelve AGM ordnance – five each on each wing and two air-to-surface missiles on launcher racks on the underside. 🥁🥁🥁Bomber Drone!

The TB-001, often known as the ‘twin-tailed scorpion,’ was developed by the Sichuan-based Tengoen Technology. Distinguished by its twin-tail booms and first launched in September 2017, it has a range of about 6,000-8,000 kilometers and a maximum flight time of 35 hours.


It has a maximum take-off weight (MTOW) of over 3,000 kg and a service ceiling of 32808 feet. It also has an unusually positioned three-propeller configuration, with one on each wing and the other a push-propeller at the end of the main fuselage.

This flight altitude is higher than the effective interception range of the short-range surface-to-air missiles, improving the operational safety of the UCAV. 0000000000000000000000.

Delivery of Firedragons (300km range CEP 1m)


and Chinese suicide drones by the hundreds of boxes

Get thousands and tens of thousands of Chinese FH-901 suicide drones.
Get a hundred boxes to start with

FH-901 carry 10 times the bang of Switchblade, much longer loitering time and can carry out swarming attacks.

That will make Murican Switchblade look like a switchblade brought to a machine gun fight.

Zelensky and rest of NATO gangsters will crawl 3 times around Red Square and beg forgiveness
Especially as after de nazification of Ukraine, Russia move to denazified NATO as well.

China unveils its own 'switchblade' suicide drone
China has launched its own switchblade cruise missile, what's so magical about the Feihong-901? [Time and frequency of strong national defense] Welcome to subscribe to leave a message.

Powerful defense time and frequency, bringing you the latest, most unique and in-depth news information, committed to creating the hottest and most cutting-edge military news! Overview of global military information, inventory of the latest weapons at home and abroad China launches its own "Switchblade" suicide drone, what's so magical about the Feihong 901? == 🥁🥁🥁
A negotiated settlement is a Russian loss.
I think if Russia keeps dombas, crimea and gets guarantee Ukraine won't join Nato they will see it as a victory. Any less would be seen as a defeat.
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