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Why are we so backward?

For God's sake, in the last 1400 years, were the Umayyads, Abbasids, Rashiduns, Ottomans etc. "backward" at their time? No, they were the superpowers of that time. And remember, Islam started from Nothing - only one man for whom God made his messenger. From that barbaric pre-Islamic Arab society.

Rather than attacking Islam, realize that most Islamic countries are backward because they do not follow what the Quran tells them to. They misinterpret and mis-translate Quranic verses to 'prove' women must cover head to toe, cannot work, cannot go to school... endless. Secularism, religious tolerance, intelligence, science, technology, progress, wealth,education, women's rights, democracy etc. are things which are encouraged in the Quran. Alas! only if they stopped listening to these Mullahs and read the Quran themselves!
How does this happen? and what is your suggestion to prevent it from happening?

And We have indeed made the Qur'an easy to understand and remember: then is there any that will receive admonition? 54:17

No need to resort to religious mullahs to understand the quran. Reading the quran yourself and understand on your own will prevent this from happening. Quran is intended to be easy to understand, God has himself said it. No need to take interpretations from Mullahs.
And We have indeed made the Qur'an easy to understand and remember: then is there any that will receive admonition? 54:17

No need to resort to religious mullahs to understand the quran. Reading the quran yourself and understand on your own will prevent this from happening. Quran is intended to be easy to understand, God has himself said it. No need to take interpretations from Mullahs.

Yes, I read alot on Quran myself, it is beautiful and clear understanding. Mullahs are something else. On topic, Pakistan prefer to live in weak backward third world country instead hard-working advance wise country.
And We have indeed made the Qur'an easy to understand and remember: then is there any that will receive admonition? 54:17

No need to resort to religious mullahs to understand the quran. Reading the quran yourself and understand on your own will prevent this from happening. Quran is intended to be easy to understand, God has himself said it. No need to take interpretations from Mullahs.

if you dont take from mullah then from whom? i am sure the mullah no matter how stupid, will know more than the average person.

Yes, I read alot on Quran myself, it is beautiful and clear understanding. Mullahs are something else. On topic, Pakistan prefer to live in weak backward third world country instead hard-working advance wise country.

but then the question is: where does the differences come from? why are there different interpretations? different madhabs and so on?
if you dont take from mullah then from whom? i am sure the mullah no matter how stupid, will know more than the average person.

This is the reason for 'backwardness'.

Who are you to say Mullah will know more when God himself declares that the Quran is "easy to understand" for everyone?

And We have indeed made the Qur'an easy to understand and remember: then is there any that will receive admonition? 54:17
This is the reason for 'backwardness'.

Who are you to say Mullah will know more when God himself declares that the Quran is "easy to understand" for everyone?

And We have indeed made the Qur'an easy to understand and remember: then is there any that will receive admonition? 54:17

if you are suggesting a self taught method, i am afraid that will not be very successful. i ask the question again, where does the differnces come from if what you say is that easy?
if you are suggesting a self taught method, i am afraid that will not be very successful. i ask the question again, where does the differnces come from if what you say is that easy?

Differences come because one Mullah gives X interpretation, gathers A no. of followers. Another Mullah gives Y interpretation and gathers B no. of followers. Eventually clashes occur between them. This divides muslims and weakens them. Actually, majordifferences are in Hadiths, not concerning Quran. If everybody concentrated on Quran instead of hadiths we wouldn't be so backward.

If God says Quran should be self-taught as it is easy to understand, who are we to say it would not be successful? Surely, God knows better and what he suggested is the best way, regardless of what anyone thinks.
This is the reason for 'backwardness'.

Who are you to say Mullah will know more when God himself declares that the Quran is "easy to understand" for everyone?

Dude I agree with what you are saying but layman cannot comprehend Quran without someone who is expert of Arabic lanaguges and give him basic knowledge of Arabic and translate Quran from Arabic to his mother tongue and explain tafsir and historical context of different verses and Hadiths so we cannot deny the importance of scholars but i agree we should stay away from so called scholars who are ignorant themselves
i ask the question again, where does the differnces come from if what you say is that easy?

Differences existed in past and will remain exist in future because you will always have someone who will disagree with your opinions/ideas/interpretations or will have different perspective about different issues.

Differences exist not only in religion but in politics and in everything and even many atheists have difference of opinions although they dont believe in any God
Dude I agree with what you are saying but layman cannot comprehend Quran without someone who is expert of Arabic lanaguges and give him basic knowledge of Arabic and translate Quran from Arabic to his mother tongue and explain tafsir and historical context of different verses and Hadiths so we cannot deny the importance of scholars but i agree we should stay away from so called scholars who are ignorant themselves

What you proposed is conflicting in its nature... You said you need "rightful scholars" to understand but Quran says "understanding the book is easy"? Isn't that conflicting? If Quran is "easy", why do we need scholars? Islamic teaching is against any priesthood. I can also bring several other verses supporting this.

There is another dimension, you differentiated 'rightful' scholars with 'ignorant". What is ignorant for you might be "rightful" for others. Isn't it better if we just accept that Quran is indeed "easy to understand" and no "rightful" or "ignorant" scholar is necessary therefore?

Quran is translated to every language, which are easy to understand. I'm sure there is pakistani language version as well.
What you proposed is conflicting in its nature... You said you need "rightful scholars" to understand but Quran says "understanding the book is easy"?
Its not conflicting. Quran or its teachings is not complicated ones although you need to understand the context of some verses to understand it properly as we cannot take everything literally but to understand the teaching you need to understand the language of Arabic as non Arabic peoples cannot understand quran without any translation and you rely on those scholars who translate Arabic quran in Urdu or English translations.

Pakistani/Urdu version of Quran/Hadiths is there because of some scholars who translated it from orginal Arabic language but then there are plenty of muslims who cannot read or write Urdu in Pakistan so how they should learn teaching of Quran?

I said rightful scholars because there are peoples who don't even know the basic of islam and claim to be scholars. These so called schoilars or mullah never spent enough time in learning and research to gain knowledge to qualify the criteria of becoming scholars and most of them dont even have good knowledge of Arabic
Its not conflicting. Quran or its teachings is not complicated ones although you need to understand the context of some verses to understand it properly as we cannot take everything literally but to understand the teaching you need to understand the language of Arabic as non Arabic peoples cannot understand quran without any translation and you rely on those scholars who translate Arabic quran in Urdu or English translations.

Pakistani/Urdu version of Quran/Hadiths is there because of some scholars who translated it from orginal Arabic language but then there are plenty of muslims who cannot read or write Urdu in Pakistan so how they should learn teaching of Quran?

I said rightful scholars because there are peoples who don't even know the basic of islam and claim to be scholars. These so called schoilars or mullah never spent enough time in learning and research to gain knowledge to qualify the criteria of becoming scholars and most of them dont even have good knowledge of Arabic

Yes, Quran is not complex if you read it like you would any simple literature. At least, I find that so. Sometimes it is necessary to look at the conditions in which certain verses were revealed to understand their context. But that is all.

As far as scholars, for those who cannot read or write, it may be their only way to acquire knowledge about islam. But for those who can, we should stop following any scholar and read/understand the quran ourself.
Yes, Quran is not complex if you read it like you would any simple literature. At least, I find that so. Sometimes it is necessary to look at the conditions in which certain verses were revealed to understand their context. But that is all.

As far as scholars, for those who cannot read or write, it may be their only way to acquire knowledge about islam. But for those who can, we should stop following any scholar and read/understand the quran ourself.

Yes i agree with you but problem is different words of Arabic have different or multiple meaning..for example many peoples take verse 5:51 of Quran out of context to claim that Islam don't allow Muslims to take Jews and Christians as friend. Now the Arabic word "Awliyaa" was used in that verse which has different literal meanings for example Allies, Friends, Guardians/protectors, alliances etc. Its very easy for someone who is not well literate in Arabic to give totally different meanings to this verse and same is the case with different verses deal with topic of jihad or holy war or apostasy. If you just take their literal meaning without actual context then you will completely lost
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