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Who Says North Korea Is Bluffing?

So tell me something anon, what gives the United States the god given right to stay back in Korea? Your country stayed back, while all the other countries you had come with had gone back. Why is the USA still in Korea?

Did you any day try to take a measuring tape and stop to think for a moment if the nose of the United States goes around the world how many times?

because south koreans want them there, my south korean friend said SK is waiting for NK to either collapse and if a war broke out SK badly needs the US's support, even if their army is superior in just about everything
The US uses democracy, human rights and freedom of speech etc as excuses and shields for bombing others.

And the brainwashed actually buy and swallow the story. :omghaha:

The US has never ever been democratic in international relations。

This is far bigger a sin than simply “sucking dry” your own people。

Grow up, when conducting international relations, each country should act for its own interest. I'm sure that China does the same. And this is one that that almost all Americans would agree with is that the government place the interest of America above all else.
You seem to forget that the US is THE dictator of the world。

If you dare not behave in the interests of the US,you are dead。

Has the US ever been democratic when it comes to matters that concern the world?

It is an international bully。It sets the laws and the rules and people like you follow them like a heard。:omghaha:

Very well said. The US lied about Iraq and WMD just to invade for the oil. Same for Afghanistan then they claimed they killed Bin Laden who is probably a sheep herder in the mountains with a different name... especially as they didnt show his body or anything.

People are fools they believe anything without seeing it this is why con artists are out and robbing money off people you buy worthless or non existent sh!t - if you do that then you will definately believe the crap you are told by your "leaders" lmao.
The indicators coming from NK are not the kind that could be ignored or taken lightly.

This man may not have the skills and abilities of Napoleon or Hitler but the potential for serious damage is very high.

Every war has its price tag.
Double post

because south koreans want them there, my south korean friend said SK is waiting for NK to either collapse and if a war broke out SK badly needs the US's support, even if their army is superior in just about everything

Really? What are the US doing in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya etc, etc, etc....
Did someone ask them go be there? Oh wait, Osama Bin and his buddies crashed into our WTC. Iraq has WMD. Wow... Now SK wants them, lmao. US is everywhere, don't BS yourself. Wake up!!!!
You seem to forget that the US is THE dictator of the world。

If you dare not behave in the interests of the US,you are dead。

Has the US ever been democratic when it comes to matters that concern the world?

It is an international bully。It sets the laws and the rules and people like you follow them like a heard。:omghaha:

Haha... very true.
There is an American saying which characterizes that so well, "it is either my way or the highway”. Or you're a terrorist. "If you're not with us, then you're against us" We shall then brand you as a rogue state or terrorist, and the rest is history.
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