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Who Says North Korea Is Bluffing?

This is funny and so typical of all dictators who blame what the do on others.

What has the US done since 1950 that merits NK to starve its ppl and cut them off from the world ?

You seem to forget that the US is THE dictator of the world。

If you dare not behave in the interests of the US,you are dead。

Has the US ever been democratic when it comes to matters that concern the world?

It is an international bully。It sets the laws and the rules and people like you follow them like a heard。:omghaha:
The US uses democracy, human rights and freedom of speech etc as excuses and shields for bombing others.

And the brainwashed actually buy and swallow the story. :omghaha:

The US has never ever been democratic in international relations。

This is far bigger a sin than simply “sucking dry” your own people。
If any of the sides genuinely wanted a war, they could have started it anytime. It's not hard to start a war, if that is their actual goal. Just mobilize and go.

As of now, it's all bluster and posturing.

That could change in the future of course, but personally I feel this game of diplomatic posturing will continue, since none of the sides are willing to accept the casualites of such a war.

Not sure of the part highlighted above.

It could apply to DPRK for sure.

Why would ROK / US want to ' start' the war ? If they did they would have when Kim shelled S Korea. The fact that the Kaesong Industrial Park is still operative says something.

In my opinion the US & allies will wait till a grave and unacceptable transgression is made by DPRK which will justify the actions that follow.

You seem to forget that the US is THE dictator of the world。

If you dare not behave in the interests of the US,you are dead。

Has the US ever been democratic when it comes to matters that concern the world?

It is an international bully。It sets the laws and the rules and people like you follow them like a heard。:omghaha:

What does this have to do with North shelling South or North cutting off itself from the world or stifling the voice of its people ?

What the US does is its problem - similarly N Korea is accountable for what it does. As things stand today, it is threatening peace in the region by its actions.
I'm not sure about the word "allowing".

A lot of people say, well China supplies the majority of food and electricity to North Korea, why don't we just cut them off?

But what will happen then? The entire population will starve, and millions of North Korean refugees will stream over the Chinese border creating a big crisis for us.

So we can't cut them off. Can we invade them? Probably, given what happened in the Korean War.

But the truth is that I don't want even one single Chinese person to die on behalf of North Korea. Hell, I don't even want one single piece of Chinese property to get damaged on behalf of North Korea, as uncharitable as that might sound. We have enough of our own problems, they need to learn to take care of their own.

Guess why China is building J-16?
i hope hes bluffing,
i dont want to enlist or be drafted.
NK has become an albatross around the neck of its own patrons.

And a nuisance for everyone else. It is amazing really that this farce has gone on for decades.
Don't know if it is a bluff or not, but here is a threat assessment by US and Russia on North Korea in 2010.

Interestingly the Russian prediction seems to have come true.

North Korea:

¶10. (S) Zudin made the following points with regard to the
DPRK's missile program:

--Over the last two decades North Korea has paid increased
attention to developing and producing ballistic missiles and

--The DPRK has commissioned the production of liquid
propellant missiles such as Scud Bs and Cs (which North Korea
calls the Hwasong 5 and 6), the No Dong I, the short-range
KN-02, and the "Luna-M" tactical missile, plus solid
propellant battlefield and tactical rockets.

--The core of North Korea's missile capability is missile
technology from the 1960s.

--The potentially outdated No Dong-1, with a range of
1,000-1,300 km and a reentry vehicle of one ton, is the most
advanced missile commissioned by the North Korean military.

--In Russia's assessment, only the KN-02, with a range of
less than 100 km, is relatively modern.

--Since early in the 1990s, North Korea has slowly developed
missiles of the Taepo Dong class.

--Russia estimates that the Taepo Dong-1 (TD-1) was a
prototype two-stage liquid propellant missile with a
2,000-2,500 km range.

--The TD-I first stage used a No Dong-1 engine, and the
second stage used a Scud engine.

--The only flight test of the TD-I was conducted on August
31, 1998, during which the DPRK practiced separation of
missile stages. North Korea declared this test to be an SLV

--The Taepo Dong-2 (TD-2) MRBM is a two-stage liquid
propellant missile with a range of 3,500-6,000 km, depending
on the weight of the warhead.

--A July 5, 2006 test launch of the TD-II failed as the
missile exploded 40 seconds into flight.

--Russia estimates that North Korea tested elements of the
Taepo Dong-2 with its April 5, 2009 SLV launch.

--Russia believes North Korea has demonstrated a certain
level of progress in the missile area by creating a first
stage engine with a thrust of 100 tons.

--North Korea conducted tests of nuclear devices on October
9, 2006 and May 26, 2009. However, it remains unproven
whether North Korea can make a nuclear warhead of the size
and weight that would allow it to be carried by a ballistic

¶11. (S) Zudin said that in Russia's view, the widespread
claims about North Korea's achievements in the missile area
are dubious. In particular, Russia notes that it is claimed
that North Korea has a new missile based on the Soviet R-27
(NOTE: SS-N-6. END NOTE) submarine-launched ballistic
missile (SLBM) that is capable of reaching ranges of
2,400-4,000 km. However, the many published reports
regarding this missile, which is known as the BM-25, contain
claims that are made without reference to any reliable
sources. Moreover, Zudin said, the fact is that there have
been no successful tests of this missile in either North
Korea or Iran. Russia also is unaware that this missile has
ever been seen. There are claims that 19 of these missiles
were shipped to Iran in 2005, but there is no evidence for
this and concealment of such a transfer would be impossible.

¶12. (S) Zudin said Russia believes the real missile potential
of North Korea is an impressive arsenal of outdated missiles
with ranges no greater than 1,300 km and that are only a
threat to countries in the region that North Korea considers
to be enemies. Russia estimates that in the years to come
North Korea will devote considerable effort to improving and
perfecting its SLV. To this end, it will use the launch
facility near the community of Tongchang-Dong (NOTE: Known to
the U.S. as the Yunsong facility. END NOTE). Russia
assesses that North Korean development of long-range
ballistic missiles based on SLVs is possible in principle,
but perfection will take years. The prospects for North
Korea developing a combat operational system from such a
process is not likely due to the inability to conduct
concealed preparations for launch and the long preparation

¶13. (S) Summing up, Zudin said Iran's and North Korea's
missile programs can be characterized as follows: the only
real successes are liquid propellant intermediate range
missiles with ranges of 1,300 km, and both countries would
face real technical difficulties in trying to make additional
advances to increase the range of their systems.

Cable reference id: #10STATE17263
The US is the menace here,not the NK。

If US troops pack up today and leave the Peninsula,NK will immediately abandon nuclear weapons。

The continuing presence of US armed forces in this part of the world is the root cause of all troubles involving the two Koreas。

I noticed you mentioned nothing about If US troops baked up today and left the peninsula that North Korea would cease its threats against South Korea and Japan.

Nor do I see you provide any proof that North Korea would do any of what you say... are we just supposed to believe you? do you advise Kim Jong Un?:rolleyes:

Those US forces came to the peninsula in response to North Korea's hostile invasion of the South, and the war between the Koreas never actually technically ended, look up the definition of ceasefire, and then look again at all the attacks North Korea has carried out against South Korea and Japan over the decades.

You obviously have no clue on what actions have taken place from before the Korean war to today, why don't you educate yourself?:whistle:
The US is the menace here,not the NK。

If US troops pack up today and leave the Peninsula,NK will immediately abandon nuclear weapons。

The continuing presence of US armed forces in this part of the world is the root cause of all troubles involving the two Koreas。
You got that straight from fatso himself? :lol:

...why don't you educate yourself?:whistle:
He cannot. All his education came from whatever his shift stupor-visor doles out at the beginning of the work day.
The OP is saying the country with most to loose is China, because US will come closer!! Is South Korea enjoying the tensions on a beach?!

I think this Kim guy is serious. SK should be prepared. Given the divine aura North Koreans create around their leader, may be he fell for this vanity and wants to attack SK and US now.
I noticed you mentioned nothing about If US troops baked up today and left the peninsula that North Korea would cease its threats against South Korea and Japan.

Nor do I see you provide any proof that North Korea would do any of what you say... are we just supposed to believe you? do you advise Kim Jong Un?:rolleyes:

Those US forces came to the peninsula in response to North Korea's hostile invasion of the South, and the war between the Koreas never actually technically ended, look up the definition of ceasefire, and then look again at all the attacks North Korea has carried out against South Korea and Japan over the decades.

You obviously have no clue on what actions have taken place from before the Korean war to today, why don't you educate yourself?:whistle:

So tell me something anon, what gives the United States the god given right to stay back in Korea? Your country stayed back, while all the other countries you had come with had gone back. Why is the USA still in Korea?

Did you any day try to take a measuring tape and stop to think for a moment if the nose of the United States goes around the world how many times?
If US troops pack up today and leave the Peninsula,NK will immediately abandon nuclear weapons。
If NK abandons their WMD, NK will cease to exist IMMEDIATELY. Gaddafi is a shining example for those who are foolish enough to listen to the cheap "demoractic" voices of abandoning their own WMD program. The moment you abandon your WMD, you'll cease to exist pretty quick. Gaddafi and Saddam suffer the same fates not because they have WMD, but because they do not possess any. Cheap democractic voices won't fool NK to do such a thing
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