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Who is an Islamophobe ?

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I agree with you here. We have regional clicks controlling new hires within India itself.

Aapka number to uske baad hi aayega.

So do not fret. Its not because you are Muslim or Pakistani.

Just that there are so many of us, and the slots are few.

I am senior management and thankfully non-aligned one way or the other.

But it happens all over. And middle management is where the real fight is.

You speak of Cochin, and I can tell you, Mallus are one of the strongest clicks.

Where they get into the management, it becomes very difficult for an outsider to make a dent.

No offense to any Mallus here, but its a pretty well known phenomenon - especially in the BPO/KPO sector.

I gave the Mallu example, because and Indian college mate of mine tried to forward my CV to her Mallu boss and she got the response, "We can't work with those people".

Its there in Pakistanis too... But its wrong and the sooner we defeat it the better it would be for us.
I need to know a very basic thing here.

an Islamophobe is a person who is scared of Islam


an Islamophobe is a person who is scared of Muslims.


If its the former then I am not, and if it's the latter then to a degree (owing to personal experiences and effects to fellow countrymen and Global citizens) yes.

I agree with your former definition but you must add to it, an Islamophobe is not just somebody who is scared of Islam, he/she is also a person who has already formed an opinion about all Muslims and not one thing any Muslim can say or do will change that opinion. You will find countless examples of this on this very forum where mostly Indian posters will come to threads about Muslims and ask question yet refuse to accept the answers to those questions. These peoples are the Islamophobes and they are also a bunch of trolls. You are not an Islamophobe because you are willing to ask and change your feeling based on what you learn but there are people whose attitudes are set in stone and those are the people who no matter how hard we try us Muslims cannot get through to.
Kobiraaz, without letting my personal beliefs and prejudices color my statements, I put this to you.

With regard to the women converting (or reverting as you put it).

Do you think that some of the bad blood Islam finds chasing it could come from the legacy (and continuation) of conversions?

Do you think its become a numbers game rather than personal faith anymore?

I mean you heard AUz here right?

Hinduism is insignificant. Only Christianity can stand up to Islam.

Something to that effect?

I do not believe numbers have anything to do with the fear for the faith, an Islamophobe would be just as scared if there were only 100 Muslims.
The problem as I see it is that the term indeed is being abused by apologists more than ever.

Its become the Emperor's new clothes.

Everyone can see there's nothing there.

But the apologists feel cosy within their own clicks.

Oh see he is an Islamophobe.

Why bother.

Lets continue on our merry way.

We are right.

They just don't like us.

Its a hindrance to self realization and turning the corner.

Because the apologists give the moderates cause not to be embarrassed. Outraged.

And thence control the flock.
The problem as I see it is that the term indeed is being abused by apologists more than ever.

Its become the Emperor's new clothes.

Everyone can see there's nothing there.

But the apologists feel cosy within their own clicks.

Oh see he is an Islamophobe.

Why bother.

Lets continue on our merry way.

We are right.

They just don't like us.

Its a hindrance to self realization and turning the corner.

Because the apologists give the moderates cause not to be embarrassed. Outraged.

And thence control the flock.

You should worry about the actual racism than what a term does at the hands of an apologist. Its like saying that racism should not be alleged by a black in America. People get by in the world without ever being called a racist, why fear being called an Islamophobe?

Are allegations of Islamophobia any different than allegations of racism?
You should worry about the actual racism than what a term does at the hands of an apologist. Its like saying that racism should not be alleged by a black in America. People get by in the world without ever being called a racist, why fear being called an Islamophobe?

Are allegations of Islamophobia any different than allegations of racism?

Asim the blacks were wronged. For centuries.

And the racist defense for them only gained credibility, when the nation who did the wronging (a large part of it at least), namely the US, through a lot of internal churn, finally decided it was wrong, unacceptable, not politically correct.

And the world followed.

The US is STILL leader of world opinion, whether you or me like it.

The American PEOPLE decide what is right and what is wrong.

They will be doing so for the rest of the world a week from now.

Get the American people on your side in this fight.

Otherwise you will be the blacks the world forgot.
Asim the blacks were wronged. For centuries.
Dude that irrelevant, blacks don't fight against racism because of what was done to their ancestors, every one of us fight back for what's happening to us now.

Think of yourself as a human being, if you are consistently facing prejudice and bigotry since the past 11 years would you fight back? Heck I'd fight after 11 minutes!

And the racist defense for them only gained credibility, when the nation who did the wronging (a large part of it at least), namely the US, through a lot of internal churn, finally decided it was wrong, unacceptable, not politically correct.

It's not like whites one day decided to be nice to the blacks there was a whole movement. Even though slavery was a component of the civil war, the civil war was all about economics not freeing the blacks. There was consistent push from the blacks which at some tipping point 'converted' America.

The most famous moments of the movement were: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Speech(I Have A Dream) - YouTube

Imagine if someone had said to MLK, pfft, stop whining and don't be an apologist.

Why look so far - you know how our ancestors reacted when signboards read "Dogs and Indians not allowed" by the British.

Imagine if the British had argued with you "But we are sophisticated, Indians toh hotay hi gandhay se hain, we are justified in not allowing them into our establishment". It was your ancestors and mine who kicked their behinds out of our lands for that kind of talk.

My phiolosophy is keh pehle toh laro nahi, lekin agar koi ghalat kaam karay tumse toh never back off. I was telling Karan in the other thread that there is no excuse for mistreatment due to prejudices.
I am not afraid of Muslims. So what's this lull ?
I agree with your former definition but you must add to it, an Islamophobe is not just somebody who is scared of Islam, he/she is also a person who has already formed an opinion about all Muslims and not one thing any Muslim can say or do will change that opinion. You will find countless examples of this on this very forum where mostly Indian posters will come to threads about Muslims and ask question yet refuse to accept the answers to those questions. These peoples are the Islamophobes and they are also a bunch of trolls. You are not an Islamophobe because you are willing to ask and change your feeling based on what you learn but there are people whose attitudes are set in stone and those are the people who no matter how hard we try us Muslims cannot get through to.

What I get from your post is an Islamophobe is someone who fears or hates Islam or Muslims without really having a reason for it, he just hates it or fears it without actually knowing why and all rational reasoning is wasted on him. Which I accept is not a rational behavior.

and, logically the term should not apply on someone who has been a victim of Islam or it's teachings or it's people because he knows why he dislikes it, he has a very logical reason for it, and no explanations otherwise can really change his or her thinking because of whatever's been actually witnessed by him or him passing through the circumstances...right?

But, then you don't accept his reasoning for his dislike and call him an Islamophobe or a Muslim hater. It is pretty hard for you to accept that there are people who have dislike because of a reason which cannot be just explained away. If one person has to accept that he carries dislike towards Muslims or Islam don't Muslims also equally have to accept that people do have reasons for disliking them with a valid reason?
According to most on this forum , if you question the actions of some muslims and silence of the moderates , you are an Islamophobe .

To be honest , it is a word people just throw around too loosely nowadays , thus reducing the impact and efficacy of the term .

Is Islamophobe a person who hates Islam or one who hates Muslims for their actions or both ?

Second you said Islamophobe is a person who hates Islam without a reason. Does hating due to a reason, personal or social, exempt one from being labelled as such ?

Third, from an Indian's perspective, does believing that Islam was better off in the Middle East and happy to flourish there rather than come to subcontinent make one an Islamophobe ?
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