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Who is an Islamophobe ?

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People who have a phobia of Islam, I don't know what's there to discuss.

What is a phobia?

An extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something: "he had a phobia about being under water"; "a phobia of germs".

From wiki: Islamophobia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Islamophobia denotes prejudice against, or hatred or irrational fear of, Muslims.[1][2][3] The term dates back to the early 1900s, but its modern use originates during the late 1980s or early 1990s.[4] It entered the common vocabulary after the September 11, 2001 attacks in the United States.[5]
In 1997, the British Runnymede Trust defined Islamophobia as the "dread or hatred of Islam and therefore, to the fear and dislike of all Muslims," stating that it also refers to the practice of discriminating against Muslims by excluding them from the economic, social, and public life of the nation. It includes the perception that Islam has no values in common with other cultures, is inferior to the West and is a violent political ideology rather than a religion.[6]
Islamophobia was recognized as a form of intolerance alongside xenophobia and antisemitism at the "Stockholm International Forum on Combating Intolerance".[7] The conference, attended by UN Secretary General Kofi Annan, High Commissioner for Human Rights Mary Robinson, the OSCE Secretary General Ján Kubis and representatives of the European Union and Council of Europe, adopted a declaration to combat "genocide, ethnic cleansing, racism, antisemitism, Islamophobia and xenophobia, and to combat all forms of racial discrimination and intolerance related to it." [8] Some scholars of the social sciences consider it a form of racism,[9][10] but this is controversial.[11]
A perceived trend of increasing Islamophobia during the 2000s has been attributed by commentators to the September 11 attacks,[12] while others associate it with the increased presence of Muslims in the Western world.[13] In May 2002, the European Monitoring Centre on Racism and Xenophobia (EUMC), a European Union watchdog, released a report entitled "Summary report on Islamophobia in the EU after 11 September 2001", which described an increase in Islamophobia-related incidents in European member states post-9/11.[14] Although the term is widely recognized and used, both the term and the concept have been criticized.[15][16][17][18]
Page badlo

Asim we all know the dictionary/Wikipedia etc bhai. Itna search to mai bhi maar sakta hun.

The topic is different.

What do YOU consider qualifications to label someone an Islamophobe.

In real life.

On the internet.
Brilliant inputs kobiraaz.

But who is an Islamophobe?

Someone who wants Islam to change and speaks about it?

Also, the biggest clash of Islam is with Christianity.

Both montheistic faiths.

Except Hinduism, all Islam's strife has been with monotheistic faiths.

So surely its not about monotheism vs polytheism vs dualism alone?

Those who are sensitive to muslim life style. For example today- a british news paper published an article about a revert quoting her that she found peace here... There were 1000 comments made by non muslim readers! Half of them were disgusted with her conversion and the rest were congratulating her as she found peace finally! So see, Islamophobes are everywhere! They would not react like that about someone's conversion to Buddhism!! Well, Muslims don't consider Christianity/ trinity as monotheistic! Plus early muslims were like Heroes to jews, as christians banished them from temple mount, but Caliphate Army took them back and established them there. The recent hatred is entirely political artificially created by West. You will understand muslim mentality from Walid's quote- Submit to Islam and be safe. Or agree to the payment of the Jizya (tax), and you and your people will be under our protection, else you will have only yourself to blame for the consequences, for I bring the men who desire death as ardently as you desire life.
Me. I am an islamaphobe.

For all the right reasons too. The reason are rather explicit and littered all over this forum and the world. I hate it, i despise it and its all thanks to pdf and recent news developments.

Whenever Muslims say "islam is the fastest growing religion in the world", it just means they make a lot of babies. Nothing else.

Thank you.

in this way hinduism must be the fastest growing religion
Armenians come over here to exploit the welfare system.

Vietnamese gangs have created no-go zones where whites dare not enter.

Jews want to criminalize Christmas in public places.

Arabs do not integrate into our culture.

Latinos have a mission to outbreed us and take over our country.

Blacks are naturally criminal and commit disproportionate number of crimes.


Are any of these statements racist or bigoted? Even if some may be statistically true at this point, are there socioeconomic factors which made it true for other groups in earlier times? Is it warranted to extrapolate each statement to describe the group as a whole?

Now, if someone replaces the word Muslim for the ethnicity in any of the above phrases, and believes it to be representative of Muslims as a whole, then that person is an Islamophobe.

Of course, some people will say that Muslims share a common book, the Quran, which contains certain verses. That is true. It is also true that, like all religious texts, the Quran is allegorical and is interpreted differently by various groups, so there is no single central point of command controlling the behavior of all Muslims. There is no hidden agenda shared by 1.2 billion Muslims, and people who believe such a thing are motivated by their own agenda.
I'm working on a piece regarding Islamophobia. I've got a lot of material to work with, any more material you folks have would me much appreciated.

As far as I can tell right now, Islam is the new boogeyman in the west, particularly the US.
Kobiraaz, without letting my personal beliefs and prejudices color my statements, I put this to you.

With regard to the women converting (or reverting as you put it).

Do you think that some of the bad blood Islam finds chasing it could come from the legacy (and continuation) of conversions?

Do you think its become a numbers game rather than personal faith anymore?

I mean you heard AUz here right?

Hinduism is insignificant. Only Christianity can stand up to Islam.

Something to that effect?
Page badlo

Asim we all know the dictionary/Wikipedia etc bhai. Itna search to mai bhi maar sakta hun.

The topic is different.

What do YOU consider qualifications to label someone an Islamophobe.

In real life.

On the internet.

The same :). Why would I consider Islamophobia as something else other than what it is. I have a strong objection with Indians on this thing. They like to consider things like "what does it mean to you?". Like Secularism, average Indian can't even define it. What most people would say "Shahrukh goes to puja, and his Hindu wife celebrates eid". Arey bhai, this is bhai chara not Secularism.

Secularism is separation of religion from the state.

Let things mean what they are.
The problem with defining Islamaphobia is that once too often, racial attacks gets misinterpreted as Islamaphobia. Too often we read about a person from South Asia getting attacked in a different part of the world and if that person is Muslim, then it gets attributed to Islamaphobia. Later the perpetrators when apprehended indicate that they didn't have the faintest idea what religion the victim was despite his long beard and white outfit. All that offended them was that this brownie/sammy/****/coolie was in their space and that they wanted to teach him a lesson. For a few weeks prior to the arrest of the perpetrators though, the media and the Islamic community will insist that this was an Islamaphobic attack
Developer thanks for your inputs.

But there is a basic flaw in your analogies.

All the examples you quoted are of people groups. More often than not clearly identifiable.

Islamophobe or Islamophobia deals more with a religious group. Not clearly identifiable unless one resorts to cliches of facial hair or dress.

(P.S. I see PlanetWarrior has touched on much the same argument)

So why this fear/hatred/dislike of a religion that is superimposed over diverse people groups (plural, disconnected)?

And your other point.

There still is a SINGLE meeting point of Muslims the world over, that harmonizes your faith in the eyes of the world.

Not so anymore for Christianity.
Developer thanks for your inputs.

But there is a basic flaw in your analogies.

All the examples you quoted are of people groups. More often than not clearly identifiable.

Islamophobe or Islamophobia deals more with a religious group. Not clearly identifiable unless one resorts to cliches of facial hair or dress.

You contradict yourself later in your post. Muslims are identified by their allegiance to the Quran.

(P.S. I see PlanetWarrior has touched on much the same argument)

Not quite. His post is about hate crimes, which is a specific activity. My comment is about Islamophobia, which is a belief system about Muslims. People can be Islamophobic without ever committing a hate crime.

So why this fear/hatred/dislike of a religion that is superimposed over diverse people groups (plural, disconnected)?

That is a separate debate about the causes of Islamophobia. I was answering simply what Islamophobia is, not why it is there.

There still is a SINGLE meeting point of Muslims the world over, that harmonizes your faith in the eyes of the world.

Not so anymore for Christianity.

So what? The Hajj to Mecca is a rare, one time, event in a typical person's lifetime. It is a purely spiritual experience, specifically intended to be divorced from material life. It has no bearing on their day to day behavior during the rest of their life, other than imbuing a sense of piety, perhaps.
So what? The Hajj to Mecca is a rare, one time, event in a typical person's lifetime. It is a purely spiritual experience, specifically intended to be divorced from material life. It has no bearing on their day to day behavior during the rest of their life, other than imbuing a sense of piety, perhaps.

Anyone who believes there is a hidden agenda or there is a mission that every Muslim is on - DOES have an irrational fear of Muslims and hence - an Islamophobe.
You contradict yourself later in your post. Muslims are identified by their allegiance to the Quran.

Yes true. But how do I know it if you do not tell me?

I may still be an Islamophobe. But I do not dislike you.

Not quite. His post is about hate crimes, which is a specific activity. My comment is about Islamophobia, which is a belief system about Muslims. People can be Islamophobic without ever committing a hate crime.

I meant the part about stereotyping people, with labeled identifiers, like a turban or a beard or a burqa.

Thus Sikhs get swept into the vortex.

So what? The Hajj to Mecca is a rare, one time, event in a typical person's lifetime. It is a purely spiritual experience, specifically intended to be divorced from material life. It has no bearing on their day to day behavior during the rest of their life, other than imbuing a sense of piety, perhaps.

Its not what is. Its all about perceptions.

Saudi Arabia for all intents and purposes IS seen as the central command of Sunni Islam around the world. And its not totally a misplace perception either is it?

Hark back to the days of the Crusades and the Roman Church.

Anyone who believes there is a hidden agenda or there is a mission that every Muslim is on - DOES have an irrational fear of Muslims and hence - an Islamophobe.

I am intrigued by your definitions (or Wiki's).

Because most times here on PDF, Islamophobe is loosely used to indicate someone who dislikes Islam or Muslims.

Not fears.

Yes, you do dislike what you fear. But you do not necessarily fear what you dislike. Or who.
Islamophobia consists of violence against Muslims in the form of physical assaults, verbal abuse, and the vandalizing of property, especially of Islamic institutions including mosques, Islamic schools and Muslim cemeteries. Islamophobia also includes discrimination in employment — where Muslims are faced with unequal opportunities —discrimination in the provision of health services, exclusion from managerial positions and jobs of high responsibility; and exclusion from political and governmental posts. Ultimately, Islamophobia also comprises prejudice in the media, literature, and every-day conversation.

Islamophobic incidents exist in every country where there is a Muslim minority.

Institutionalized Islamophobia, reflects governmental laws or policies that are considered to be against the tenets of Islam.

Islamophobes are perpetrators of these crimes.

I think so called Islamophobia will continue to rise in the world due to the perception that most Muslims are extremists having an agenda which is the establishment of a Muslim caliphate in the world, being propagated by fundamentalist organizations. A sense of 'insecurity' has now crept in and the non Muslims see this as a plan to subjugate all non Muslims finally.

The people to blame for this are none other than Islamic fundamentalists who are squarely responsible for this 'Islamophobia'.
I need to know a very basic thing here.

an Islamophobe is a person who is scared of Islam


an Islamophobe is a person who is scared of Muslims.


If its the former then I am not, and if it's the latter then to a degree (owing to personal experiences and effects to fellow countrymen and Global citizens) yes.
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