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Who is an Islamophobe ?

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Me. I am an islamaphobe.

For all the right reasons too. The reason are rather explicit and littered all over this forum and the world. I hate it, i despise it and its all thanks to pdf and recent news developments.

Whenever Muslims say "islam is the fastest growing religion in the world", it just means they make a lot of babies. Nothing else.

Thank you.

Lot of babies had made your religion (hinduism) to grow over a billion- otherwise it was suppose to be a regional cult- not even in top 10-
Thanks Auz.

I have been on record many times agreeing with much of what you have said.

Only I have been equal opportunity between Christianity and Islam.

But I am interested in this "whole group" of Christians you speak of.

Who are they? Evangelical Christians per my knowledge is any Christian who is majorly devout and wants to go out and spread Jesus's word and convert people of other faiths.

Is that seen as something wrong or frowned upon by Muslims in general?

Well you can't pin point this group ....Like in Sunni Islam..you can pinpoint to the word "Wahhabi" ....but in Protestant evangelical Christianity...you don't have this facilities of further identification lol...but you got my point...not all but many evangelicals would just HATE Islam....

And yes , people coming to Muslim lands and trying to convert Muslims is really frowned upon in some parts of wider Islamic world...while in others , nobody cares....

But trying to spread your message is one thing...trying to deceive people into your religion is another thing...I guess I don't need to mention missionaries here...lol

Lot of babies had made your religion (hinduism) to grow over a billion- otherwise it was suppose to be a regional cult- not even in top 5-

He is a Christian baba..... As I said ...I know little christians like him very well...So mech , you are a Christian..aren't you? LOL...your writing (not from this thread but from many other threads too) speaks of what you are...
Islamophobia ,by definition would mean the fear of Islam, so no im not an islamophobe nor do i hate islam.

though i will come out and say this, that i utterly, and completely ,hate stupidity, and to a good extent even afraid of the persistence tht accompanies it.

Even Hinduism and Christianity or any other religion have many many flaws ,there is no denying it ,and for tht they have undergone many transformations over the centuries.

Now coming to my point, i find collectively muslims more backwards and daft than the rest of humanity ,either by choice or by virtue, its an undeniable fact.This is indeed a generalisation but not very far from the truth.
Islamists are still living in the pre renaissance era where religion was a predominantly a tool of power projection.

Islamists as compared to other religions are more susceptible to exploitation and anarchism or separatism.A reality reiterated time and again all over the world.

The things i state is not propaganda but simple understandable and verifiable realities; and if tht leads me to see islam or islamists with an eye of suspicion then its not "us" who have reinforced this.
Here's two new words for you jerks " tolerance " and "self respect ".

When people try to hold them accountable for spontaneously blowing up in public places or when peddling sharia in every goddamn place they go, or introducing blasphemy laws or performing "circumcision" on women or for practicing polygamy or.....or......or......(fill in the blanks with every vile thing imaginable).......

They say " you raysisss isla-mama-phobe"

I say......Up yours !

Im done.
He is a Christian baba..... As I said ...I know little christians like him very well...So mech , you are a Christian..aren't you? LOL...your writing (not from this thread but from many other threads too) speaks of what you are...

yaar his hatred islamophobic nature has been inbreeded by hindus-

Here's two new word for you jerks " tolerance " and "self respect ".

Im done.

gtf off- and stay off-:wave:-
Disclaimer: Everything I say below is my opinion.

I would say Islamaphobia is actually Xenophobia. However, people who criticize Islam are also accused of Islamaphobia which is wrong.

But how do we use them? As a label? As an insult? As a defensive mechanism? As an accusation? As an end to a discussion or the beginning of escalation of conflict?

Islamaphobia is in my view an excuse for Xenophobia and racism. It seems to be the only form of racism that is sadly held to be VALID. Its used today to excuse bigotry.

Who PER YOU is an Islamophobe?

People who do not understand why certain things are done in Islam, but go ahead and abuse it. As an example, I am subscribed to this group on facebook called Atheism Resources. Because I am an Atheist. On Eid day, I saw a post which showed a number of cows slaughtered on the floor of a mosque (I think), or some public hall. And then the quote - "The religion of peace", and then the sheeple crying foul. This to me is Islamaphobic. Dont Christians do the same thing? I mean infact the only difference between doing it industrial scale and doing it Islam style, is that Muslims dont stun the animal before slaughter. But still, its scientifically proven that slitting the throat halal style actually causes the fastest death, because it drains blood from the brain instantly. Making the animal unconscious before it dies. To me this is fear of the unknown, and views that are stereotypical in nature, that WHATEVER Muslims do is bad. This to me is Islamaphobia.

What are YOUR views on Islamophobes and Islamophobia?

I despise racists and Xenophobes.

Where do you feel this phenomenon has come from?

It is a direct result of Mullah-ism and terrorism combined with fear of the unknown. The ridiculous laws and interpretations of the Religion that some of these Mullahs come up with, the exposure that negativity gets in the western world all have worked to create this stereotype and spread it. The fact that the western world loves negativity, especially from the Third World, because of persistent and inherent bigotry that has plagued those societies since the last 200 years is also a factor in Islamaphobia spreading like wildfire.

Is it a recent happening, or has it deeper more far reaching origins?

I would say far reaching origins. Its not just about Islam, but in general the view that the Third World is in some ways inferior. I think that feeling gets passed down from one generation to another in the western world, not openly, but in a more subtle fashion. The situation has improved today but its like a persistent social evil in those societies. Dont get me wrong, even Indian society in some ways is Islamaphobic, although I believe we understand it better than the west.

What historical similarities come to mind and how is this phenomenon also essentially different?

I dont find any difference. I look at it as racism. Fear of unknown cultures. Xenophobia. Has been there since man has been on the planet.

How do you see this developing in the days to come?

Not sure :) Maybe, it will get better over time because of constant interaction. Maybe it will get worse because of increased terrorism.
In the context of the forum, the discussion is redundent. Calling someone an Islamophobe is not argument, its just an ad hominem attack, used by certain members when they run out of arguments.

Why should someone's liking or dislike of a religion matter in a debate? My experience is that most Pakistanis and all Bangladeshis on the forum hate Hindus and have children, friends, family, national institutions and weapons named after invaders who slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Hindus for no fault of the Hindus. When these people call someone an Islamophobe, it only means their own hatred is so internalised that they don't even think there is anything wrong in it. To try to understand their defensive name-calling is futile and playing into their hands.
I think Muslims are fully to be blamed for the isolated world they find themselves in.

Their treatment of non-Muslims in general is probably the worst in the world among major religions today. They want a world that is 100% Muslim essentially, cannot tolerate any diversity as can be seen with any Muslim majority country.

Once they reach a certain quantitative majority, they make sure through a combination of militancy and heavily biased Islamic Laws to wipe the minority out. Except Turkey, none of them offer equal citizenship rights to citizens of their own countrymen from other religions. They offer their minorities the horrendously biased minority rights mentioned in the Quran, which is nothing but a recipe on how to torture the Kafirs enough so they EITHER convert to Islam OR leave the country.

Even in PDF, they will have all these threads on "Muslim World" where they are plotting how to oppose and destroy non-Muslims in the world, and then they whine about how the world is against them. Coming to PDF was a very eye-opening experience for me in terms of how Muslims in this world think, and has changed my whole world view in terms of how to deal with them.

The hypocrisy with the ones here in PDF are beyond absurd. They fiercely argue for the Babri mosque to be rebuilt in Ayodhya (a sacred Hindu place), but never in a million yeards would they practice what they preach and build a Hindu temple in a sacred Islamic site like Mecca. They will talk about how India has never had a Muslim PM while they have a special law on their constitution making sure non-Muslims do not become PM.
Here's two new words for you jerks " tolerance " and "self respect ".

When people try to hold them accountable for spontaneously blowing up in public places or when peddling sharia in every goddamn place they go, or introducing blasphemy laws or performing "circumcision" on women or for practicing polygamy or.....or......or......(fill in the blanks with every vile thing imaginable).......

They say " you raysisss isla-mama-phobe"

I say......Up yours !

Im done.

Please guys, dont miss out on my fabulous edit. Lot of thought went into formulating this gem. Thought process worth 3 seconds.
Excess of Hot air makes balloons burst. Similarly, excess of quran facilitates spontaneous combustion of pious Muslims.

The difference being, Muslims only blow up in public places.
Hindus here on pdf are Islamophobe-


this thread closed recently is a big example- even indian seniors cant control themselves-
not only this one but countless of other threads aswell- find me a thread where some ones conversion to Islam has not made indians show their islamophobic nature--

Bro that's what this thread is for.

To find out and pinpoint WHO is an Islamophobe.

What goes into making an Islamophobe?

What is the general perception of a Muslim when he labels someone an Islamophobe?
Pakistanis please contribute.

Tell us who is an Islamophobe.

Tell us what makes you and other Muslims call someone an Islamophobe?

Does criticizing Islam and its teachings qualify?

Does criticizing Islamic brutalities down the ages the world over qualify?

Does criticizing Islamic terrorism in today's world, the world over, qualify?

Does criticizing Islamic Sharia and its medieval laws qualify?

Does criticizing Islamic treatment of minorities on their lands qualify?

Does criticizing Islam for its gender laws and treatment of women qualify?

Does criticizing your Prophet, what he stood for, and what he did, qualify?

What qualifies someone to be called an Islamophobe?
Islam is going through a revival all over the world... In this era of technology, this world is turning into a global village, life style of an Indian is not much different than an argentinian which was not the case even 100 years ago! All these changes are pushing islam to become more stricter in protecting their unique Identity!! Even 30 years ago most of the muslims were moderate! Now a days they are either fundamentalist or non practising!! Why is so? Why muslims don't match with rest of the world? There is clash of civilization, culture, life style which is negatively affecting muslim. Still they don't change? Why? Because there is a mechanism in Islam from 7th century that prevents them changing any part of it which other religions lack...... Islam is a supremacist religion. Muslims believes every part of this world belongs to the creator, so anything against monotheism must be dealt accordingly! Plus Islam is also a political ideology, just imagine Capitalism Vs Communism ! Islam replaced communism and is considered a threat by rest of the world!!
Brilliant inputs kobiraaz.

But who is an Islamophobe?

Someone who wants Islam to change and speaks about it?

Also, the biggest clash of Islam is with Christianity.

Both montheistic faiths.

Except Hinduism, all Islam's strife has been with monotheistic faiths.

So surely its not about monotheism vs polytheism vs dualism alone?
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