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Who is an Islamophobe ?

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i dont hate islam but i dont like arabic garb or burka clad women. pray to allah in your home and dont show off your backward mentality to world nobdy would hate muslims

by the way the countries with truest islam.. saudi, afghanistan, pakistan, sudan all are not shinig examples of civilisation
America and Islam

When I became Muslim about thirty years ago, I knew from a rudimentary understanding of its precepts that Islam was opposed to the moral disposition that has now become American society. What I remember striking me as most odd about discovering the existence of Islam (after having attended the 5th best prep school in the country and three years in the Ivy League) was that I had never heard of it, at least not in its true sense. Instead, I was fed a lot of misinformation that lead me to believe that Islam was a black man’s anarchistic religion that saw violence as the solution to problems that existed between it and the ‘land of the free and home of brave.’

During the Iranian Hostage Crisis, I don’t remember any newscast or editorial ever mentioning that the crazed and irrational Iranians had any claim to Islam. The public was presented with the case that Ayatollah Khomeini, a religious ‘extremist’ had usurped power from America’s friend, the Shah. As a matter of fact, I remember chanting ‘nuke the Iranians’ like the rest of the ill-informed and intoxicated young people at a local college bar, sure of the unequivocal guilt of the turban fanatic and his followers who had (according to the media) violated all manner of civilized codes of conduct held by peace loving nations by holding the US Embassy under siege.

Up to that time, the Cold War defined America as the leading figure of the western world, which compared to anyone but the Russians, made everyone seem irrelevant. At the time, Reagan was the snow man for the Republican Party and free market capitalism. Reaganomics shifted the economy and the government from community service to the logistics of corporate greed through the ironic lens of its own Marxist legalism. During and since Reagan, subsequent administrations have turned America into a police state where the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights have legislatively been abrogated.

The real problem the US has with the Muslim world population came to light when it was discovered that Islam was the fastest growing religion in America and the world. This little known fact at the time was announced on an episode of Jeopardy, a game show in America popular among city slickers as a source of interesting factoids to amuse and amaze.

The question was asked: ‘what is the largest religion in the world?’ All contestants were stumped, so Alex (the host) made the astounding revelation. He also added that it was the fastest growing faith in the US.

Despite the well publicized denials by religious groups and government authorities amidst the buzz, Islam’s status as ‘the greatest’ in regard to the number of devotees was out. Its ever expanding hold on the American population was evidenced by the occasional newsflash that would allow critical thinkers among us to further reflect. For example, in the late 80′s and 90′s while the Vatican was closing churches in the US due to lack of attendance (one of the big headlines at that time), the Muslims were happily buying and converting many of them into mosques to meet the demand for worshipping space.

And then there was ‘the war’ between the west and Islam which became so pervasive in Europe and Africa that they began to use the term “ethnic” instead of Muslim so everyone could pretend it wasn’t. Such was the terminology in the on-going headline news about Somali, Bosnia, Chechnya, Algeria and the numerous Soviet satellite Muslim republics breaking away from the USSR. Larry King even had the audacity to claim the Palestinians spoke Palestinian rather than mention Arabic or its obvious religious overtones with the Quran where an Israeli recounted his experiences of impersonating a Muslim by reciting al-Fatiha, the first chapter of the Quran.

America had to go to war against Islam because it presented a danger to its economic system and those who profit from it. An Islamic state wouldn’t allow adjustable mortgages; stock market futures and all the high handed razzle-dazzle that put the western economies in the gutter, without which, ‘the 1%’ wouldn’t have a chance to enslave ‘the 99%’. This is the big secret that all the death, destruction and confusing rhetoric was meant to keep in the closet.

Regardless of what the candidates say about what they are going to change, unless someone really intends to run for office on the real issues instead debating merely choices those in power give ‘the silent majority’ (and the rest of us), I don’t really understand the point of any American election.

It hasn’t been about democracy, freedom, truth or saving the world from totalitarian regimes – if it had, why would America claim to support that which it openly fights against? Maybe it has always been about the money.
Me. I am an islamaphobe.

For all the right reasons too. The reason are rather explicit and littered all over this forum and the world. I hate it, i despise it and its all thanks to pdf and recent news developments.

Whenever Muslims say "islam is the fastest growing religion in the world", it just means they make a lot of babies. Nothing else.

Thank you.

Not factual. But I agree with the sentiment.
There are people who want to make the whole world Muslim. I think we should go to war with them. In a way I am afraid of Islam, I wonder if I qualify as Islamophobe?
Also I think we should go to war with the kind that dream of Christian world.
For these kinds of people peace is just a medium, not an objective. They have to be quarantined.:butcher:
LOL on the comments ....

It is funny that how indians..yes indians are saying "Oh Muslims are backward as a whole" ...:rofl:

Islamic World is ahead of godforsaken india is every aspect (GDP , Scientific output , health , per capita earnings , women-to-men ratio in Universities , availability of infrastructure , global influence , military power , cultural influence so on and so forth) ...but even then , indians are repeating this retarded mantra....Heck! even "Sikhs" in this forum as repeating this retardness...:lol:

Let me turn the tables :

So lets break it down may be? Region by region comparison where significant populations of Muslims and non-Muslim reside together?...So let the game begin... I'll show you how 'non-Muslims' are bunch of backward people...

In South East-Asia ...

The major successful countries are Islamic nations (means : Muslim Majority)...Malaysia and Indonesia...now don't pull out "Singapore" please. It is just too small to matter...Philipines , a big "Christian" nation , that also gets alot of aid from the US , is way behind than Indonesia ....even though Indonesia is just bunch of little Islands scattered in a small place...

So South East Asia -- Muslims are intellectually/economically "Superior" than (backward) Christians there... (tick)

In Africa ...

North Africa (Muslim Majority) is doing WAY , WAY better than South/Central Africa (Christian Majority). Remember , not all of North Africa has oil..but yet , they surpass the oil rich Christian majority nations like Nigeria (well , a slight Christian majority...but majority!) ..

So Africa --- Muslims here are also intellectually/economically "superior" than Christians...This also translates into better economic conditions...

In East Europe-Asia Minor region

Here again....The Muslim majority Turkey is the economic powerhouse while 'Christian-majority' nations like Greek etc are BROKE! "Muslim Majority" Turkey is the fastest growing economy of the Europe...A Europe which is going bankrupt as we speak! If it was not for Germany/France...Europe would've been exhausted long ago...

So here again...Muslims are vastly superior to their non-Muslim Christian counterparts..

Now these are the regions with significant Muslim and Non-Muslim populations...And it is clearly evident that Muslims outperforms Christians and hence Islam is superior to others...

Now-- I haven't counted in ALL Muslim regions like Middle-East/Central Asia etc..Here Muslims form overwhelming majority so comparison is hard and unfair...

Now West is economically successful. We all know that. Thanks to Industrialization etc.... AND Israel is also WEST! Israelis were EUROPEAN JEWS! Remember? So just because West is ahead...Muslims became some "incapable freaks" ? lol ...But now , it has been established that Muslims are inherently superior to non-Muslims ...See all the regions with significant Muslim and non-Muslim populations...and see the performance..I have already showed you :azn:

United States

Now coming to the West... Even in America...American Muslims vastly outperform general American population. American Muslims are more educated and more prosperous than average Americans etc (Source : The Economist) ...... So what exactly do we conclude here? :???:

Conclusion :

In "equal" environments : Islam outperforms others globally..isn't it? :roflmao:

See how easy it is to blabber? You people are a joke.

Plus on a more serious note : Islam is already the largest 'practiced' faith of the world AND "growing" (unlike christianity) , Mashallah... Haters can suck on it but they are just too insignificant to matter :)
^^how bout some numbers, references studies....
And just how do the opinions of US born Iranians matter? They in fact don't. They are Americans.

I am not forming my opinion at all. Nor am I observing the Iranians on PDF. Any troll can pretend to be somebody else on the Internet.

Anyhow, my point is that it is the decision of the Iranian people. Sure, they may be hard and harsh, but it is their nation.

If the people living in Iran are not satisfied with the regime, they can overthrow it if they desire. The Green Movement failed due to lack of support. And support matters a lot. I'm saying this based on evidence. Not opinions on the Internet by some nobodies.

Anyway, I hope things do get easier for them.

And if you want my opinion, mullahs are not supposed to be politicians to begin with. And let alone heads of state.

The Shah? Well, he thought too much about himself, and when unemployment skyrocketed, and he wasn't doing anything, he was doomed. Even college grads couldn't get jobs. But that's just one of the factors.

The US has a lot to answer for. Keeping its head in the sand is not going to change anything regarding Iran.

You are being simplistic by saying "if they dont support the regime they can overthrow it". If only the overthrowing was so simple. The mullas dont get to rule Iran 33 years by being that naive and allow opposition to reach that critical mass as to create a revolution.

yes, we should not speak for the iranians in saying which is best for them - its for them to decide. But if the reaction of the iranians here are anything to go by, the mulla regime is not that popular and given a chance, the iranians would not chose the mulla theocracy or in a more radical case, even shia islam.

Oh yes, and Auz forgot Asia in his global comparison. He forgot Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh etc.

Auz, also please tell us if not for oil how would the "Islamic economies" fared.
You are being simplistic by saying "if they dont support the regime they can overthrow it". If only the overthrowing was so simple. The mullas dont get to rule Iran 33 years by being that naive and allow opposition to reach that critical mass as to create a revolution.

yes, we should not speak for the iranians in saying which is best for them - its for them to decide. But if the reaction of the iranians here are anything to go by, the mulla regime is not that popular and given a chance, the iranians would not chose the mulla theocracy or in a more radical case, even shia islam.

Oh yes, and Auz forgot Asia in his global comparison. He forgot Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh etc.

Auz, also please tell us if not for oil how would the "Islamic economies" fared.

Most Iranians on this forum support the regime only few like Surenas do not and what those Iranians all share in common is that they do not live in Iran.
Oh yes, and Auz forgot Asia in his global comparison. He forgot Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh etc.

Auz, also please tell us if not for oil how would the "Islamic economies" fared.

Now coming to the West... Even in America...American Muslims vastly outperform general American population. American Muslims are more educated and more prosperous than average Americans etc (Source : The Economist) ...... So what exactly do we conclude here?

Indian origin Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs leave the American Muslims faaaaaaaaaaaaaar behind in education, living standard and median income. Wanna compare ?

Most Iranians on this forum support the regime only few like Surenas do not and what those Iranians all share in common is that they do not live in Iran.

So what if they dont live in Iran. Does Non resident Pakistanis not talk about Pakistan. ?

In "equal" environments : Islam outperforms others globally..isn't it?

This is what I call Bull-fckuing-crap. Lets take the case of US and its equal environment.

Where do I see Muslims in this pic regarding annual income - thats right - at the bottom of the pile.


The % of post graduate among HIndus is 48% while that of Muslims is 10%.

Oh yes, and Auz forgot Asia in his global comparison. He forgot Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh etc.

Auz, also please tell us if not for oil how would the "Islamic economies" fared.

Indian origin Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs leave the American Muslims faaaaaaaaaaaaaar behind in education, living standard and median income. Wanna compare ?

So what if they dont live in Iran. Does Non resident Pakistanis not talk about Pakistan. ?

So don't hate just because they have oil and you don't, if Iran didn't have oil you guys would be in a situation. Besides what do you expect them to do not use the oil just because some people don't have it??

They don't live in Iran but those who do support the regime that is the difference if we go by Iranian posters on this forum like you said.
Most Iranians on this forum support the regime only few like Surenas do not and what those Iranians all share in common is that they do not live in Iran.

There is enough evidence from within Iran that suggests otherwise, The strength of such an opinion may be open to question since we are not about to be able to gauge it democratically.

Plus on a more serious note : Islam is already the largest 'practiced' faith of the world AND "growing" (unlike christianity) , Mashallah... Haters can suck on it but they are just too insignificant to matter :)

A rant like this is why there is a phobia in the first place.
There is enough evidence from within Iran that suggests otherwise, The strength of such an opinion may be open to question since we are not about to be able to gauge it democratically.

Even during the short lived 2009 strikes in Iran few people rose up against the regime. If more had perhaps you would have seen a struggle such as the one going on in Syria today.
So don't hate just because they have oil and you don't, if Iran didn't have oil you guys would be in a situation. Besides what do you expect them to do not use the oil just because some people don't have it??

They don't live in Iran but those who do support the regime that is the difference if we go by Iranian posters on this forum like you said.

Sorry. Who said I hated them for oil ? Why do you think every view that does not conform to yours is hate ?

He went on a long diatribe how "the Islamic economies" was outperforming non-Islamic ones and I merely asked how much of the performance was due to the hard work, scientific innovation and how much due to sheer gamble of natural resources ?
Oh yes, and Auz forgot Asia in his global comparison. He forgot Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh etc.

Auz, also please tell us if not for oil how would the "Islamic economies" fared.

Indian origin Hindus, Buddhists and Sikhs leave the American Muslims faaaaaaaaaaaaaar behind in education, living standard and median income. Wanna compare ?

So what if they dont live in Iran. Does Non resident Pakistanis not talk about Pakistan. ?

This is what I call Bull-fckuing-crap. Where do I see Muslims in this pic - thats right - at the bottom of the pile.


The % of post graduate among HIndus is 48% while that of Muslims is 10%.


Well good for you guys that is because you value education a lot but all other examples he gave were accurate. Besides it doesn't matter much because the Saudis alone have investments in nearly all major companies in the US including guess what, the Muslim fearing Fox News!!

Sorry. Who said I hated them for oil ? Why do you think every view that does not conform to yours is hate ?

He went on a long diatribe how "the Islamic economies" was outperforming non-Islamic ones and I merely asked how much of the performance was due to the hard work, scientific innovation and how much due to sheer gamble of natural resources ?

Don't hate is a phrase it doesn't literally mean you hate them never mind I guess you do not know how people talk in the states these days. Yes but he did not list any oil rich countries.
Well good for you guys that is because you value education a lot but all other examples he gave were accurate. Besides it doesn't matter much because the Saudis alone have investments in nearly all major companies in the US including guess what, the Muslim fearing Fox News!!

So better stop this ridiculous notion of you Muslims being inherently superior to others (his words). Given an equal opportunity, other groups can outperform your community according to present empirical evidence. I'm not gloating or anything, but I did not start this either.

Let go of this superiority complex that you people are somewhat god's special creation and see others return the respect.

Don't hate is a phrase it doesn't literally mean you hate them never mind I guess you do not know how people talk in the states these days. Yes but he did not list any oil rich countries

North African, Central Asian states are all rich in natural resources.
I don't want to offend anyone but to be fair:
Indian situation, education, healthcare and GDP per capita is worse than average muslims in middle east.
Should I blame Hinduism?
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