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Where is head money paid to you for Aafia? - Caller Asks Musharraf

There is no doubt the trial was a farce. It seemed like the Yanks didn't have sufficient culpable evidence to be valid in a court, similar to what happens in Pakistan where terrorists are able to walk free because the police did a substandard job or simply because evidence is hard to get. So they had to resort to outlandish charges of assault. The jury likely screwed things because of Afia's rants. However, Americans have sufficient human rights organizations who can raise a stink over this issue. We have already spent a couple million dollars for the defense. Afia is dual citizen so its equal responsibility of US to correct their wrongs done with her. However, one thing is clear, in case this woman is released in lieu of having time served in captivity, she should still be monitored as her links with AQ may still be strong.
I cant understand why some of you are so fond of this woman? No matter what you say, i am sure something fishy was going on with her that it led to her arrest. Otherwise there are thousands of other women like her but nobody is touching them. You should be happy that these people are not free on our streets, otherwise them and their ideology is killing all of us, or perhaps you dont agree with me? if you dont then look around in your country, how many bombs go off everyday, it is because of these fanatics.
Niaz I partly agree with you... the Taliban were no angels but then its a completely different story how the Americans and ourselves supported them when they were in power in Afghanistan... dont forget that... ever :)

I think this Moazim Beg is the chap from the west midlands... If thats him then his story has been told in an award winning documentary called "The Road to Guantanamo"

Again the issue of Aafia Siddiqui is simple... You have someone guilty you charge them of a crime and take them to court... This was not done in her case and so those who are different from Animals and are classified as "humans" cannot approve of what happened to her... (i.e no justification of torturing/raping a woman accused of a crime for years before taking her to court)

As for Musharaf... lanatAllah
US requested to hand over Aafia

ISLAMABAD, Sept 18: Interior Minister Rehman Malik sent a letter on Saturday to the United States Attorney General calling for repatriation of Dr Aafia Siddiqui to Pakistan.

He said as the case of Dr Aafia Siddiqui had become a matter of public concern in Pakistan, her repatriation would create goodwill for the US.

Mr Malik said there was also a humanitarian side to the episode as two of her children were living in uncertainty. “The old mother of Dr Siddiqui is suffering from depression,” the letter said.

The minister further stated that Dr Aafia Siddiqui could be deported to Pakistan under the UN Convention on prisoners. “I would appreciate if you personally look into the matter and use your good office for helping in the repatriation of Dr Siddiqui to Pakistan.” He added that there were over 90 precedents in the legal history of the US where cases against such individuals were dropped on humanitarian grounds.—APP
Whatever she was, she should have been tried in Pakistani courts. Who was Musharraf to hand a Pakistani citizens to another country for money?

man look at her own statment that she said she didn't fire bullets at Soilders coz she was in another room, but that room was in afganistan for your kind information read her story and so how is it Musharraf's fault????? Is it Musharraf's fault if any Pakistani is caught in another country? come on man use common sense
Why is suddenly Afia case is being reopened?
I'm started to have weired feeling.
She is in US custody.... and perhaps going to make an entry with the bang.
She was captured in Pakistan - in Lahore, not Afghanistan. She was detained in Afghanistan, in Bagram as Prisoner 650.
Why is suddenly Afia case is being reopened?
I'm started to have weired feeling.
She is in US custody.... and perhaps going to make an entry with the bang.

Salaam.. reopened? Akhi the case of Aafia Siddiqui was never closed. She's languishing in prison, isolation in fact, in NYC. She isn't even allowed to communicate with anyone outside. This is a great injustice, a terrible one.

I would hope that everyone support her, insha'allah.
Niaz I partly agree with you... the Taliban were no angels but then its a completely different story how the Americans and ourselves supported them when they were in power in Afghanistan... dont forget that... ever :)

I think this Moazim Beg is the chap from the west midlands... If thats him then his story has been told in an award winning documentary called "The Road to Guantanamo"

Again the issue of Aafia Siddiqui is simple... You have someone guilty you charge them of a crime and take them to court... This was not done in her case and so those who are different from Animals and are classified as "humans" cannot approve of what happened to her... (i.e no justification of torturing/raping a woman accused of a crime for years before taking her to court)

As for Musharaf... lanatAllah

As salaamun alaykum,

Moazzam Begg is a former detainee at Guantanamo, not one of the "Tipton Three" who were featured in the film you mentioned. :) Moazzam Begg wrote an excellent book called, "Enemy Combatant," and in this book he speaks of a woman screaming in Bagram - this woman turns out to be Aafia Siddiqui. He's also the spokesman for Cageprisoners.com.

I love your comment - especially about the fact that when someone is arrested they should be taken to court.. and no, this certainly did not happen with Aafia Siddiqui. Instead the US continues to lie about how long they've had her in custody, and where. She is now in isolation awaiting trial, with no contact allowed with the outside world. She can receive mail, but she cannot send any. It's a shame... everyone involved in this should be ashamed.
Afia supported Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda believes in no courts or justice or anything remotely civilized, for that matter. They believe in strapping explosives to kids and blowing them up in crowded places. It is strange that arrested terrorists expect so much humanity, justice and fair treatment. I understand that this is what distinguishes civilization from the likes of the Salafi/Wahabist lot (Al Qaeda, Sipahe Sahaba and all the other degenerates) but it is amusing to witness, nonetheless.

As for Afia being "daughter of the east", my #@# foot. She is a crazed, terrorist sympathizer (if not a terrorist herself, or an intelligence double agent inimical to Pakistan at best) who has caused Pakistan much anguish and many problems. The issue of her arrest was picked up by certain vested interests as a way to attack Musharraf, whereas ironically, her mother is on record as having written a letter praising Musharraf and expressing full support for him when he was in power.

In the past 5 pages of comments there have been some fairly broad mischaracterizations of people who believe Afia is not worth 1/10000th the attention she is getting. One "worthy" even suggested that the Afia nonissue is more important than the plight of the flood affectees. The presence of such mindless idiocy (a charitable characterization) tells us there is still much work to be done.

We have to build a society in which these radical types cannot exist any more. The deceiving mullahs need to be chucked into the Arabian sea, from Zakir Naik all the way to the village idiot in Jhang in the employ of the SSP. All this self-styled holier-than-thou salafist muck needs to be cleaned out completely. I am looking forward to the return of Musharraf or a like minded man of courage who will do to all the right wing Madrassahs what was done to the Lal Masjid (albeit too late) and who will do to all the danda carrying, "sons" & "daughters" that worship at the altar of violence and mayhem, what has been their due for a long time.

The only thing unfortunate about the Afia episode is that it was kept under wraps initially. They should have come out and exposed her for what she was day one and prevented the jacka$$ right wing urdu press in our country from hijacking the issue. I believe part of this is due to the "she is a woman" syndrome that is being exploited by Taliban, Al Qaeda and other terorrists fully. Why else would that ba$tard red mosque mullah try to save his a$$ in a burqa?

And while we're on that subject, the only thing unfortunate about the Lal Masjid was that the operation was delayed and the lives of our brave and courageous SSGs were wasted to give these satanic hellraisers another chance. The Burqa clad mullah should have been shot on sight. As should the militant wife of that other freak (Rashid) who has now been shipped straight to hell courtesy Zarrar Company. She is still barking like the hatred spewing terrorist animal that she is. And the government pursues a hands-off policy because, "she is a woman". Bloody nonsense. She can be a woman and brainwash thousands of girls into carrying dandas, burning shops, abducting people and threatening violence against the Armed Forces and citizens of Pakistan? She can stick the danda you know where.
I am looking forward to the return of Musharraf

Regardless of this, you spoke my heart out.

We've spent >2.5 million dollars on the legal fees for Afia Siddiqui. Could have been spent in much better places.

And for the "daughter of pakistan" types, go on and embrace Faisal Shahzad as "son of pakistan".
I don't know much about Dr. Aafia's credentials. She may be completely innocent--just got caught up in the heat following 9/11. According to Kamran Shafi (the journalist with Dawn/The News?), she is a victim of a mistake and letting her go would mean some CIA spook(s) would look too incompetent. Now, Kamran may be anything but he certainly does not support the so-called Jihadis.
To make the soup more spicy there is an account of Dr. Aafia by her (former) husband where is gives a personal account of Dr. Aafia being a radicalized woman, hellbent on helping the Afghans/Muslims.

I don't know what is truth about her. To claim to know something about it would be dishonest. Both the Jihadi media AND the CIA cells have powerful tools on their side.

What I am certain of is one thing: Musharraf did not collect any money personally for Dr. Aafia or for any other person handed over to the CIA. In general, if you can trace my posts on this Forum, I am more pro-PPP and occasionally critical of Musharraf. But I am not going to let myself be carried away on either side.
u mad?

And where is this 'law'?

I ask again, why would they create an entire conspiracy just to capture one woman?

Seems as though no one wants to answer it properly because they don't know how.

Maybe it would have been better if she blew herself up like the terrorist she is. Tab hi tum loghon ko koi usr ayee.

The answer is simple. They didn't create an entire conspiracy to capture one woman. It was for much more than that. They had to arrest the "right players" so that they could fill in the holes in the conspiracy. Does anyone know the connection between Saifullah Paracha and Affia Siddiqui?

Regardless of this, you spoke my heart out.

We've spent >2.5 million dollars on the legal fees for Afia Siddiqui. Could have been spent in much better places.

And for the "daughter of pakistan" types, go on and embrace Faisal Shahzad as "son of pakistan".

As salaamun alaykum wa rahmatullah wa barakaatuh,

With all due respect (as you are a moderator) Faisal Shahzad has not been convicted of any charges yet. So the statement, "go embrace Faisal Shahzad as a "son of Pakistan" is incorrect. At this point - he is innocent until proven guilty, even though he's a Muslim in America - he has yet to be convicted of any crime. :hitwall:

Barak'Allah Feek

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