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Where is head money paid to you for Aafia? - Caller Asks Musharraf

The radical Islamist and the PML-Nawaz are in near Panic seeing the kind of confidence the people of Pakistan respose in Musharraf - in three hours he collected a quarter of what Imran khan and his god-fathers the Rehman brothers of Jang/Geo have collected in two months of appeals.
muse, if you happen to live across the street from his place would you persuade him to come with the collected funds and personally distribute it among the flood affected people.

Whilst we understand he is not doing it for personal reasons but driven by his own conscience for his suffering people - but this should also boost his ratings vis a vis the other competitors in the run up to the next Presidency - something he desperately aspires to. What better opportunity can he have?

And perhaps you will also accompany him on this trip, No?...:coffee:
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BATMAN, Wasn't Amil Kansi handed over by former President of Pakistan farooq Laghari.

No.... he was handed over by ch.Nisar upon instructions of noon Sharif, who in return was summoned by USA.
Pakistan and Pakistanis will remain jahel..they cannot respect a creditable person they love to worship their corrupt sardars / waderas / chaudrys

How can one recognize nationalities through the voice?

This is how you get conformation

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BATMAN, I just read more information on Amel Kansi yeah nawaz sharif was more interested and involved or equally involved along side chaudry as well as Farooq Laghari was well informed and knew about this all.
Its old saying in political groups...Jang group is blackmailer, so does GeoTV. And Hamid Mir is playing key role against PPP and Mushi.

Every channel is giving coverage to return of Mushi the jadi
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The radical Islamist and the PML-Nawaz are in near Panic seeing the kind of confidence the people of Pakistan respose in Musharraf - in three hours he collected a quarter of what Imran khan and his god-fathers the Rehman brothers of Jang/Geo have collected in two months of appeals.

With due respect sir, If Musharaff has collected 250 million rupees in 3 hours telethon then does it makes the efforts of Imran Khan and Geo less commendable??

And btw Musharaff's fund also included heavy donations from the likes of Mr. Kasuri (5 million), Amir Maqam and rest of his ex-govt. officials. Now I won't call them "awaam"!
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Are you aware that CIA,FBI and all US security services were headless chicken after 9/11 and arresting,issuing arrest warrants,putting names in wanted list,without evidence or reason?

To many "Afifa" was one of those "Victims" of CIA gone mad after 9/11.

No, they had reasons but that's where the Patriot act came in.
graphicans post

u mad?

And where is this 'law'?

I ask again, why would they create an entire conspiracy just to capture one woman?

Seems as though no one wants to answer it properly because they don't know how.

Maybe it would have been better if she blew herself up like the terrorist she is. Tab hi tum loghon ko koi usr ayee.
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I don't know why people are still arguing about this matter. The issue is being whipped up by fanatic right wingers because to them Afia is a "sister in jihad". Statements from Zwahiri and Baitullah should have made it clear. It also helps these radicals to bag political influence among the gullible general public who buy it because its a matter of ego ("hamari beti ke sath zulm zyadti" types).

After seeing the psychotic statements emerging from Afia in the courtroom, it should be clear that she was never in a right frame of mind to begin with. People like her do not spout the typical extremist hatred (against Jews for example) in a vacuum all of a sudden. She merely cracked under pressure and let her inner most deepest thoughts come to the fore. I don't know why we should fight for such deluded and bigot scum.

Now question is why these hypocritical right wingers overlook far worse human rights abuses that are happening right inside the country. Somehow they find it more worthy of their time to cry about a shady foreign national rather than their own. What a waste of my time!
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This forum is populated by nutjobs and people with messed up minds all in slavery to America... No wonder the server is located in the USA... heh :)

Its interesting that there are different opinions about Aafia Siddiqui here... One only wonders what kind of people would accept an accused (regardless if she is guilty or not) to be kept in jail and tortured before any case is brought against her?

The ones who approve of such measures of "justice" are a bunch of animals... they have no place in modern civilization
Here is another story of an innocent man who was handed over to American and forgotten, It was British government who raised this issue with American government and Allah knows better how many innocent people were handed over to Americans. Shame on us.


Daily Express News Story
Dr Afia Siddiqui has been made a heroine of Islam thru strongly right wing Urdu press and electronic media. Let us not get emotional about it and try to look into the affair objectively.

What ever happened to Aimal Kansi or any other Pakistani citizen was wrong. However two wrongs don’t make a right. Therefore comparing her case with Aimal Kansi is incorrect. Aimal Kansi was captured within Pakistan during Nawaz Sharif time and physically handed over to US authorities.

Anyone who has cared to look into Dr Afia’ history will know that she was a dedicated Al Quaeda supporter. This is evident from the fact that she divorced her husband and married a known terrorist Ammar; a cousin of Ramzi Yousaf (WTC bomber) and nephew of well-known Al Quaeda leader Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.

She disappeared with her two children in 2003 and ostensibly resurfaced in Afghanistan where she was arrested with her son Ahmed in July 2008.

Her whereabouts during that time are not clear. She may or may not have been working for ISI. Her uncle Shams Farooqui said that she visited him once in Islamabad during this time. However, it is an established fact that she had long associations with Al Quaeda and her second husband is still in Guantanamo prison. I am not saying that one should trust what CIA or FBI says. But to believe what Afia’s sister Fawzia says is hundred percent correct is also wrong.

Only Allah knows which version is really correct, but on the surface, testimony of Afia’s first husband as well as various statements from GOP and US Gov’t lead me to think that it is Fawzia who is lying or at least being economical with the truth.

Like every thing else in Pakistan, there are two camps who hold opposite views. The caller who claims that Musharraf personally received the money for her arrest is taking the things too far. Musharraf’s silence was the correct answer. Sheikh Saadi wrote a long time ago:

“Jawab e jahelaan khwamosh manad” meaning it is best to remain silent in response to the ignorant.

Caller was obviously a Taliban / fundamentalists supporter and like many in Pakistan, believes story as told by Fawzia Siddiqui that Dr Afia is lily white and being victimized by the US for being a good Muslim. IMO actual truth lies some where in between.

However, there is little doubt that Dr Afia Siddiqui is of Pakistani origin and has roots in Pakistan. She is also a woman and despite being at least partially guilty, she has already suffered enough. On purely humanitarian grounds, it is about time she should be released and reunited with her children. GOP should use every diplomatic means available to them to secure her release.
We should silently kill these peoeple rather than give them access to media / justice.
Here is another story of an innocent man who was handed over to American and forgotten, It was British government who raised this issue with American government and Allah knows better how many innocent people were handed over to Americans. Shame on us.


Daily Express News Story

Hon Sir,

This is only one side of the story written by a most bigoted journalist.
See what he says about Taliban.

“Afghan people experienced peace and justice for the first time in 100 years. They eliminated hundreds of years old drug business and all of Afghan polity was cleaned up by eliminating private arms and was guaranteed peace.”

What a load of crap. This is what I call spinning the truth. Mr. Oria Maqbol Jan conveniently ignores that fact that in those times, women were forbidden all education and were left to die rather than be allowed to be seen by a male doctor. Every thing modern including videos, TV and Tape recorders were confiscated. An ordinary citizen had no rights what so ever. People were executed on the slightest pretext. Every one was forced to wear a beard and follow Sunni Deobandi creed. Shia Hazaraas were massacred. Main recreation was watching burqa clad women being executed on Fridays. Word of an ignorant Mullah Omer was the law and any deviation was dealt with by death. All opposition was completely eliminated thru law of the gun.

Pray tell me, have you heard Mr. Oria Maqbool Jan ever condemning the suicide bomber responsible for killing thousands of innocent Pakistani? Or do you also think that selling of one Mr. Moaazim Beg (assuming it is true, even though I have strong doubts. Who is to know that this has not been fabricated) by Musharraf is worth a column but a suicide bomber killing score of innocent Pakistanis is not?

Oria Maqbool Jan and his ilk are left over of the bigot Zia era. It is because of such people that Pakistan is suffering. These bigots use media for generating support for Taliban.

Musharraf is on the hit list of Taliban lovers because of his about turn on Afghanistan. Musharraf is certainly no angel, but despite all his faults and so called sale of Pakistani terrorists, Pakistan under Musharraf was a hell of lot better place than Afghanistan under Mullah Omer.

These pariahs are sending score of Pakistanis to death every day and destroying Pakistan’s economy in the bargain for their undying love of Taliban. Would you like live in the great heaven that Afghanistan was under Taliban? I would rather die than live is such suffocating hell hole.
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