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Where China Leads, India Follows?

:cheesy:And you are from ?:rofl::rofl::rofl:

From a country that doesn't have 40% of its population under poverty and without toilets.

first manned flight will take place in 2015, but govt approved it only in 2010, so the date is postponed to 2017 !!

Make sure that the space module doesn't crash into the bay of bengal. I feel sorry for those
unfortunate astronauts already.:cry:
Jamati razakar slave preaching about space? :rofl: go back to madrsa and learn basics again...:D
From a country that doesn't have 40% of its population under poverty and without toilets.

Make sure that the space module doesn't crash into the bay of bengal. I feel sorry for those
unfortunate astronauts already.:cry:
Jamati razakar slave preaching about space? :rofl: go back to madrsa and learn basics again...:D

Leave the idot.
Other loosers atleast get 50 cents for posting BS.
These idiots are happy cheering for them for absolute nothing.........
How about showing us your credibility first?

Stop delusioning yourself! No people in the world will take an indian seriously when even now your golden woman athlete can be a fake woman. LOLOL.

I wonder how Indian man can be a fake woman? most Indians I know are not as effeminate. But I would categorize some Indians here in that category though.

Japan? They did not conquer whole China. North West and West area were firmly under Chinese Nationalist hand during WWII and 1945, Japan was finished.

While whole of India was enslaved by British for almost 2 centuries. LOL.. Before you talk about others, take a good look in the mirror and see who is the real slave. :lol:

Indians should be proud of British colonialism because they created the country call India. Without the British empire, India would still compose of regional empires and states.
Yes, go and read the thread.

The three senior Chinese members on that thread were all friendly to India (myself, Cardsharp and Siegecrossbow).

"Were" being the operative word.

Because Indians can't even stand Chinese who are friendly to them. Well, they got their wish. :lol:

I don't see Cardsharp on here any more. And and rarely Siegecrossbow. I only see you in here after more than a year of absence.
India following china.:rofl:There is a limit to grand delusions. India following china is like saying zimbabwe/somalia following US of A. Bollywood fantasies have infested the already brainwashed brains of Indians. :disagree:
I think they should first follow the chinese on ensuring 100% toilets for dirt poor daltis. We can
open a thread on that and discuss. :)

Because indians are the greatest cheats.

dont worry dude , we will pis* in brahmaputra and ganga as we lack toilets :rofl:

Honestly Russia is not leading space power it is just banking on the progress made during heyday of Soviet Union, China is the one space power which has certainly make leaps in space in last decade. I am of the opinion that though India had always the potential to compete with China in space it has been bogged down by our "great" politicians. ISRO's budget should be increased in the first place, than it should be encouraged to go for manned missions & exploration of space without any interference.
Russia is still no 2 , China is no where near to the big giants . China is a growing regional power . Still there is much time for China to grow , mean while US and Russia will improve a lot . After proving the reliability of GSLV Mk3 , the funds will flow automatically . Yes we should have separate share for military also .
Actually its not China leads and India follows.

Actually conditions are

US and Russia lead while China / India/ Japan follow them after 5-6 decades of time.
Well, just don't trust Indians. Don't go to idiotic Indian doctors: they most likely know less medicine than my dog. Don't respond to Indians who try to talk to you: they most likely are scammers. Don't give Indians credits: they most likely won't pay. Don't be close to any Indians: the smell may kill you.

The four don'ts are sufficient...
i guess since you believe "western" articles , i could quote a lot of "western" articles for you which you would be denying vehemently since they are "western". or it may be that you believe what suits you (on lines of national policy of china)

guess you would believe it or MAY BE NOT

News Headlines

HONG KONG - As the Chinese economy continues to sputter, prominent corporate executives in China and Western economists say there is evidence that local and provincial officials are falsifying economic statistics to disguise the true depth of the troubles.

Jin Mao Tower and the Shanghai World Financial Center, in Shanghai.
Record-setting mountains of excess coal have accumulated at the country’s biggest storage areas because power plants are burning less coal in the face of tumbling electricity demand. But local and provincial government officials have forced plant managers not to report to Beijing the full extent of the slowdown, power sector executives said.

Electricity production and consumption have been considered a telltale sign of a wide variety of economic activity. They are widely viewed by foreign investors and even some Chinese officials as the gold standard for measuring what is really happening in the country’s economy, because the gathering and reporting of data in China is not considered as reliable as it is in many countries.

Indeed, officials in some cities and provinces are also overstating economic output, corporate revenue, corporate profits and tax receipts, the corporate executives and economists said. The officials do so by urging businesses to keep separate sets of books, showing improving business results and tax payments that do not exist.

The executives and economists roughly estimated that the effect of the inaccurate statistics was to falsely inflate a variety of economic indicators by 1 or 2 percentage points. That may be enough to make very bad economic news look merely bad. The executives and economists requested anonymity for fear of jeopardizing their relationship with the Chinese authorities, on whom they depend for data and business deals.

Ignore China Data: Jim RogersWhy Dr. Copper Is Wrong About China’s EconomyEternal Commodity Bulls Have ‘Thrown in Towel’: Marc Faber
The National Bureau of Statistics, the government agency in Beijing that compiles most of the country’s economic statistics, denied that economic data had been overstated. “This is not rooted in evidence,” an agency spokeswoman said.

Some still express confidence in the official statistics. Mark Mobius, the executive chairman of Templeton Emerging Markets Group, cited the reported electricity figures when he expressed skepticism that the Chinese economy had real difficulties. “I don’t think the economic activity is that bad — just look at the electricity production,” he said.

But an economist with ties to the agency said that officials had begun making inquiries after detecting signs that electricity numbers may have been overstated.

Questions about the quality and accuracy of Chinese economic data are longstanding, but the concerns now being raised are unusual. This year is the first time since 1989 that a sharp economic slowdown has coincided with the once-a-decade changeover in the country’s top leadership.

Officials at all levels of government are under pressure to report good economic results to Beijing as they wait for promotions, demotions and transfers to cascade down from Beijing. So narrower and seemingly more obscure measures of economic activity are being falsified, according to the executives and economists.

“The government officials don’t want to see the negative,” so they tell power managers to report usage declines as zero change, said a chief executive in the power sector.



nice data man:enjoy:
No point Chinese are far ahead of India in several fields, space program included.

So let the chinese lead and we shall play catch up.
That is understandable.

Look,who is talking about what?? :lol: Some people couldn't make their own sat's and sat's deliverable systems,and started pointing on others :blah: :blah:.Even we had our own sta's in the orbits,I agreed that china is just superior to us in space technology, but we are ready to fill that gap. Hope people like you would be understand.
Well, just don't trust Indians. Don't go to idiotic Indian doctors: they most likely know less medicine than my dog.
Well you mean to say Chinese doctors are better than Indian doctors ? :rofl::rofl::rofl: I dont know what made you think your doctor is a dog :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Well, just don't trust Indians. Don't go to idiotic Indian doctors: they most likely know less medicine than my dog. Don't respond to Indians who try to talk to you: they most likely are scammers. Don't give Indians credits: they most likely won't pay. Don't be close to any Indians: the smell may kill you.

The four don'ts are sufficient...

Well for your kind information a lot of people from western countries come to indain every year for major operations becoz cost of treatment in india is for more less when compared to developed countires and facilities offered on par with developed countries.
even many pakistan people come to india for treatments

Don't just post here for bashing india:sniper::guns:
it is true that their dog knows more medicine than their doctors. when they say "i have a flu", it bites them in the hind and their flu is gone . when they say " i have erectile dysfunction" it bites them somewhere else , and don't ask me where !

as for india is concerned , we have something called medical tourism, and that by the way is dependent on people from "outside the country"
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