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Where China Leads, India Follows?

Don't insult South Korea and Japan! :coffee:
Iam thinking even a nuke would be too much for you . First try to have water to clean your **** not papers .

True that bro! I've had run-ins with plenty of Indian 'ah nehs' in Singapore. Those chaps from India sure yak alot more than they actually deliver. Let's not get started on the numerous tea breaks they'll be taking in a single day.

Everytime China does something new, they have to announce they will be doing the same, just to save face lol, while hoping the issue will be forgotten within a year.
And isnt China following footsteps of US and soviet ? Your mate was asking to prve something , mean while you prove Indians do so . With out external help you would be land of desert . You dont have power to speak in international stage . We have . Now go and mind your business .

Quite wrong there, they will never actually try. "India talks of following....and keeps talking" would be better :tup:
Yes but history says we are good in action too (48,65,71,99,siachen,sikkim,tawang....) unlike you for whom one sukhoi would create panic .

Title should be India tries to follow and fails imo
first you were under US lap , now under Chinas lap , still trying to please your masters .
Iam thinking even a nuke would be too much for you . First try to have water to clean your **** not papers .

And isnt China following footsteps of US and soviet ? Your mate was asking to prve something , mean while you prove Indians do so . With out external help you would be land of desert . You dont have power to speak in international stage . We have . Now go and mind your business .

Yes but history says we are good in action too (48,65,71,99,siachen,sikkim,tawang....) unlike you for whom one sukhoi would create panic .

LOL there is nothing you can absolutely do to Singapore, both economically and militarily. So keep lapping up the joyjuice from your wet dream and be happy.
LOL there is nothing you can absolutely do to Singapore, both economically and militarily. So keep lapping up the joyjuice from your wet dream and be happy.
Indeed we are helping you to train . We go to singapore just to enjoy chicks and earn some money . If we think we can do damage to you , but even in wet dreams you dont have an option of attacking India . You are the only country to have so many master right now US,UK,India...
Indeed we are helping you to train . We go to singapore just to enjoy chicks and earn some money . If we think we can do damage to you , but even in wet dreams you dont have an option of attacking India . You are the only country to have so many master right now US,UK,India...

You can't be enjoying Singaporean chicks when they wouldn't even sit next to you in the subways. I've seen it myself lol. Almost every Singaporean chick vacates her seats and moves away the minute the one next to her gets occupied by an Indian.

Singapore babes exchanged racist jokes about Indians on Facebook « THE TEMASEK TIMES

Check out this link if you really wanna know what Singaporean women think of people from India. Don't delude yourselves into thinking you actually command any respect. The stink just keeps getting to is sometimes. Don't they educate you guys in India on the use of deodorant? Won't hurt at all to use'em you know.

Indeed we are helping you to train . We go to singapore just to enjoy chicks and earn some money . If we think we can do damage to you , but even in wet dreams you dont have an option of attacking India . You are the only country to have so many master right now US,UK,India...

And no, you can't dream of doing damage to us in the least. Keep sucking on all that squirt boy. Wet dreams is all you Indians can manage.
Next you will be telling us that you are actually a saint despite exhibiting the behaviour of a crook. Stop delusioning! LOLOL.
no one in international platform cares singapore

You can't be enjoying Singaporean chicks when they wouldn't even sit next to you in the subways. I've seen it myself lol. Almost every Singaporean chick vacates her seats and moves away the minute the one next to her gets occupied by an Indian.

Singapore babes exchanged racist jokes about Indians on Facebook « THE TEMASEK TIMES

Check out this link if you really wanna know what Singaporean women think of people from India. Don't delude yourselves into thinking you actually command any respect. The stink just keeps getting to is sometimes. Don't they educate you guys in India on the use of deodorant? Won't hurt at all to use'em you know.

And no, you can't dream of doing damage to us in the least. Keep sucking on all that squirt boy. Wet dreams is all you Indians can manage.
Most of your land contains religions originated in India . Btw Singapore Chicks were cooperating very much when we threw few extra bucks . You please believe in links and sources , not practical .

Yep I kena that one before too. Seen those types back in NUS days. Those cheap fellows will go up to locals, beg some poor fellows and get them to act as a guarantor for the bank loans they'd need to purchase laptops from the University. And once the deal is done, they'll disappear and change their numbers. The poor Sinkie who took the loan would end up paying off to the bank. Been at the receiving end before.

Thing is bro, these clowns never realized we are bringing them in just to maintain the racial balance. Dumb government policy to think these 'ah nehs' will make good Singaporeans. The real talent we need is those guys coming in from China. But I get Indian 'nehs' telling me "Oh your government invited us here because we are more talented than Singaporeans". If that was really the case, Mumbai should be looking like Shanghai by now and be on every level with Singapore in terms of competitiveness, not the pathetic third world slum it is right now.
dude you dont even have your culture you are hybrid of every one , you are the real clowns and buffons with out Indian originated religion people your country would have been a big fu*k .
no one in international platform cares singapore

Most of your land contains religions originated in India . Btw Singapore Chicks were cooperating very much when we threw few extra bucks . You please believe in links and sources , not practical .

dude you dont even have your culture you are hybrid of every one , you are the real clowns and buffons with out Indian originated religion people your country would have been a big fu*k .

That's the best comeback you Indians can manage? The best you can come up with? Nowonder people call you guys dumb!

You were throwing a few extra bucks? Yep I've seen a few Indians try doing that. Best they can hook is a Pinoy maid from Manila working on contract in Singapore. That's a sideshow in itself in many places in Singapore. The Indian-Filipino love story. Pathetic.

no one in international platform cares singapore

Most of your land contains religions originated in India . Btw Singapore Chicks were cooperating very much when we threw few extra bucks . You please believe in links and sources , not practical .

dude you dont even have your culture you are hybrid of every one , you are the real clowns and buffons with out Indian originated religion people your country would have been a big fu*k .

Our hybrid culture seems to be the one rolling in loads of wealth while your 5000 year old Indus whatever seems bent on talking about old glory days while failing to remember the present, which is a major slum overfilled with poverty. Don't even try commenting on us, we are light years ahead of anything you can come up with.
LOL, if that is the case, how did we Singaporeans come to live in a first world metropolis while you Indians mostly live in third world slums? We built our country with our high level of organization and hard work. The same traits you can also see in the PRC. I'd rather hear a Japanese or a Chinese talk about our Singaporean work ethics. Those guys are our equals if not better. Nobody gets ahead by hearing the opinions of those behind them.
as i said you are mixture of every one . So what we maintain good relations with US and Russia at same time , where as nobody cares you . We are 5th most powerful country in the world . The problem is you dont have land, unity, authentic . Its place where all rich people come and stay . We have money and rich people far greater than you . You dont even have sense . Small countries like you despite allo rich people dont have any power or voice . lol so you are Chinese i thought you are pakistani troll, PRC never releases its official data in public . It still has lots of poor people .

That's the best comeback you Indians can manage? The best you can come up with? Nowonder people call you guys dumb!

You were throwing a few extra bucks? Yep I've seen a few Indians try doing that. Best they can hook is a Pinoy maid from Manila working on contract in Singapore. That's a sideshow in itself in many places in Singapore. The Indian-Filipino love story. Pathetic.

Our hybrid culture seems to be the one rolling in loads of wealth while your 5000 year old Indus whatever seems bent on talking about old glory days while failing to remember the present, which is a major slum overfilled with poverty. Don't even try commenting on us, we are light years ahead of anything you can come up with.

dont you think its too late time for a Singapore guy . You must be Pakistan or chini . Its not people call us dumb its dogs and pigs who call and believe so . Here in Hyderabad lot of Singapore Chicks come at necklace road , i must agree they demand more . You will have poor people if you have land . We have huge area , voice and power . As i said nobody cares you . Come to villages and see how peaceful lives we have . You always stay in industrial stuff . You might be wealthy , so what , even we have many billionares . But you dont have unity .

Pakistani or Chinese idiot troll . Time proved that .

Next you will be telling us that you are actually a saint despite exhibiting the behaviour of a crook. Stop delusioning! LOLOL.
Have some water to clean your a** , dont use papers again and again .
as i said you are mixture of every one . So what we maintain good relations with US and Russia at same time , where as nobody cares you . We are 5th most powerful country in the world . The problem is you dont have land, unity, authentic . Its place where all rich people come and stay . We have money and rich people far greater than you . You dont even have sense . Small countries like you despite allo rich people dont have any power or voice . lol so you are Chinese i thought you are pakistani troll, PRC never releases its official data in public . It still has lots of poor people .

dont you think its too late time for a Singapore guy . You must be Pakistan or chini . Its not people call us dumb its dogs and pigs who call and believe so . Here in Hyderabad lot of Singapore Chicks come at necklace road , i must agree they demand more . You will have poor people if you have land . We have huge area , voice and power . As i said nobody cares you . Come to villages and see how peaceful lives we have . You always stay in industrial stuff . You might be wealthy , so what , even we have many billionares . But you dont have unity .

Pakistani or Chinese idiot troll . Time proved that .

You are actually leading people all around the block with useless arguments and wasting everyone's time ONLY to try figure out whether I'm a Pakistani or a Chinese troll?!? Dafuq? What kind of retards do they really breed in your country? Nowonder you guys just don't fit in and get beaten up everywhere you go. You had a taste of that 2 years ago in Australia, it has just started in Singapore as well, with Indian students getting attacked. Man!! You guys certainly deserve all of that.

And 5th most powerful nation? Yeah really now, the emerging superpower that was mass-importing weapons from us. You don't even have your own weapon's industry and you claim to be a power.

Now bugger off Indian and come up with something I can actually believe.

You are actually leading people all around the block with useless arguments and wasting everyone's time ONLY to try figure out whether I'm a Pakistani or a Chinese troll?!? Dafuq? What kind of retards do they really breed in your country? Nowonder you guys just don't fit in and get beaten up everywhere you go. You had a taste of that 2 years ago in Australia, it has just started in Singapore as well, with Indian students getting attacked. Man!! You guys certainly deserve all of that.

And 5th most powerful nation? Yeah really now, the emerging superpower that was mass-importing weapons from us. You don't even have your own weapon's industry and you claim to be a power.

Now bugger off Indian and come up with something I can actually believe.

And yes, u can have billionaires too, but thanks to your ineffective and impotent government, 10% of the entire world is below the poverty line, ALL of that, found within your country. Yet you dream..and dream of space programs. LOL. Cartoons!
You are actually leading people all around the block with useless arguments and wasting everyone's time ONLY to try figure out whether I'm a Pakistani or a Chinese troll?!? Dafuq? What kind of retards do they really breed in your country? Nowonder you guys just don't fit in and get beaten up everywhere you go. You had a taste of that 2 years ago in Australia, it has just started in Singapore as well, with Indian students getting attacked. Man!! You guys certainly deserve all of that.

And 5th most powerful nation? Yeah really now, the emerging superpower that was mass-importing weapons from us. You don't even have your own weapon's industry and you claim to be a power.

Now bugger off Indian and come up with something I can actually believe.

dont be an idiot , so what if weapons are imported ? Btw what do you do ? Ask that after you have capability to make a weapon . Did you atleast have toy model of indigenous ballistic missiles ?
Our retards are much better than dumbos whom you breed in your country who feel shame to show off their real flags . Lol perhaps you dont know Australia was begging to sell Uranium to us . You know Chinis are also beaten up there . Know the difference between rich and powerful country .

lol your are replying to your own posts , that says how frustrated you are . Take a life

Now its time for bed in India , no wonder you are awake as you are **** or Chini ... Gd n8 . Have wet dreams . :tongue:
dunno why these singaporean looser air force pilots wanna train here.. :)
dont be an idiot , so what if weapons are imported ? Btw what do you do ? Ask that after you have capability to make a weapon . Did you atleast have toy model of indigenous ballistic missiles ?
Our retards are much better than dumbos whom you breed in your country who feel shame to show off their real flags . Lol perhaps you dont know Australia was begging to sell Uranium to us . You know Chinis are also beaten up there . Know the difference between rich and powerful country .

lol your are replying to your own posts , that says how frustrated you are . Take a life

Now its time for bed in India , no wonder you are awake as you are **** or Chini ... Gd n8 . Have wet dreams . :tongue:

We have more than what we need to defend ourselves and we also have enough defence agreements in place to secure our position in the face of an external threat. We are not even remotely worried about an Indian invasion, don't flatter yourselves. You can't even deal with your own Maoist insurgents and militant outfits, you are dreaming of threatening Singapore? LOL. Go to bed little Indian boy, you mom will need to kick you out of bed for school tomorrow at this rate.
India will do whatever it takes to prove we are better than China, we can challenge China, we have missiles they can reach Beijing lame ways to seek world attention. China needs to just ignore them and if they getting over it just order your border guards to slap Indian guards and take their weapons and drop some food on their side by gunship everything will be fine.:enjoy:
dont be an idiot , so what if weapons are imported ? Btw what do you do ? Ask that after you have capability to make a weapon . Did you atleast have toy model of indigenous ballistic missiles ?
Our retards are much better than dumbos whom you breed in your country who feel shame to show off their real flags . Lol perhaps you dont know Australia was begging to sell Uranium to us . You know Chinis are also beaten up there . Know the difference between rich and powerful country .

lol your are replying to your own posts , that says how frustrated you are . Take a life

Now its time for bed in India , no wonder you are awake as you are **** or Chini ... Gd n8 . Have wet dreams . :tongue:

Is it so hard for INdians to accept the fact that not everyone loves India!

Rich and Powerful country? Which one is India? Threatening a 'tiny' country like Singapore good for you India.
India will do whatever it takes to prove we are better than China, we can challenge China, we have missiles they can reach Beijing lame ways to seek world attention. China needs to just ignore them and if they getting over it just order your border guards to slap Indian guards and take their weapons and drop some food on their side by gunship everything will be fine.:enjoy:
But that's how the world works, isn't it??
The great innovations of the 20th century, were nearly all a product of Soviet-American rivalry...........
Even the Industrial Revolution wouldn't have taken place if Britain wasn't threatened by American and Indian textiles.............
Progress is usually a result to fill or maintain gaps between two parties. If USA didn't face any opposition or threat from anybody they would stop wasting so much money on military.................
If China didn't want to pull millions out of poverty it would stop developing as well.......

This isn't just for attention you know, it's like detente............kind of like sending a message that we are a credible threat, don't make war with us. This brings peace as both parties are eventually forced to reconsider......
India will do whatever it takes to prove we are better than China, we can challenge China, we have missiles they can reach Beijing lame ways to seek world attention. China needs to just ignore them and if they getting over it just order your border guards to slap Indian guards and take their weapons and drop some food on their side by gunship everything will be fine.:enjoy:

I've seen a video with huge-ish trains, with like hundreds of flatbed cars, all loaded with tanks, headed at high speeds for the Indian border. Be patient my Pakistani friends, it'll be only a matter of time before the Chinese get REALLY PISSED OFF and reclaim South Tibet :china:, which is their soil by right. At that point, seize Kashmir and liberate the Muslims there.

And when that happens, I'll be sure to scream "HAH!" into the face of the next Indian I meet over here.:woot:
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