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When did you first decide you hated Israel and why?

Pearl wasn't a spy, at least as far as I know, he was just a regular journalist............Don't you think if he was an Israeli spy, he would have tried and hide the fact that he was Jewish ?

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Even a blind person can see that she was visible to the driver. Please do check even the pics if not video even then you will see the reality.

Your choice. But comparing a SPY with a Peace activists is by no mean justified.

Before you comment please re-think, this incident or unfortunate accident has been very very extensively investigated in Israel. To the extent that the battalion Commander and the dozer driver went through polygraph tests. Every bulldozer IDF Caterpillar D9 has a camera even that footage was released, this was an accident.

Right Daniel Pearl was a Spy.... right he was CIA/RAW/MOSSAD special operative who was there to destabilize Pakistan. According to you your brave Mujahid/Fidayeen Omar Sheikh did the righteous thing by eliminating this RAW/MOSSAD/CIA agent and saved Pakistan once again. Sheikh is just one of the many Mujahids who have done such brave acts.... according to you I presume.
When Rachel Corrie was murdered, i wonder what was the reaction in american media which is highly influenced by the zionists and what was the reaction from american gov? anybody knows anything?
Before you comment please re-think, this incident or unfortunate accident has been very very extensively investigated in Israel. To the extent that the battalion Commander and the dozer driver went through polygraph tests. Every bulldozer IDF Caterpillar D9 has a camera even that footage was released, this was an accident.

Only Israelis and Indians like you can believe in Israeli investigation

Right Daniel Pearl was a Spy.... right he was CIA/RAW/MOSSAD special operative who was there to destabilize Pakistan. According to you your brave Mujahid/Fidayeen Omar Sheikh did the righteous thing by eliminating this RAW/MOSSAD/CIA agent and saved Pakistan once again. Sheikh is just one of the many Mujahids who have done such brave acts.... according to you I presume.

Please dont give me your Orange perception here.

Secondly NO one is supporting Omar Shiekh here. Thirdly We in the media and those who are into investigative reporting about this case know more about Pearl than which is not disclosed by your beloved Israel and US

What Hamas is doing is firing rockets as they know this has a physiological effect, previously these same guys did suicide bombing's. The effects of suicide bombings shouldn't be new to you and you and your people unfortunately have seen what havoc it causes, Pakistan is a country of 170 million people and we are just 8 million so you can understand that we have seen the effects of this tactic first hand and also have been connected to the victims of these attacks

Hamas was democratically elected agreed and therefore also responsible for their people.There was no blockade against Gaza prior to Hamas.. Hamas is a terror organistaion just like the Tehrike-Taliban Pakistan...we will not and cannot reason with anyone who doesnt renouce terror. The air strikes and targeted assasinations are aimed at taking out Hamas terror network and stopping further terror attacks. We can talk but not to someone who points a gun to our head.
Again there is no blockade on the West Bank at all.

There is no humanitarian catastorphe in Gaza, food and medicines are reaching there, secondly Gaza is closed solely due to Hamas policy.

Agreed tit for tat doesnt help eye for an eye makes the whole world blind however we will not negotiate or talk to anyone who points a gun at us. No negotiations with terrorists.

My dear one can disagree with hamas and their tactics but why the people of Gaza are facing blockade ..Why people of Gaza have to face Isreali tank's shells and F16's JDAM?? just because they voted for Hamas so they should get the punishment??? Why use of extreme force? which results in more civilian deaths because as i know it Hamas is there and it still stands and Isreal with all its mighty power show has only killed civilian. Same thing happened in lebanon 2006. Isreal just killed few thousand civilians and failed to finish Hizbullah.

So i think keep this aside whether hamas and Hizbullah are justified or not just answer me whether isreal as a Internationaly recognized state is justified killing other countries civilian just because its civilians were attacked???
Jews and zeonis r just two name of 1 picture , they r not that peaceful as few members of this respectful forum thinks. They support terrorism everywhere in the wrld specialy in muslim world. Every body knws here wht they did in palestin, lebnon and in sabira , shatela , and in Gaza.. F***k of zions
Me from first day of israel because its fromhis birth illegal son of west which forced given to muslims and now its growed and doing same as illeagal sons do.
but i don't wanna see pakistan ever engage with israel
There is no humanitarian catastorphe in Gaza ..



, food and medicines are reaching there

at a very slow pace.....the needs are enormous; Gaza is starved. israil doesnt even allow cement (construction materials) or sugar.

I have heard of some of the aid being vandalized as well.

Secondly Gaza is closed solely due to Hamas policy

Hamas is democratically elected there. You can't change the fact that they operate there. Same way they cant change the fact that netanyahu and his ultra-right wing, fascist government is in power in israil.

I'm sorry for the liberal, left-leaning israilys who are becoming further dis-illusioned with its policies

--and not just the ones in the past 5-10 years. I'm talking about since its inception. In order to destroy even more Palestinian homes (to make way for new settlements), israil uses the excuse that the Palestinian homes are ''illegal''

truly astounding......its beyond belief
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Given the strident anti-Israel tone of so many members of PDF, I am curious to hear your answers.

You are opening a thread on single line query of yours?:disagree:
As for your query, no we do not hate Israel neither do we have a problem with Israel itself. Let me repeat Israel is a reality which is not going anywhere. Had Musharraf continued and you would have seen the start of diplomatic relations between the 2 sides. Unfortunately did not happen. The problem arises when Israel starts killing innocent Palestinians or place blockades. The tone is every much in consistent with the above. Other then that Pakistan or Pakistanis does not have a problem with Israel.

On a side note are you a Jew? just asking for my information if you dont mind telling.
Sudesh -- that is my view.

I dont hate any religious groups. Doing so, goes against my own religion. In fact, I feel we have many beliefs in common with the Jews.

as for israily policies of settlement building, displacing, and killing of innocents -- it is most unacceptable and should be condemned by all those who strive for peace
Secondly NO one is supporting Omar Shiekh here. Thirdly We in the media and those who are into investigative reporting about this case know more about Pearl than which is not disclosed by your beloved Israel and US

It's kind off topic but please tell me why did Sheikh spend a week at Ijaz Shah's house before his "arrest" was released to the public? Elaborate on the whole mystery of the incident keeping in mind the cover provided to the convicts.
We should recognize Israel anyway. What's the point of not recognizing them? Our support for Palestine? We can do that while having established foreign relations with them as well.

We should but mass rioting and unrest will occur if we do so. There has to be peace and some sort of satisfactory solution that would not provide the extremists with a chance to spread unrest.

I did state in my post that if we had relations with them, we would be in a better situation to discuss and solve this Palestine matter.

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