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When did you first decide you hated Israel and why?

We should but mass rioting and unrest will occur if we do so. There has to be peace and some sort of satisfactory solution that would not provide the extremists with a chance to spread unrest.

I did state in my post that if we had relations with them, we would be in a better situation to discuss and solve this Palestine matter.

I know. I was merely stating the theoretical standpoint rather than the practically feasible one. The right wing fundos have hijacked this country since Independence. Our thoughts, our actions and our ideologies are all slaves to their tyre burning and public stoning practices.
We should but mass rioting and unrest will occur if we do so. There has to be peace and some sort of satisfactory solution that would not provide the extremists with a chance to spread unrest.

I did state in my post that if we had relations with them, we would be in a better situation to discuss and solve this Palestine matter.

There wont be any mass riot if we can get Nawaz on board. He runs all these fanatics from behind the scene. They will listen to him.
Given the strident anti-Israel tone of so many members of PDF, I am curious to hear your answers.

I can't really describe in words, but what Zionist Jews are doing in the middle east and to the entire world is what makes me hate israel!
Good times , what a waste of good opportunity for peace ,
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My dear one can disagree with hamas and their tactics but why the people of Gaza are facing blockade ..Why people of Gaza have to face Isreali tank's shells and F16's JDAM?? just because they voted for Hamas so they should get the punishment??? Why use of extreme force? which results in more civilian deaths because as i know it Hamas is there and it still stands and Isreal with all its mighty power show has only killed civilian. Same thing happened in lebanon 2006. Isreal just killed few thousand civilians and failed to finish Hizbullah.

So i think keep this aside whether hamas and Hizbullah are justified or not just answer me whether isreal as a Internationaly recognized state is justified killing other countries civilian just because its civilians were attacked???

Why do people of SAWAT valley have to face also the wrath of the Pak Army why are you releasing gunship footage of rocket attacks on suspected militant hideouts... why don't you guys negotiate with the Taliban???

We are trying to take out Hamas military capability and believe me that's what we do.. again has anyone even wondered for once why we allow the world media to report .....Live....has anyone even thought about that???... guess not..... even the likes of Al-Jazeera and other middle eastern Arabic Channels as well.... ever wondered by we didnt Jam their transmissions or even allow these guy in the country in the 1st place is because we are not going after the people of Gaza but only Hamas.....and that's that....
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Jews and zeonis r just two name of 1 picture , they r not that peaceful as few members of this respectful forum thinks. They support terrorism everywhere in the wrld specialy in muslim world. Every body knws here wht they did in palestin, lebnon and in sabira , shatela , and in Gaza.. F***k of zions

Shabra and Shatila was the act of the Lebanese ok? do some research before you post.

Again for your information the Lebanese aren't really found of the Palestinians either and ....by the way do you know who was involved in Black September operations against the Palestinian Liberation Organisation check it here and you will be surprised and so much for this so called the fickle solidarity ....Black September in Jordan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia..... so please think before you post...
Only Israelis and Indians like you can believe in Israeli investigation

Well who cares what the Indian's think of a Israeli investigation on the Death of an American citizen... what world are you guys in?

Please dont give me your Orange perception here.

Secondly NO one is supporting Omar Shiekh here. Thirdly We in the media and those who are into investigative reporting about this case know more about Pearl than which is not disclosed by your beloved Israel and US

Please dont educate me on the Pak media.......and also.....Right....you in the media.... and Pak media is full of conspiracy theories was a couple of months ago when another wall street journal was called a spy, black water operative etc....

Do you think that the spy agencies are that stupid to send a reporter...who is based in India on top of that a Jew as a Spy? He wasn't a Spy......and your ISI including Musharaff knew that he wasn't one and as Daniel Pearl was US citizen Musharaff was was under heat from the US on this subject.... even Musharaff admits or stated he wasn't a Spy.....seriously grow up..start thinking about some serious journalism.

If a journalist as you claim to be thrive on conspiracy theories than a quote of Voltaire comes to my mind "Anyone who has the power to make you believe absurdities has the power to make you commit injustices."
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Shabra and Shatila was the act of the Lebanese ok? do some research before you post.


Of course it was committed by the Lebanese but under the protection of the Israelis and by the order of a war criminal. Don't forget that, that part of Lebanon was under Israeli occupation when that atrocity took place.Matter of fact the BBC report on the incident showed the Israeli soldiers gaurding the assailants while the genocide was being committed.
@ rumpourm;
r u trying to prove that israel is an innocent country ?
And what happend in sabra& shatila when iDF Surrounded both camps and lebnanese christians took part in Muslim palestinen's genocide.
Sabra and Shatila massacre
@ rumpourm;
r u trying to prove that israel is an innocent country ?
And what happend in sabra& shatila when iDF Surrounded both camps and lebnanese christians took part in Muslim palestinen's genocide.
Sabra and Shatila massacre

what damn this is...... Wikipedia
is this is not the same Wikipedia which every 5 yr old Indian and Israeli edit

now from when this started to b used as the favorite source for Pakistanis,so now Pakistani 5 yr olds have also learnt to edit it:disagree:
what damn this is...... Wikipedia
is this is not the same Wikipedia which every 5 yr old Indian and Israeli edit

now from when this started to b used as the favorite source for Pakistanis,so now Pakistani 5 yr olds have also learnt to edit it:disagree:

Rather then laughing at a war crime where so many had been killed in cold blood you could have kept shut rather then blessing us with your pathetic attempt at humor.

And PS if you want to research more about the incident google it.
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Why do people of SAWAT valley have to face also the wrath of the Pak Army why are you releasing gunship footage of rocket attacks on suspected militant hideouts... why don't you guys negotiate with the Taliban???

We are trying to take out Hamas military capability and believe me that's what we do.. again has anyone even wondered for once why we allow the world media to report .....Live....has anyone even thought about that???... guess not..... even the likes of Al-Jazeera and other middle eastern Arabic Channels as well.... ever wondered by we didnt Jam their transmissions or even allow these guy in the country in the 1st place is because we are not going after the people of Gaza but only Hamas.....and that's that....

Ok, now you are moving off topic, people of Swat love PA, they are hailed as saviours of the people, after what they had to go through during the Taliban's time in power, the Swati's new found freedom feels like a breath of fresh air to them for which they thank the PA. And had you done some research, you would have come across the "Nizam-e-Adal" accord, it was signed between the GoP and the Taliban in the interest of peace in the region, it stated that Sharia courts would be established but in return the Taliban will suspend hostilities, in a matter of days however, the Taliban had added Buner and Malakand to their possession, they were within 80 miles of Islamabad, I don't see Hamas or Fatah or Hizbullah capturing any part of Israel, actually, it's the other way around........
And here is the eye witness acct of the whole massacre!


By Robert Fisk

What we found inside the Palestinian camp at ten o'clock on the morning of September 1982 did not quite beggar description, although it would have been easier to re-tell in the cold prose of a medical examination. There had been medical examinations before in Lebanon, but rarely on this scale and never overlooked by a regular, supposedly disciplined army. In the panic and hatred of battle, tens of thousands had been killed in this country. But these people, hundreds of them had been shot down unarmed. This was a mass killing, an incident - how easily we used the word "incident" in Lebanon - that was also an atrocity. It went beyond even what the Israelis would have in other circumstances called a terrorist activity. It was a war crime.

Jenkins and Tveit were so overwhelmed by what we found in Chatila that at first we were unable to register our own shock. Bill Foley of AP had come with us. All he could say as he walked round was "Jesus Christ" over and over again. We might have accepted evidence of a few murders; even dozens of bodies, killed in the heat of combat. Bur there were women lying in houses with their skirts torn torn up to their waists and their legs wide apart, children with their throats cut, rows of young men shot in the back after being lined up at an execution wall. There were babies - blackened babies babies because they had been slaughtered more than 24-hours earlier and their small bodies were already in a state of decomposition - tossed into rubbish heaps alongside discarded US army ration tins, Israeli army equipment and empty bottles of whiskey.

Where were the murderers? Or to use the Israelis' vocabulary, where were the "terrorists"? When we drove down to Chatila, we had seen the Israelis on the top of the apartments in the Avenue Camille Chamoun but they made no attempt to stop us. In fact, we had first been driven to the Bourj al-Barajneh camp because someone told us that there was a massacre there. All we saw was a Lebanese soldier chasing a car theif down a street. It was only when we were driving back past the entrance to Chatila that Jenkins decided to stop the car. "I don't like this", he said. "Where is everyone? What the f**k is that smell?"

Just inside the the southern entrance to the camp, there used to be a number of single-story, concrete walled houses. I had conducted many interviews in these hovels in the late 1970's. When we walked across the muddy entrance to Chatila, we found that these buildings had been dynamited to the ground. There were cartridge cases across the main road. I saw several Israeli flare canisters, still attached to their tiny parachutes. Clouds of flies moved across the rubble, raiding parties with a nose for victory.

Down a laneway to our right, no more than 50 yards from the entrance, there lay a pile of corpses. There were more than a dozen of them, young men whose arms and legs had been wrapped around each other in the agony of death. All had been shot point-blank range through the cheek, the bullet tearing away a line of flesh up to the ear and entering the brain. Some had vivid crimson or black scars down the left side of their throats. One had been castrated, his trousers torn open and a settlement of flies throbbing over his torn intestines.

The eyes of these young men were all open. The youngest was only 12 or 13 years old. They were dressed in jeans and coloured shirts, the material absurdly tight over their flesh now that their bodies had begun to bloat in the heat. They had not been robbed. On one blackened wrist a Swiss watch recorded the correct time, the second hand still ticking round uselessly, expending the last energies of its dead owner.

On the other side of the main road, up a track through the debris, we found the bodies of five women and several children. The women were middle-aged and their corpses lay draped over a pile of rubble. One lay on her back, her dress torn open and the head of a little girl emerging from behind her. The girl had short dark curly hair, her eyes were staring at us and there was a frown on her face. She was dead.

Another child lay on the roadway like a discarded doll, her white dress stained with mud and dust. She could have been no more than three years old. The back of her head had been blown away by a bullet fired into her brain. One of the women also held a tiny baby to her body. The bullet that had passed into her breast had killed the baby too. Someone had slit open the woman's stomach, cutting sideways and then upwards, perhaps trying to kill her unborn child. Her eyes were wide open, her dark face frozen in horror.

"...As we stood there, we heard a shout in Arabic from across the ruins. "They are coming back," a man was screaming, So we ran in fear towards the road. I think, in retrospect, that it was probably anger that stopped us from leaving, for we now waited near the entrance to the camp to glimpse the faces of the men who were responsible for all of this. They must have been sent in here with Israeli permission. They must have been armed by the Israelis. Their handiwork had clearly been watched - closely observed - by the Israelis who were still watching us through their field-glasses.

When does a killing become an outrage? When does an atrocity become a massacre? Or, put another way, how many killings make a massacre? Thirty? A hundred? Three hundred? When is a massacre not a massacre? When the figures are too low? Or when the massacre is carried out by Israel’s friends rather than Israel's enemies?

That, I suspected, was what this argument was about. If Syrian troops had crossed into Israel, surrounded a Kibbutz and allowed their Palestinian allies to slaughter the Jewish inhabitants, no Western news agency would waste its time afterwards arguing about whether or not it should be called a massacre.

But in Beirut, the victims were Palestinians. The guilty were certainly Christian militiamen - from which particular unit we were still unsure - but the Israelis were also guilty. If the Israelis had not taken part in the killings, they had certainly sent militia into the camp. They had trained them, given them uniforms, handed them US army rations and Israeli medical equipment. Then they had watched the murderers in the camps, they had given them military assistance - the Israeli airforce had dropped all those flares to help the men who were murdering the inhabitants of Sabra and Chatila - and they had established military liason with the murderers in the camps
Given the strident anti-Israel tone of so many members of PDF, I am curious to hear your answers.

When & Why . . . interesting ? i am sure that you know all the ansewrs beforehand . . . you are much clever than that :agree:

and "Believe me" all what you will said . . . is well known either :pop:

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