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When China Rules the World

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You got me Ray. I don't think everyone is equal. You are below everyone I have seen on this forum. Happy?

At least suicide trolls are honest and come out and say they hate something directly. You don't even have the balls for that.

So, that means your are indicating that Chinese are genetically schizophrenic? They believe that all are equal and then they have some insecurity flogging their minds and they change tack!!


Those stuff of the bull and the dogs that are Chinese delicacy?

Why should I hate the Chinese?

All I say is that no one should pull wool, be he chinese, Pakistani, Indian , Japanese or Pekinese.

And that is all I am trying to show.

China has made great strides and anyone would appreciate that. In fact, you must have not observed that when someone wanted to indicate that J20 or something was a copy of some western aircraft and nothing great, I had posted that it does not matter what was copied or how. so long as it can be an effective weapons platform, it has served its purpose.

You have selective choice of observing my posts.
Debating with a person who keeps spewing the same crap gets tiring.

I admit he is good at debating. That however implies nothing about the point he is trying to make.

We Chinese do not hold those who are good at debating in as high regard as those who are good at doing.

What do you plan to do on an internet forum, if not debate?
Paranoid ..I doubt it .
He has been on forums for years..and therefore has extensive knowledge on world affairs, plus an excellent grasp over the English language...you think Chinese have it bad,..you should check some his old debates with some of senior most members(most of whom are no longer active) on this forum.

Oh, give me a break, stop sucking up to your professional trolling "mentor", It ain't India defence forum here, he was permanantely banned for abusive trolling and was only set free by Webmaster recently, a well known troll on PDF for yrs period.
Who give a damn regarding english? whats the use of having good english when its being use for trolling? not everyone on the planet will feel proud of having 200 yrs english classes fom your ex white slave master. BTW, Indians heavily accent english do not sound too pleasant to people's ears either. :lol:
As far as i know Chinese culture gives respect to older people . you may not agree with what he says but the least you can do is respect his age .

Yeah I'm American so that has nothing on my opinion. Not to mention this is the internet. We do respect old people. Just not the ones that keep spewing crap.
As far as i know Chinese culture gives respect to older people . you may not agree with what he says but the least you can do is respect his age .

We respect the wise old man like Joe Shearer, not the paranoid one with full of hatred.

In the Chinese culture, the old people also need to behave properly to become a good role model for the younger generation.
I am surprised that the Chinese have gone so far in aping the Americans that their language is as crude as the Americans where not a decent word can ever into their vocabulary.

It is like the nouveau riche. One generation from the plough and suddenly come into money but cannot adopt the class that is necessary to match the money because that come through upbringing!

Ofcourse when the Chinese are caught at their falsehood, it becomes trolling, right, Brotherhood?

Indians have heavy accents? And the Chinese? Indians can be understood, and Chinese misunderstood. Try asking for fried rice in America.

Did you notice how many were banned when I was banned? Not trolling old boy!
its not about china going to rule the world or not.

when a country comes to a certain power level where no one can come even close to parallel, then the influences to others are inevitable. therefore, no matter what the dominant country does its surely going to affect others internationally or domesticly.

but the question is how China is going to manage her 'power' projection, whether like the current U.S unilaterally policing, or seeking equal cooperation.

and btw dont let those indian clowns to derail the topic. they have issues because their real life failed in one way or another`!

See my Chinese friends , one more insult for all us Indian posters . Why ? Because one Indian poster happens to have a view which doesn't match yours ?This is what i am talking about .

so many insults for the poor man and us Indians just because one Indian dared to go against your views whether right or wrong ?
See my Chinese friends , one more insult for all us Indian posters . Why ? Because one Indian poster happens to have a view which doesn't match yours ?This is what i am talking about .

so many insults for the poor man and us Indians just because one Indian dared to go against your views whether right or wrong ?

He insults all Chinese posters all the time. WTF don't you call him out on it?
Oh, give me a break, stop sucking up to your professional trolling "mentor", It ain't India defence forum here, he was permanantely banned for abusive trolling and was only set free by Webmaster recently, a well known troll on PDF for yrs period.
Who give a damn regarding english? whats the use of having good english when its being use for trolling? not everyone on the planet will feel proud of having 200 yrs english classes fom your ex white slave master. BTW, Indians heavily accent english do not sound too pleasant to people's ears either. :lol:

Yeah, English is our communication tool, not a way to show off how good i am.
Oh, give me a break, stop sucking up to your professional trolling "mentor", It ain't India defence forum here, he was permanantely banned for abusive trolling and was only set free by Webmaster recently, a well known troll on PDF for yrs period.
Who give a damn regarding english? whats the use of having good english when its being use for trolling? not everyone on the planet will feel proud of having 200 yrs english classes fom your ex white slave master. BTW, Indians heavily accent english do not sound too pleasant to people's ears either. :lol:

My mentor.. I guess not .. I am already too evolved in my ways too care for that..but yes it use be fun reading his posts in olden days.

Plus if we were speaking Mandarin right now, I would have agreed with you ..alas not!!
What do you plan to do on an internet forum, if not debate?

Debating usually leads to some compromise otherwise there is no point. This guy can't look at any other view besides his own. Tell me what would be the point in arguing with someone so egotistical and stubborn?
See my Chinese friends , one more insult for all us Indian posters . Why ? Because one Indian poster happens to have a view which doesn't match yours ?This is what i am talking about .

so many insults for the poor man and us Indians just because one Indian dared to go against your views whether right or wrong ?

Not all Indians == Indian clowns Capiche?

Some Indian trolls are indeed clowns just like their Chinese counterpart.
My mentor.. I guess not .. I am already too evolved in my ways too care for that..but yes it use be fun reading his posts in olden days.

Plus if we were speaking Mandarin right now, I would have agreed with you ..alas not!!

So you liked reading his abusive trolling back then and you still do. No surprise then, keep supporting him.
See my Chinese friends , one more insult for all us Indian posters . Why ? Because one Indian poster happens to have a view which doesn't match yours ?This is what i am talking about .

so many insults for the poor man and us Indians just because one Indian dared to go against your views whether right or wrong ?

dont put hat on my head, i said some indians not all, and btw, here is about having grown-ups talks not one-bigger-ups or i will 'destory' u by my words.
if he wants to debate thats fine at least to have some common sense.

just think in this way, there is a thread about indian development, and suddenly some guy came in throw in all these poverty, cast system, life time slavery etc bashin and trolling, what would u expect from others? of couse they treat u like a clown.

so my suggestion for u is to stop defend for that guy and go to bed have a nice day!
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