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When China Rules the World

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See above. The definition of insanity is expecting different results when doing the same thing. He keeps on trolling Chinese on different forums expecting them to agree with him. We keep on correcting him and he doesn't bother to listen. Why keep wasting our time?

Now I just humor him and tell him off.

Haven't you see his post #55? He is trying to defend his WSAP master.
To shut him up you dont have to insult him , his nationality or call him a dog . There better ways of shutting people up .

Unfortunately this is the internet. And no I have not targeted his nationality. Thats what he does.
This guy isn't a suicidal troll like REEVER, so attacking his nationality would be just as stupid.
Check out post no. 47 by cardsharp . He brought all Indians in the middle when it wasn't even required .

This is true, some Indian posters are definitely obsessed with China, but there are few Chinese posters did the same.

So we are not targeting the whoe nation for this.
This guy isn't a suicidal troll like REEVER, so attacking his nationality would be just as stupid.

You have no idea, who he is!!

Salim is one of the senior most persons on this forum a retired army officer and much older than all you guys.
You have no idea, who he is!!

Salim is one of the senior most persons on this forum a retired army officer and much older than all you guys.

He is entirely un professional.

I've seen the Defense forum India and its China section. He is supposed to be a mod but he joins in and he contributes most to the China bashing.

Now that he has practically chased ever one out he has to come here and troll.

And being old does not automatically deserve respect. He has to earn it like everyone else.
China is not like the United States, the former Soviet Union, or the former Great Britian.

China does not interfere in other countries and nor does it want to bring war in other countries nor colonize other countries. China has excellent relations with every country. The only problem China has with India is the Anuchal Pradesh dispute and India hosting Dalai Lama, who the Chinese sees as a terrorist.

The United States brought war to 3 countries (Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan). The Soviet Union wanted to colonize Afghanistan. The Great britian colonized many countries in South Asia, Middle East, Africa, and West Indies, even it colonized North America at one point. China does not show behavior like these past "superpowers".

By the way, its not the Chinese who shout about being the next superpower, its the Indians who always shout about superpower, which I find rather funny.

If India ever becomes the superpower, which is very unlikey, it will interfere in other countries and try to colonize other countries and bring war to other countries. Even today, when it has more poor people than entire Africa, it has interfered so much in other South Asian countries. Bangladesh and Bhutan are becoming dependent on India and the Bangladeshis and Bhutanese are getting sick of it.
You have no idea, who he is!!

Salim is one of the senior most persons on this forum a retired army officer and much older than all you guys.

He definitely sounds older than many of us, but also displaying more of paranoia.

Guess his childhood might be overshadowed by the event happened in 1962, that's why he hates all Chinese people's gut.
See above. The definition of insanity is expecting different results when doing the same thing. He keeps on trolling Chinese on different forums expecting them to agree with him. We keep on correcting him and he doesn't bother to listen. Why keep wasting our time?

Now I just humor him and tell him off.

Let's not play the hurt aggrieved.

That is another trick!

This thread will indicate the usual Chinese prevarification of not addressing the issue but deflecting and bringing in a whole lot of other issue and then some more so that the whole thread become a gooey mass


In this the Issue of Han Arrogance and Culturalism was brought out wherein the Hans treated all others as barbarians and then forcibly assimilated them. The Chinese stated all were Hans and not from another race and brought in chromosomes (they used Wikipedia). Like before, I disproved it with a scholarly tome as before. The Tibet Issue thread may be checked out if one desires.

Here, at Post 23, Chinese Tiger writes

China believes the equality, not the racial superiority like the West.

At Post 27 I write with a link

Of course.

How true.

Don't want to get into it again, but here is of one set of Chinese people who were assimilated and just to indicate racialism.

The country of Wu is in many respects even more interesting ethnologically than that of Ts’u. When, a generation or two before the then vassal Chou family conquered China, two of the sons of the ruler of that vassal principality decided to forego their rights of succession, they settled amongst the Jungle savages, cut their hair, adopted the local raiment, and tattooed their bodies; or, rather, it is said the elder of the two covered his head and his body decently, while the younger cut his hair, went naked, and tattooed his body. The words “Jungle savages” apply to the country later called Ts’u; but as Wu, when we first hear of her, was a subordinate country belonging to Ts’u; and as in any case the word “Wu” was unknown to orthodox China, not to say to extreme western China, in 1200 B.C. when the adventurous brothers migrated; this particular point need not trouble us so much as it seems to have puzzled the Chinese critics. About 575 the first really historical King of Wu paid visits to the Emperor’s court, to the court of his suzerain the King of Ts’u, and to the court of Lu: probably the Hwai system of rivers would carry him within measurable distance of all three, for the headwaters almost touch the tributaries of the Han, and the then Ts’u capital (modern King-thou Fu) was in touch with the River Han. He observed when in Lu: “We only know how to knot our hair in Wu; what could we do with such fine clothes as you wear?” It was the policy of Tsin and of the other minor federal princes to make use of Wu as a diversion against the advance of Ts’u: it is evident that by this time Ts’u had begun to count seriously as a Chinese federal state, for one of the powerful private families behind the throne and against the throne in Lu expressed horror that “southern savages (i.e. Wu) should invade China (i.e. Ts’u),” by taking from it part of modern An Hwei province: as, however, barbarian Ts’u had taken it first from orthodox China, perhaps the mesne element of Ts’u was not in the statesman’s mind at all, but only the original element,–China. An important remark is made by one of the old historians to the effect that the language and manners of Wu were the same as those of Yiieh. In 483, when Wu’s pretensions as Protector were at their greatest, the people of Ts’i made use of ropes eight feet long in order to bind certain Wu prisoners they had taken, “because their heads were cropped so close”: this statement hardly agrees with that concerning “knotted hair,” unless the toupet or chignon was very short indeed. ’There are not many native Wu words quoted, beyond the bare name of the country itself, which is something like Keu-gu, or Kou-gu: an executioner’s knife is mentioned under the foreign name chuh-lu, presented to persons expected to commit suicide, after the Japanese harakiri fashion. In 584 B.C., when the first steps were taken by orthodox China to utilize Wu politically, it was found necessary, as we have seen, to teach the Wu folk the use of war-chariots and bows and arrows: this important statement points distinctly to the previous utter isolation of Wu from the pale of Chinese civilization. In the year 502 Ts’i sent a princess as hostage to Wu, and ended by giving her in marriage to the Wu heir: (we have seen how Tsin anticipated Ts’i by twenty-five years in conferring a similar honour upon Ts’u). A century or more later, when Mencius was advising the bellicose court of Ts’i, he alluded with indignation to this “barbarous” act. In 544 the Wu prince Ki-chah had visited Lu and other orthodox states.

Ancient China Simplified - Chapter XXVIII - Barbarians (by Edward Harper Parker)

Chinese Tiger replies at Post 28

This white man who wrote this kind of gibberish known nothing about the Chinese history.

That much for how they have repeatedly they try to tell me about the facts!

Then come Tingligian, the Knight in shining armour to write:

LOL is that troll Ray still here?

And this is a mod on the Indian defence forum.

Different standards I guess.

And then starts the irrelevant postings including abuses and ad homiens thrown liberally at me.

The typical attitude that was exhibited in the other thread too!

They just cannot give any fact or link to disprove what the whiteman who wrote this kind of gibberish known nothing about the Chinese history.
China is not like the United States, the former Soviet Union, or the former Great Britian.

China does not interfere in other countries and nor does it want to bring war in other countries nor colonize other countries. China has excellent relations with every country. The only problem China has with India is the Anuchal Pradesh dispute and India hosting Dalai Lama, who the Chinese sees as a terrorist.

The United States brought war to 3 countries (Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan). The Soviet Union wanted to colonize Afghanistan. The Great britian colonized many countries in South Asia, Middle East, Africa, and West Indies, even it colonized North America at one point. China does not show behavior like these past "superpowers".

By the way, its not the Chinese who shout about being the next superpower, its the Indians who always shout about superpower, which I find rather funny.

If India ever becomes the superpower, which is very unlikey, it will interfere in other countries and try to colonize other countries and bring war to other countries. Even today it has interfered so much in other South Asian countries. Bangladesh and Bhutan are becoming dependent on India and the Bangladeshis and Bhutanese are getting sick of it.

And the point is?
He definitely sounds older than many of us, but also displaying more of paranoia.

Guess his childhood might be overshadowed by the event happened in 1962, that's why he hates all Chinese people with gut.

Paranoid ..I doubt it .
He has been on forums for years..and therefore has extensive knowledge on world affairs, plus an excellent grasp over the English language...you think Chinese have it bad,..you should check some his old debates with some of senior most members(most of whom are no longer active) on this forum.
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