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this G20 summit is.........
but because of this summit i had a chance to see two chinooks!!!
they were flying extremely low and they were loud!!
Guys what to do when you are free????

Do not reply "WHATEVER"

Tiger bro, you know what? You are at an advantage.
This is the phase of time when you should spend your time really wisely.

When I was your age, I wasted so much time hanging out in coffee shops and all and now I repent wasting them that way.

Choose a hobby and follow it madly, pick a skillset which may put you at an advantage over others on the longer run.
One of the best band ever and one of their best song :thinktank::thinktank::thinktank:

But sad part is that new age kids, listening to a **** called Linking park wont understand
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will be watching cricket match today :) in Lords cricket ground

will leave after 45 minutes hopefully :)
Whats your fav subject? Anatomy? ;)

Surgery in general ,orthopaedics and trauma surgery specifically.

I loved Physics when i was doing my intermediate.There is a story rather emotional for me about this subject will share with you in PM sometime in future.
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