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hmmmmm @WebMaster @Zakii
I have some news for u....well i hope.And i didnt know how to inform u....Then i saw the title of tis thread which said "whatever" soo i am posting it here.
Well how is it that a banned member can login to the site and view threads??? is it possible???
hmmmmm @WebMaster @Zakii
I have some news for u....well i hope.And i didnt know how to inform u....Then i saw the title of tis thread which said "whatever" soo i am posting it here.
Well how is it that a banned member can login to the site and view threads??? is it possible???
yes it is...

That thread got closed so I have to respond here.

to ur argumenting capacity...lol

so i was right about u picking up spade...sorry..arrow or whatever it was u had choosen to bruise me with.
Now dont misunderstand i was not bruised at alll.......
did i disappoint u???

I am sure you will eventually start having arguments that last for days at a time soon. That was a good attempt at instigating a guilt trip over the argument, but it's not going to work because you started with the mocking which I called you out on. I could easily reverse that statement & ask how did it feel to mock those that were among the first to welcome you to the forum? ;) Lol!

hmmm good to find another iOS user....tell me r u able to upload pics from ur gallery.Or just anywhere???
Because i cant.It says server error.And i have been shouting my lungs out at all the admins here about it from the day i joined.
i tried uploading from both my iOSes ....but its just not working.

I didn't try uploading a picture from my iOS devices, although I don't think that would make a difference. I tried uploading my current display picture again on the day the forum was upgraded to remove the blurriness or pixelation, but that didn't work. I think it's just best to wait till the upgrade is somewhat complete & then restore or setup our profiles.

That thread got closed so I have to respond here.
Oooh...so finally my chit chat + welcome thread is closed.
Thanks for informing me.

p(-)oENiX said:
I am sure you will eventually start having arguments that last for days at a time soon.
I am already inspired by u.

p(-)oENiX said:
That was a good attempt at instigating a guilt trip over the argument, but it's not going to work because you started with the mocking which I called you out on. I could easily reverse that statement & ask how did it feel to mock those that were among the first to welcome you to the forum? ;) Lol!
Now you dont take me on a guilt trip.

p(-)oENiX said:
I didn't try uploading a picture from my iOS devices, although I don't think that would make a difference. I tried uploading my current display picture again on the day the forum was upgraded to remove the blurriness or pixelation, but that didn't work. I think it's just best to wait till the upgrade is somewhat complete & then restore or setup our profiles.
Webmaster said the issue will be solved by tuesday....so lets wait till tuesday.And then we can torture webmaster again on this thread.
Oooh...so finally my chit chat + welcome thread is closed.
Thanks for informing me.

No problem.
I am already inspired by u.

Good. :D

Now you dont take me on a guilt trip.

I didn't intend to, it was just a taste of your own medicine. :p

Webmaster said the issue will be solved by tuesday....so lets wait till tuesday.And then we can torture webmaster again on this thread.

To be honest, I don't mind if it takes a bit longer to solve these issues as long as they are fixed. In any case, let's wait & see what improvements are made to the forum today.
do I stay up too late at night? Lol!

Well thats wat i meant.
But then it struck me that you must be waking up this early for ur prayers.
And now my joke sound sooo juvenile.

Well thats wat i meant.
But then it struck me that you must be waking up this early for ur prayers.
And now my joke sound sooo juvenile.

Yeah, I thought you were referring to being up late because owls aren't as wise as they are generally thought to be. Get up for prayers!? :laughcry: Although, I do pray if I am awake at Fajr time, but I usually sleep through it.

I generally go to bed a bit earlier, but sometimes I lose track of time if I am playing a video game, chatting, etc.
Yes i know about ur gaming habits....read them on many threads here.


Before joining the forum? :lol: Which threads though? I think the last time I discussed my video games was on this thread, I don't remember discussing it recently before that. :D

Before joining the forum? :lol: Which threads though? I think the last time I discussed my video games was on this thread, I don't remember discussing it recently before that. :D
Bad memory ...
Remember your camel and tent stories???
p(-)oENiX said:
Sand & camel memories? I live in a city, not in a tent. Although, a few years back on our way to a gaming zone if I recall correctly, my friend & I got to see a camel being taken to a slaughterhouse.
And some other thread too...dont remember which one though.

Sorry for the delay in reply...already inspired by you i was busy waging a war on some other thread.]

Wish your warrior luck.:)
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