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Bad memory ...
Remember your camel and tent stories???

And some other thread too...dont remember which one though.

Camels & tents' stories again? :lol: We were just joking about Arabia, but if you have become fond of camels & tents after that thread, click here to see a camel cataphract; they were used in warfare in Parthia. You could ride that in to battle while waging wars in other threads. :laughcry: :P

That has nothing to do with having a bad memory, mentioning going to a gaming zone does not correlate to an individual's overall gaming habits. :azn: It must have been this or perhaps some other thread (I don't remember) you read it at, & last I recall I only recently discussed my late night gaming habits with @Marshmallow. That was before the forum got upgraded.

Sorry for the delay in reply...already inspired by you i was busy waging a war on some other thread.]
Wish your warrior luck.

There is no need to apologize for a delay in response. Have fun. :enjoy:
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camel cataphract; they were used in warfare in Parthia. You could ride that in to battle while waging wars in other threads.

p(-)oENiX said:
last I recall I only recently discussed my late night gaming habits with @Marshmallow. That was before the forum got upgraded.
Then it must be that discussion that i had read.

p(-)oENiX said:
Have fun. :enjoy:

Cool, & by the way, I would also like to apologize for my role in our argument. I didn't realize you were being humorous & became upset because I thought you were mocking us for slightly derailing your introduction thread. In my defense, your post did sound insulting & could easily be misconstrued. Lol! Anyway, since you are an iOS user, what do you think of the new iDevices? I am a fan of OS X & iOS, but I also like stock Android even though the platform still has a couple of weaknesses & the same could be said for iOS too.
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Cool, & by the way, I would also like to apologize for my role in our argument. I didn't realize you were being humorous & became upset because I thought you were mocking us for slightly derailing your introduction thread. In my defense, your post did sound insulting & could easily be misconstrued.
Well phoenix..this is just my virtual life.:-)
I just have to close my safari to go out of it.So i dont take such issues(if there was any at all) seriously.
I never thought we had an argument ....but later i realised my "camel & tent" comment had actually hurt you.I am sorry.I never intended to hurt you.

p(-)0ENiX said:
Anyway, since you are an iOS user, what do you think of the new iDevices? I am a fan of OS X & iOS, but I also like stock Android even though the platform still has a couple of weaknesses & the same could be said for iOS too.

I pretty much use all the iOS products from apple TV to iphone(my company luvs to gift its employees apple products...:partay:)
I love my mobile and iPad most...mini pad is used only when i have drained out the battery of the other 2.
Never used an OS x though.
But the ongoing war between Google and Apple has cost apple too many customers.Google products like gtalk dont have an app,so i use talknaut to activate gtalk.
And how do u make flash player work in ur iOS???

And one serious setback was when i updated to iOS7.For the first few days safari was slow...my iOSes would hang every now and then.

But the next update fixed the bugs.And now i am back to luving my phone.

I want to switch to androids...just because of the number of fun and free apps that are available.And also because these days every app is made to meet android needs.Apple must curb this trend..,,i think.
But androids still dont have the apple's class and finish.I am still in 2 minds about dumping my iOS.I am way to loyal to it by now.
Were you expecting a more technical discussion??
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Well phoenix..this is just my virtual life.I just have to close my safari to go out of it.So i dont take such issues(if there was any at all) seriously.
I never thought we had an argument ....but later i realised my "camel & tent" comment had actually hurt you.I am sorry.I never intended to hurt you.

Lol! No, it wasn't that comment. :lol: That was a joke, the problem was your post sounded like you were telling us to get lost from that thread in a rude manner equating the term "tent" with your thread. The jokes on Arabia (camels & tents) weren't offensive, but telling us to start a thread on it was. Anyway, forget about it.

I pretty much use all the iOS products from apple TV to iphone(my company luvs to gift its employees apple products...lol).
I love my mobile and iPad most...mini pad is used only when i have drained out the battery of the other 2.Never used an OS x though.
But the ongoing war between Google and Apple has cost apple too many customers.Google products like gtalk dont have an app,so i use talknaut to activate gtalk.
And how do u make flash player work in ur iOS???
And one serious setback was when i updated to iOS7.For the first few days safari was slow...my iOSes would hang every now and then.But the next update fixed the bugs.And now i am back to luving my phone.

I want to switch to androids...just because of the number of fun and free apps that are available.And also because these days every app is made to meet android needs.Apple must curb this trend..,,i think.
But androids still dont have the apple's class and finish.I am still in 2 minds about dumping my iOS.I am way to loyal to it by now.
Were you expecting a more technical discussion??

OS X is by far the most reliable operating system I have ever used, & it's consistently reliable on Macintosh machines for most people. I don't really use Google Talk, I do most of my chatting on Facebook or Whatsapp. As for the flash player, I recall that there are some browsers with flash enabled & they are probably available in App Store. I never needed flash to be honest, my most visited flash enabled website is Youtube, & that works perfectly fine on iOS. I had to install iOS 7 twice on my iPhone 5, it failed the first time, but I had no issues with my iPad. The problem with iOS 7 is that it's ridiculously slow on iPhones before the iPhone 5. Apple should have done something about that at least, & it's going to take time for it to reach the level of polish that iOS 6 had. The new Safari's interface is awesome by the way, I prefer it over Google Chrome, which was pretty good in the iOS 6 days.

I have got one major problem with Android, & that is application optimization. Most applications I come across are better developed on iOS then they are on Android. This is especially true for tablets, many Android tablet applications are just stretched versions of their phone counterparts. The Android market place also needs stricter monitoring to remove malware, & Google needs to work a way to provide timely updates to all Android devices. The Nexus line is great & if I purchase an Android phone it would definitely be the Nexus 5, but the vast majority of Android devices in the market do not run stock Android.

Were you expecting a more technical discussion??

No, I just wanted Apple users opinions on their new products. I even had a thread on it in the past, & we had an Android vs iOS battle there, but the thread was dedicated to the iPhone 5.
Thanks to you....or else i would have missed @p(-)0ENiX 's post.

Weird, I never received a notification for a mention on this post, neither did I get a notification for being mentioned assuming that I was mentioned by the user that informed you of my post.

Where was my post mentioned by that user?
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Well i wanted to clear the air about camel and tent comment.That when i asked u to start a new thread i actually meant it,....but then i guess in pdf you dont have a section for snippets.

And no i dont use gtalk for chatting.I use gtalk and skype for voice calls.I use whatsapp to share jokes with frens.Dont chat as such.But yes on weekends we friends catch up on whatsapp.

I use iphone4s....and i hated it when apple changed my siri from a female to male.But did u notice siri responds better with iOS7??

In the tab market.,,iPad is still the best.Other tabs get sold only because they of their low prices.

And i did read your thread on nexus5.I must confess though that i dont have much knowledge about nexus.

And yes its weird that i too didnt get an alert when u had quoted me on this thread.
Well i wanted to clear the air about camel and tent comment.That when i asked u to start a new thread i actually meant it,....but then i guess in pdf you dont have a section for snippets.

Those jokes on Arabia weren't that offensive to me because I am not Arabian anyway. Although I guess it does get annoying after a while because it presents a backward image of a country & region that I grew up in, & am fond off. Telling us to start a thread on it however was offensive because it was essentially telling us to leave while we had done nothing wrong. That is why I told you that we can post on any thread we want in the forum & introduction threads do tolerate lighthearted jokes.

And no i dont use gtalk for chatting.I use gtalk and skype for voice calls.I use whatsapp to share jokes with frens.Dont chat as such.But yes on weekends we friends catch up on whatsapp.

I use iphone4s....and i hated it when apple changed my siri from a female to male.But did u notice siri responds better with iOS7??

In the tab market.,,iPad is still the best.Other tabs get sold only because they of their low prices.

And i did read your thread on nexus5.I must confess though that i dont have much knowledge about nexus.

And yes its weird that i too didnt get an alert when u had quoted me on this thread.

Voice calls, text chatting, etc. I was including every kind of chat when I mentioned "chatting", & yeah Skype is probably the best & most used video call application, & I also like Tango. At the moment, I like BlackBerry Messenger for text chatting. I used to use a BlackBerry device in the past, & what I missed from it the most was its messenger. The Nexus line of devices is in my opinion the most comparable to iOS devices. The updates are on time, & since Google itself is involved in their development, the default software optimization is pretty good too. I prefer the female voice on Siri too even though I don't use Siri much. Yeah, it has definitely improved since the update. I checked my phone's settings & you can configure Siri to use either of those two voices. The iPhone 5S is a good upgrade option for anyone using the 3G or 4 series, but in my opinion it's a waste of money for iPhone 5 users.
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I use iphone4s....and i hated it when apple changed my siri from a female to male.But did u notice siri responds better with iOS7??

In the tab market.,,iPad is still the best.Other tabs get sold only because they of their low prices.

And i did read your thread on nexus5.I must confess though that i dont have much knowledge about nexus.

And yes its weird that i too didnt get an alert when u had quoted me on this thread.

You have iphone 4s :O

Please gift me :(

Me poor can't afford :(
p(-)oENix said:

Those jokes on Arabia weren't that offensive to me because I am not Arabian anyway. Although I guess it does get annoying after a while because it presents a backward image of a country & region that I grew up in, & am fond off. Telling us to start a thread on it however was offensive because it was essentially telling us to leave while we had done nothing wrong. That is why I told you that we can post on any thread we want in the forum & introduction threads do tolerate lighthearted jokes.

Got it !!!
Next time i'll be more careful with what i post :-)

p(-)0ENiX said:
Voice calls, text chatting, etc. I was including every kind of chat when I mentioned "chatting", & yeah Skype is probably the best & most used video call application, & I also like Tango. At the moment, I like BlackBerry Messenger for text chatting. I used to use a BlackBerry device in the past, & what I missed from it the most was its messenger. The Nexus line of devices is in my opinion the most comparable to iOS devices. The updates are on time, & since Google itself is involved in their development, the default software optimization is pretty good too. I prefer the female voice on Siri too even though I don't use Siri much. Yeah, it has definitely improved since the update. I checked my phone's settings & you can configure Siri to use either of those two voices. The iPhone 5S is a good upgrade option for anyone using the 3G or 4 series, but in my opinion it's a waste of money for iPhone 5 users.
Tango??? Hmmm will try downloading it.
And isnt the BBM app very slow...OMG!!

And that was some good amount of info on Nexus....so why isnt Nexus creating waves???

U knw i went to my settings...but i can just change language,voice feedback,info and raise to speak option.I cant change siri's gender....lol.
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BBM is best app

For some reasons... I feel like... whatsapp is for girls and BBM for boys :D

BBM seems gentleman's messenger whereas Whatsapp is for jeans-shirt walay log
BBM is best app

For some reasons... I feel like... whatsapp is for girls and BBM for boys :D

BBM seems gentleman's messenger whereas Whatsapp is for jeans-shirt walay log
Picking up a fight with me Zakii???
Lol....you'll regret it.

Whatsapp....is way faster than BBM.
You are right BBM has been used by men in their executive suites....gentlemen or not.
Whatsapp is more fun....and whats life without fun.
Sir i suggest... you too switch to whatsapp.

Btw isnt it a litttttle hypocritic comment considering that the post was made by you who reaps the max advantage from whatsapp??...ahem ahem...no no i didnt say anything.
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