Sir, in Islam the criteria from Haram and Halal is set by Allah and his Prophet through the Holy Quran and veritable Hadeeth. Pork has been declared haram (prohibited) with the very clear injunctions and after that there is no need for other reasons. But if you want to motivate scientifically to argue with non-Muslims, you can search a find a lot of reasons but it won't change its prohibition. Remember science is not the yard stick against which we measure the laws of divine. I'm a student of science and I can tell you that it changes and deep down still a lot of research is being carried out to understand the very fundamentals and things that appear established may be over-ruled or replaced by different theories....from classical mechanics to general theory of relativity and then quantum mechanics.. and now string string theories, concept of multi-verse, oscillating universe, and even the speed of light, dark energy, dark matter.. we are still in the process or learning.