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@waz @Armstrong @Indischer @Leader

I am off. Today for the first time in my life I will exercise my right to vote :-)

have you asked around New Zealand and Australian alternatives? They are equally as accredited in terms of their business, finance and accouting courses.

It is always good to do every bit of research you can. I wish I did that more often :/

Armstrong, EDL's worst nightmare. :D

Glad to know that Ravi. :tup:

Could you give a small synopsis of the politics in New Zealand....as in which are the dominant Parties, and what the major issues going into these elections?
Glad to know that Ravi. :tup:

Could you give a small synopsis of the politics in New Zealand....as in which are the dominant Parties, and what the major issues going into these elections?

sure :-)

New Zealand is similar to the U.K in terms of political parties. You have Labour, who is left of centre. And you have national, who are right of centre.

But in recent years, this line has blurred, when National became even more socially liberal with approving gay marriage etc.

Then you have the minor parties. Greens (I think you know their politics) Then you have New Zealand First which is conservative on immigration policies. Then you have a plethora of minor parties.

New Zealand operates on the basis of MMP system. You have two votes, the vote for the candidate, and the party vote. I think Germany operates on a similar basis to this.

Right now John Key, the Prime minister has served two terms and will be re-elected because he has a massive lead in the polls.

The most hot topic issues has been the five eyes issue, with New Zealand intelligence agencies alleged to have carried out mass surveillance. Then you have the housing crisis. The economy is always a major worry. New Zealand still relies a lot of it's income on agriculture. Dairy, meat products etc.

Then you have a movement for sensible sentencing. Prisoners should face more stiff punishment.

There are also a lot of issues facing the polynesian community which are quite large in New Zealand. You have high incarceration rates, heavy alcoholism, high domestic violence statistics.

@Indischer do you have any other questions :)

@Indischer here you go, a supplementary article Duncan Garner: The 10 defining election issues - Articles - Duncan Garner - Shows - RadioLIVE

Glad to know that Ravi. :tup:

Could you give a small synopsis of the politics in New Zealand....as in which are the dominant Parties, and what the major issues going into these elections?

forgot to ask you this. How is German politics? How is Merkel seen within Germany? German attitude towards some of the minority groups? Like the Turks?

In terms of the economy, in terms of social policies which way does your average german tends to go? :)
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sure :-)

New Zealand is similar to the U.K in terms of political parties. You have Labour, who is left of centre. And you have national, who are right of centre.

But in recent years, this line has blurred, when National became even more socially liberal with approving gay marriage etc.

Then you have the minor parties. Greens (I think you know their politics) Then you have New Zealand First which is conservative on immigration policies. Then you have a plethora of minor parties.

New Zealand operates on the basis of MMP system. You have two votes, the vote for the candidate, and the party vote. I think Germany operates on a similar basis to this.

Right now John Key, the Prime minister has served two terms and will be re-elected because he has a massive lead in the polls.

The most hot topic issues has been the five eyes issue, with New Zealand intelligence agencies alleged to have carried out mass surveillance. Then you have the housing crisis. The economy is always a major worry. New Zealand still relies a lot of it's income on agriculture. Dairy, meat products etc.

Then you have a movement for sensible sentencing. Prisoners should face more stiff punishment.

There are also a lot of issues facing the polynesian community which are quite large in New Zealand. You have high incarceration rates, heavy alcoholism, high domestic violence statistics.

@Indischer do you have any other questions :)

Thanks bro! Domestic electronic eavesdropping seems to have become a hot issue in many first-world Nations in the past 2-3 years. Perhaps a combination of the maturity and reach of the internet and the times we've been pushed into.

Does New Zealand have any anti-technology parties yet?
Thanks bro! Domestic electronic eavesdropping seems to have become a hot issue in many first-world Nations in the past 2-3 years. Perhaps a combination of the maturity and reach of the internet and the times we've been pushed into.

Does New Zealand have any anti-technology parties yet?

yes. They are the Greens. Green party and Greenpeace their ideological fountainhead are increasingly becoming Eco-Luddites.

Thanks bro! Domestic electronic eavesdropping seems to have become a hot issue in many first-world Nations in the past 2-3 years. Perhaps a combination of the maturity and reach of the internet and the times we've been pushed into.

Does New Zealand have any anti-technology parties yet?

btw, your avatar is like Nehru Troll face :D
forgot to ask you this. How is German politics? How is Merkel seen within Germany? German attitude towards some of the minority groups? Like the Turks?

In terms of the economy, in terms of social policies which way does your average german tends to go? :)

Am still a bit of a novice when it comes to understanding the nuances of German politics, but from what I read and see, German politicians set a pretty high precedent as far as their work ethics are concerned. Angela Merkel is respected and liked my most Germans that I've met. But I have to say, it's pretty difficult to get a German to talk about politics unless he hasn't had 4-5 mugs of beer. :lol:

Turks today are the second most dominant ethnic grouping after the Germas themselves. But quite a few Germans are still not particularly chuffed with their commitment to integration. Many second and third generation Turks still supposedly have issues with speaking and writing good German, and the community also supposedly isn't well-off economically(on a relative scale, i.e).

yes. They are the Greens. Green party and Greenpeace their ideological fountainhead are increasingly becoming Eco-Luddites.

btw, your avatar is like Nehru Troll face :D

The Greens in Germany are amongst the most active and well-organized of their units. But they haven't taken any sort of anti-technology stance so far. In fact, they have an alliance with the Pirate Party, which is seen as a pro-technology party. The Pirates also have very liberal views and demands as far as Governmental control over newer technologies is concerned, especially in the energy and IT sector.

And Yes, that laugh from Chacha Nehru is epic! He looks like he just heard the dopest $hit on the mic in an underground rap battle. :lol:
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Did you update your iOS??
I was very happy with my iOS till I got this message which said " Sorry iPS8 is unable to attac files on safari browser.We have notified Apple and 're working on it".
I cant upload attachements anywhere else except on watsapp.Are you also facing this problem??
@waz @Armstrong @Indischer @Leader @scorpionx

I am off. Today for the first time in my life I will exercise my right to vote :-)

have you asked around New Zealand and Australian alternatives? They are equally as accredited in terms of their business, finance and accouting courses.

It is always good to do every bit of research you can. I wish I did that more often :/

Armstrong, EDL's worst nightmare. :D

Try skinny diving :lol:
Indian TV newsreader sacked after calling Chinese president Xi Jinping 'Mr Eleven' on air

Xi Jinping was on a three day visit to India

12:27PM BST 19 Sep 2014

Broadcaster calls Xi Jinping 'Eleven Jinping' after mistaking visiting Chinese president's name for the Roman numeral

Pronouncing foreign leaders' names is a headache for newsreaders the world over but on Friday it proved the downfall of one Indian newscaster, who mistook the visiting Chinese president's name for the Roman numeral XI, calling him "Eleven Jinping" on air.

The blunder occurred late Thursday night in a report by India's public broadcaster Doordarshan on President Xi Jinping's high-profile first state visit to India.

Local news site Quartz Friday quoted Doordarshan chief executive Jawahar Sircar as saying the newscaster had been sacked and steps had been taken to avoid a repeat of such an incident.

"We've taken action plus (we are) upgrading systems," Sircar tweeted.

The broadcaster did not immediately return AFP's calls for comment.

Doordarshan, once the only choice for television viewers in India, has suffered a steep decline in influence since private television channels began airing in the early 1990s.

The blunder is an embarrassment for the government of India's new Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who rolled out the red carpet for Mr Xi, spending his 64th birthday hosting a dinner for the Chinese president in a luxury riverside tent in his home city Ahmedabad.


@thesolar65 @DRAY @halupridol @nair
I found it a little funny that Xi's name could be misinterpreted as eleven too.I should not be surprised though because when Obama was elected then his name was often confused with Osama's.
Imagine the blunderrr!! :lol: :lol:
But then they say "whats in a name by which you call a rose by some other 'll smell just as sweet". Lolzz
Now imagine foreign newsreaders reading Indian names... Na-render Mo-Di.. Pra-Nab Mukh-errr- jee. :D
eleven jinping :lol:
well,lets not be too hard on the newsreader,waise bhi aajkal kon DD news dekhta hae. :p:

how have u been?
what's the ad's name?

Edit: it says in the end.

not to be a stickler, emotional appeals like this will hardly have an effect on the Indian psyche.

But well intentioned nonetheless.

@Leader the short film might be in Telugu, which might mean a lot of people may not what is going on :D

I have no idea, but I found it on net being spread... so thought you might like it.. :)

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