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I feel that we have lost a good member here, a very sensible and rational one,the one & only of his kind. Mr @Skies

The last i heard he was telling others about the following methods of breaking the snare of defence.pk.
Dr. @Skies, did you drink that elixir yourself? o_O

How to deactive PDF account:

1. Change your email address to 123456@gmail.com on PDF account
2. Open notepad and type something like that: sfdsahfoisdhfo8shvfoergsdkjvbgusgf
3. Then select "cut" option on what you just typed, and go to password change option on PDF
4. Type your old password
5. Paste your new password twice that you cut from notepad
6. Log out
7. Delete the notepad you created.
8. Voila

Now you can not remember your password, and can not reset as you would not be able to create a gmail id like: 123456@gmail.com

I hope that "voila" of yours' didn't end with a Tada!!! ( :angry: )
Come back along us mate or if hibernating rise from your slumber.A little bit of sanity is all what we require here.
How to deactive PDF account:

1. Change your email address to 123456@gmail.com on PDF account
2. Open notepad and type something like that: sfdsahfoisdhfo8shvfoergsdkjvbgusgf
3. Then select "cut" option on what you just typed, and go to password change option on PDF
4. Type your old password
5. Paste your new password twice that you cut from notepad
6. Log out
7. Delete the notepad you created.
8. Voila

Now you can not remember your password, and can not reset as you would not be able to create a gmail id like: 123456@gmail.com

This is an excellent tip, one that I just might myself use, one of these days. Thank you.
It just goes to show just how immature or overzealous most posters are on PDF. The office of the PM of the State of Pakistan must be respected, no matter who occupies it.

Kudos to you for keeping up with that, man!

Personally can't take a bit more of it now.I see your efforts.

Have to ignore ,have to ignore to stay in my senses somehow.Am i selfish /weak enough for that , may be.
Kudos to you for keeping up with that, man!

Personally can't take a bit more of it now.I see your efforts.

Have to ignore ,have to ignore to stay in my senses somehow.Am i selfish /weak enough for that , may be.

I do not know how much longer I have this in me Sir, frankly, but it cannot be much longer.
lol lol vcheng i was going to ask you about it lol.

Great minds thing alike ,eh?:lol:

Unless, you want me to stop visiting.o_O

Nah, you are one of the chosen ones here. Stay. I will find another hangout somewhere on the InterWebz that suits me better. Some day. :D
I do not know how much longer I have this in me Sir, frankly, but it cannot be much longer.

I do not need to mention it to you, in any capacity.
But here is what i do...(You have to modulate it according to your mood)
1-Work....> takes a lot out of me.
2-Exercise> just came back from a track, may be that's why i'm not that annoying.
3-Indulge (forcefully ) in other unrelated stuff. That have a potential to take you far enough from this daily dose of insanity.(I don't include drugs in that for myself, same for you)
4-You are abroad so you already have an environment to facilitate you for that.But i do blame media for trying to shove that shit down our throat every time we revert.

BTW, do you like Golf?:D


I do share the same misery.It's just a D.I.L.L.I.N.G.A.F. written over it.
And sadly that is not a brave sign.
Last edited:
I do not need to mention it to you, in any capacity.
But here is what i do...(You have to modulate it according to your mood)
1-Work....> takes a lot out of me.
2-Exercise> just came back from a track, may be that's why i'm not that annoying.
3-Indulge (forcefully ) in other unrelated stuff. That have a potential to take you far enough from this daily dose of insanity.(I don't include drugs in that for myself, same for you)
4-You are abroad so you already have an environment to facilitate you for that.But i do blame media for trying to shove that shit down your throat every time you revert.

BTW, do you like Golf?:D

Actually, I have a lot to do and enjoy. My participation here is not for lack of other activities, but an expression of my efforts to remain engaged and try to rectify as much as I can, no matter how futile it appears. But, there is a limit to what I can do, and for how long. May be the time follow others into the wild blue yonder is approaching. Who knows?

I do share the same misery.It's just a D.I.L.L.I.N.G.A.F. written over it.
And sadly that is not a brave sign.

What is D.I.L.L.I.N.G.A.F. ?
Trying to? Please, i am correct.

Disappointed, because you should look upto me and learn from me.
Well actually my English in Writing and in Speech is pretty good... Its just that sometimes in hurry,while writing,i often have problem in differentiating between different Rhyming words:p:...Wo Kia Hey K when i was in Kindergarten and while we switched to the chapter "Words That Rhyme Together" and were gunna have comprehensive lessons on it ,Tu our English Teacher used to mostly spend her time prolly thinking about the guy teacher with whom she was having an affair with:enjoy: and hence didnt concentrate much on us here:laugh:...Tu Is Leay Hum Mi Rhyming Words Ko Distinguish Kerny Mi Kami Reh Gae Hey:p: ...Tu Is Mi Humara Kia Kasur?:p: Baki Tu English Thik Heyna:unsure:

I should Look up to you? and learn from you?:what: ...well nothing wrong in it but whenever i try looking upto you, tu all i see or comprehend is "Chicks ...Chicks...and more Chicks" :undecided: hahaha just kidding...now dont me mad on me:(
Actually, I have a lot to do and enjoy. My participation here is not for lack of other activities, but an expression of my efforts to remain engaged and try to rectify as much as I can, no matter how futile it appears. But, there is a limit to what I can do, and for how long. May be the time follow others into the wild blue yonder is approaching. Who knows?

What is D.I.L.L.I.N.G.A.F. ?


Internet slang.

Internet slang.

Actually, I do care about Pakistan deeply, regardless of what I am accused of here on a regular basis. My advice may be bitter to most here, but like potent medicine, it is only good for the patient in question.
Actually, I do care about Pakistan deeply, regardless of what I am accused of here on a regular basis. My advice may be bitter to most here, but like potent medicine, it is only good for the patient in question.

But when your mind is cluttered with other thoughts.(Is brain-washed the right word here?)
And is not crystal clear enough for you to be impartial and hence receptive to all the opinions.Then you have unconsciously made yourself up a hardliner.Weather you accept it or not.
For people like these, time is the biggest teacher.Sharing your experience and knowledge with them at that point of time is like trying to forge the steel when it's cold.May be they are not warm enough to welcome you.And that is miserable for the person who's trying to put an effort.That is why i mentioned it as a pretty brave commitment.
But when your mind is cluttered with other thoughts.(Is brain-washed the right word here?)
And is not crystal clear enough for you to be impartial and hence receptive to all the opinions.Then you have unconsciously made yourself up a hardliner.Weather you accept it or not.
For people like these, time is the biggest teacher.Sharing your experience and knowledge with them at that point of time is like trying to forge the steel when it's cold.May be they are not warm enough to welcome you.And that is miserable for the person who's trying to put an effort.That is why i mentioned it as a pretty brave commitment.

Fair points, but what you describe is their problem, not mine. :D
Fair points, but what you describe is their problem, not mine. :D

Sure it is.(I like that approach)
But are we comfortable or alright with that if we care enough?
A question that at times i ask myself.

See you in the evening( using your gray curvy muscles).:)

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