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madooxno9 said:
Good to see you too madaam ji, Exam khatam , JOB chalu... got job at CITI bank Securities Analyst . Time nahi mail pata ...
Will be on from next month once i get my permanent cabin :P

how about you , kaisa chal raha hai ?
I was holidaying in India, returned back to UAE just recently. :-)

So Mr.Securities analyst enjoy your job. I hope CITI guys are treating you well.
Yeah, i tried working out during Ramadan once and i only ended up losing more muscle since fasting deprives your muscle tissue the necessary nutrients and protein to heal post workout.

Exactly, but I still need to keep up with my cardiovascular exercises during Ramadan, & seeing as I have to fit my entire schedule between Iftar & Fajr, it can get pretty hectic.

I was originally going for Psychology but now i'm looking into the medical field.

The medical field was my primary interest in the past, & I do sort off feel bad for not pursuing it further, even though I am happy with my current field too.

Personally, if I had chosen to enter the medical field, my interests would lie in either Cardiology or Neurology.
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Hi sister.Doing just fine.I hope that you are enjoying your moments.
And i see money dropping down from Mars.
(Seems like Indians have reached there, eh? @levina , :oops: no more cookies in the jar? Let's blame google for it.):P
And no i'm not a pole dancer like @hinduguy with my legs in the air.:lol:
We are getting there...september 14 or so. :agree:
@Chanakya's_Chant when's mars happening??

Btw @S.U.R.B. "the cookies in jar" whooshed over my head,what was it about?? :blink:

Exactly, but I still need to keep up with my cardiovascular exercises during Ramadan, & seeing as I have to fit my entire schedule between Iftar & Fajr, it can get pretty hectic.

The medical field was my primary interest in the past, & I do sort off feel bad for not pursuing it further, even though I am happy with my current field too.

Personally, if I had chosen to enter the medical field, my interests would lie in either Cardiology or Neurology.
Are you alive warrior on a camel cataphract ???
Long long longgg time. Lolzz
Yayy i got another negative rating. :lol:

Exactly, but I still need to keep up with my cardiovascular exercises during Ramadan, & seeing as I have to fit my entire schedule between Iftar & Fajr, it can get pretty hectic.
Yeah, its not easy which is why i gave up going to the gym during Ramadan.

The medical field was my primary interest in the past, & I do sort off feel bad for not pursuing it further, even though I am happy with my current field too.

Personally, if I had chosen to enter the medical field, my interests would lie in either Cardiology or Neurology.
I'm thinking about pursuing Nursing.

PS, what's the field you're currently in?
Are you alive warrior on a camel cataphract ???
Long long longgg time. Lolzz

Yes, I am alive, how have you been? Yeah, it has been a long time, but then again, I haven't seen you around much either.

I would rather be a Hoplite! ;)


Have you been following the technology world recently? I think I am going to go with the Note 4 this time, unless Google releases a really awesome Nexus device. :D

By the way, I tagged you in a video I posted, it's freaking hilarious.
Since the original thread was closed:

So you are admitting that the Black Haitians killed off every French Man, Woman, and Child, even the ones who had nothing to do with the enslavement of Africans and in fact supported the rights of the Blacks to self determination? So my argument was correct that indeed every last White was butchered under Black rule in Haiti.

" The 1804 Haiti Massacre was a genocide, which was carried out against the remaining white population of French Creoles (or Franco-Haitians) in Haiti by the black population on the order of Jean-Jacques Dessalines. The massacre, which took place in the entire territory of Haiti, was carried out from early February 1804 until 22 April 1804, and resulted in the deaths of between 3,000 to 5,000 people of all ages and genders.[1]

Squads of soldiers moved from house to house, killing entire families.[2] Even whites who had been friendly and sympathetic to the black population were imprisoned and later killed.[3] A second wave of massacres targeted white women and children.[3] "

1804 Haiti Massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I never "attacked" your country. I merely stated historically documented facts.

If i were to attack your country i would use abusive language and derogatory words. Stop crying false accusations as it only proves you have no valid counter argument.

What "potshots"?? I only posted links from reputable Liberal Websites like the Daily Mail. Why are you so defensive for?

Black South African Businessman Rips Out Heart Of Another Man And Eats It To Prove He's Not Gay- Daily Mail

"Rape Hotspot" Billboard Goes Up In South Africa- The Citizen

Drastic Increase In Murder Of White Farmers In South Africa

Also, its funny you mention that South Africa is one of the richest countries in Africa. But only so as long as the people who established the country exist. Once they too are butchered to the last man, woman, and child as was done to the French in Haiti, South Africa will be no different from Zimbabwe and Haiti.

Really?? Do you think you're that important?? :lol:

When i posted that statement i never even knew we had a Haitian on PDF. But it seems you're not too bright in the head because surely you lack comprehension. Let me make myself clear to you once again:

The reason why i brought Haiti up in reply to that member who was advocating carving out a piece of America specifically for Blacks where they could govern themselves was due to the historically documented fact that Haiti was the first Black Country to attain its freedom from European rule, where for the first time the Black majority ruled over the White minority while also inheriting all of the infrastructure, facilities, and institutions established by the Whites, yet Haiti went backwards and the USA had to send in the marines to stabilize Haiti not once, not twice, but three times (before you cry "Racism", this is a historically documented fact), yet even after American interventions Haiti kept on returning to its previous condition of backwardness.

Nothing to do with you being Haitian or a think tank on pdf because none of that is of concern to me.

But, if it makes you feel any better, i'll bring up another country. How does Zimbabwe (former Rhodesia) sound?

Zimbabwe too was once a White enclave in Africa known as Rhodesia, a colony of Britain. It was one of the most economically prosperous, technologically advanced, and secure region in Africa in every sense of the word besides South Africa. It had a White minority of 296,000 in 1975 (4% of the Rhodesian population at the time) with a massive black majority population. In 1970 the White Rhodesian gov.t declared Rhodesia as a independent Republic however the Blacks weren't content with the White minority and forced the Whites to concede to their demands through the use of brute force. Once the Whites gave in the mass slaughters and ethnic cleansing of White Rhodesians began. The new Black gov.t confiscated all of their property and assets and handed them over to the Blacks. All gov.t offices and administrations formerly occupied by Whites were handed over to Blacks. The Black gov.t also renamed the country from Rhodesia to Zimbabwe. End result?? The new country of Zimbabwe went down the toilet in every sense of the word.

BTW, this is from the Liberal mouthpiece New York Times: Black Zimbabweans Desire White Rule

"In a week of surreptitious reporting here (committing journalism can be a criminal offense in Zimbabwe), ordinary people said time and again that life had been better under the old, racist, white regime of what was then called Rhodesia.

“When the country changed from Rhodesia to Zimbabwe, we were very excited,” one man, Kizita, told me in a village of mud-walled huts near this town in western Zimbabwe. “But we didn’t realize the ones we chased away were better and the ones we put in power would oppress us.”

“It would have been better if whites had continued to rule because the money would have continued to come,” added a neighbor, a 58-year-old farmer named Isaac. “It was better under Rhodesia. Then we could get jobs. Things were cheaper in stores. Now we have no money, no food.”

Over and over, I cringed as I heard Africans wax nostalgic about a nasty, oppressive regime run by a tiny white elite. Black Zimbabweans responded that at least that regime was more competent than today’s nasty, oppressive regime run by the tiny black elite that surrounds Mr. Mugabe."

A question for you @Mugwop and others to ponder over: What do Haiti, Zimbabwe, South Africa, Detroit, and Chicago have in common?? Answer: They were all once ruled by a predominantly White gov.t/administration but ever since these countries/cities gov.t's/administrations came under the control of Blacks they have become backward cesspits.

Yeah, sure, i've read this before, a lot of lefties and apologists try to use this excuse to cover up Che's inner Racist view of Blacks.

You'll be interested in this BTW. Here is what a famous Arab scholar by the name of Ibn Khaldun, father of modern economics, had to say about Blacks from his experience through his travels in Africa's Black regions:whistle: :

  • The only people who accept slavery are the Negroes, owing to their low degree of humanity and proximity to the animal stage. Other persons who accept the status of slave do so as a means of attaining high rank, or power, or wealth, as is the case with the Mameluke Turks in the East and with those Franks and Galicians who enter the service of the state [in Spain].
    • Ibn Khaldun as quoted in Bernard Lewis, Race and Color in Islam, Harper and Row, 1970, quote on page 38. The brackets are displayed by Lewis.
  • "Beyond [known peoples of black West Africa] to the south there is no civilization in the proper sense. There are only humans who are closer to dumb animals than to rational beings. They live in thickets and caves, and eat herbs and unprepared grain. They frequently eat each other. They cannot be considered human beings."
    • Muqaddimah
  • "Therefore, the Negro nation are, as a rule, submissive to slavery, because [Negroes] have little [that is essentially] human and have attributes that are quite similar to those of dumb animals, as we have stated."
    • Muqaddimah
Besides the rappers, even most Black youth have the "bling bling" and the latest Jordan sneakers, but blame the Whites and other hard working people for not giving them enough tax money in the form of welfare so they could have some money left over to feed themselves.

Since most of my posts are strictly about military hardware,Pakistani politics,Development,etc and someone who I consider one of the best members here asked me not to respond to you.I think I'm going to do that but before I completely ignore you I would like to give you some friendly advice "Get off your keyboard and go do something about your problem with black people in person" lol that's if you can.
Yes, I am alive,
Glad! :D
p(-)0ENiX said:
how have you been? Yeah, it has been a long time, but then again, I haven't seen you around much either.
I was holidaying in india and avoided serious threads unless mentioned.I didnt want to get distracted by my online fights while I was enjoying my holidays.

p(-)0ENiX said:
Have you been following the technology world recently? I think I am going to go with the Note 4 this time, unless Google releases a really awesome Nexus device. :D
The device in my hand is obsolete now.So yeah I have to catch up on whats happening in mobile world. :)
But then I have a very middle class mentality...i might trash my iphone only and only if it starts troubling me.As of now its working fine. :-)
p(-)0ENiX said:
By the way, I tagged you in a video I posted, it's freaking hilarious.
I havent got any of your notifications since ages.
Could you give me the link?
Since most of my posts are strictly about military hardware,Pakistani politics,Development,etc and someone who I consider one of the best members here asked me not to respond to you.I think I'm going to do that but before I completely ignore you I would like to give you some friendly advice "Get off your keyboard and go do something about your problem with black people in person" lol that's if you can.
Butt hurt much?? Couldn't come back with a proper argument huh?? :lol:

Lol! Which thread?

This thread. Apparently @Mugwop can only respond with negative ratings but no intellectual argument to refute the facts i posted.

Business Management, but I have to pursue my Masters soon Insha'Allah, & I need to decide between marketing & finance.
Good choice! Hope you do well in this field InshaAllah!
Glad! :D

I was holidaying in india and avoided serious threads unless mentioned.I didnt want to get distracted by my online fights while I was enjoying my holidays.

That's good, how were your holidays? I know you are fond of drinking so I am guessing you were too drunk to post anyway. :P

P.S. I am joking. :D

The device in my hand is obsolete now.So yeah I have to catch up on whats happening in mobile world. :)
But then I have a very middle class mentality...i might trash my iphone only and only if it starts troubling me.As of now its working fine. :-)

It's alright, besides, the iPhone 5S simply wasn't worth it in my experience, even recording a freaking video on it sucked. It's power button rattles to the point that every video I record has this annoying rattling sound in it. Touch ID is good, but not consistent enough, & I am finally getting sick & tired of looking at iOS's boring home screen. Yes, I know this sounds like a rant that should probably be sent Apple's customer service. :lol:

I havent got any of your notifications since ages.
Could you give me the link?

Sure, click here. :)
This thread. Apparently @Mugwop can only respond with negative ratings but no intellectual argument to refute the facts i posted.

Ah sorry, I didn't look at the recent posts on this thread. You can make a complaint about it in the General Headquarters section if you want. Ibn Khaldun's views could be deemed as offensive by the management, but there is nothing wrong with presenting someone else's views no matter how brutal they might sound.

Good choice! Hope you do well in this field InshaAllah!

Thanks bro!
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That's good, how were your holidays? I know you are fond of drinking so I am guessing you were too drunk to post anyway. :P

P.S. I am joking. :D
Yeah I daily drink close to 2-3L of ...........water. :p::bunny:

p(-)0ENiX said:
It's alright, besides, the iPhone 5S simply wasn't worth it in my experience, even recording a freaking video on it sucked. It's power button rattles to the point that every video I record has this annoying rattling sound in it. Touch ID is good, but not consistent enough, & I am finally getting sick & tired of looking at iOS's boring home screen. Yes, I know this sounds like a rant that should probably be sent Apple's customer service. :lol:
Lolzzz yeah!
You must forward this complaint to Apple, SF.
I think Apple lost its charm after Steve Jobs passed away.
Yeah I daily drink close to 2-3L of ...........water. :p::bunny:

Water!? :woot: I think you meant Vodka; it's composed of ethanol & water, & happens to be colourless too. That's probably where the confusion arose from. :P

Lolzzz yeah!
You must forward this complaint to Apple, SF.
I think Apple lost its charm after Steve Jobs passed away.

I searched online about the problems my device had & it turned out there were loads of people complaining on Apple's forum, but there was no official response whatsoever back then.

I don't think there is any response out right now either, & unfortunately, most people would have probably just accepted the flaws & moved on.

I agree, Apple's quality control has definitely deteriorated as far as the iPhone is concerned.

Check out the Note 4. :smokin:

Galaxy Note 4 Specs Leak—Powerful Is An Understatement | TechnoBuffalo


yeah been busy:p:...afterall im not really that Farig like most of PDFians:enjoy:....i have recently realized what scholars/philosophers say that time shouldnt be wasted at all untill you have some real knuckleheads to deal with on PDF which is actually amusing:laugh: ...

Dosri Window Py Kam Kurna Huta Hey......was working on something so just jumped on in here to see what's going on....

arnt talking to you....:happy: im naraz:unsure:...actually scared now:fie:

NAraz? Scared? wut?

janaab @Informant kiyun bachi nu tang kertay ho? lolzz...Usually if guys like a girl they tang her .... :whistle:

Alright night to everyone :wave:

Please dont use Punjabi or whatever that abomination is, it kinda breaks my heart to see you strangle it :(

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