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whats your credit card number and srcurity code.....and issue/expiry date?
Immigration questions in tough process:

Is this true, are you more loyal to USA ?
Are you married to non-Pakistans?
Do you hate Pakistan or negative opinions?
When last time you visit Pakistan?
How many forums you were involved? pakwheels.com?
Specific accurate Middle aged ?
What religions you worship?

VCheng, are you full Pakistani or half?

Please answer accurates. :)
Your qualifications?

Arrange marriage or love? Any children's you have?

Typing from mobile so please pardon my short questions?
whats your credit card number and srcurity code.....and issue/expiry date?

1234 5678 8765 4321, 007, 12/2012 ( :D )

Immigration questions in tough process:

But I did that years ago.......let me try to respond.

Is this true, are you more loyal to USA ?

I take my oath of US citizenship seriously, but I also recognize and honor my birthplace, and will always do so.

Are you married to non-Pakistans?


Do you hate Pakistan or negative opinions?


When last time you visit Pakistan?

About 5 years ago.

How many forums you were involved? pakwheels.com?

Many many forums, the interwebz is a big place!

Specific accurate Middle aged ?

I'd rather not say.

What religions you worship?

I am a Muslim.

VCheng, are you full Pakistani or half?


Please answer accurates. :)

Of course, except where I decline or indicate otherwise (like the CC example above.)
I wouldn't ask for his actual name.

But when I first saw the username "VCheng", I originally thought he was a Pakistani-Chinese.

and I first thought he is a Pakistani member living in China. But later i came to know he is a very good person living in USA
Vcheng, You worked in defense sector or a defense official of Pakistan before moving in to America?
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