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What is your idea about the possibility of secularism in Iran?

In a system, the one who is the manager is responsible for the performance. Regardless of the highness of your literature about "to how extend the nation are hole-shaped!" If the system is not successful the manager should answer.

What makes you think Iran is not successful? Look at Iran's neighbours. Are we not doing better then Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Turkmenistan? Only one direct neighbour has a higher GDP then Iran. Granted things can always be improved, but I don't think saying "failure" or "not-successful" is true.
Whatever ill-conceived 'justification' you peddle out for those medieval and barbaric practises, I and any other individual who is sane wont accept that. Why go to Shariah ? There are even more brutal and barabaric punishments that are supposedly described in Garuda Purana - one of the 18 Puranas..but still no. Humanity has moved on from medieval ages and for no reason I would like it to go backwards. Period.

p.s. what she would have done at that time in self-defence is different from what the rapists must undergo as a punishment.

Dude, there are some other even one step ahead, they consider even more civilized than u...They say even lethal injection hurts, and killing itself is barbaric....You need to pickup...More faster dude...

Who knows may be tomorrow some sane people might say rape is just ok no one hurts in that why punishment?

If you are not ready to follow your books leave it...You do not need to force others your thinking declaring them sane/insane.
Dude, there are some other even one step ahead, they consider even more civilized than u...They say even lethal injection hurts, and killing itself is barbaric....You need to pickup...More faster dude...

Who knows may be tomorrow some sane people might say rape is just ok no one hurts in that why punishment?

If you are not ready to follow your books leave it...You do not need to force others your thinking declaring them sane/insane.

See that is the difference between idealists and pragmatists. While I recognize that rapists must be dealt the death penalty, the penalty itself must be within accepted limits of civilized people. Barbaric desert practises have no place here.

If cruel punishment is the norm, then terrorists must be disemboweled and must be hung upside down from wherever they caused the blast..coz they killed more people on one time than the rapists. Lets see such a law being passed in India. Then all the 'activists' would come out of the woodwarks and start protesting against the 'barbarism'.
My idea of secularism can be illustrated in the form of a pie chart with the vague title "Important Values". A judgement of secularity depends on how much place religion takes in the chart. As advances in the arts, sciences, sports etc take place, these will become values that share a portion of the chart with religion I think. In this sense secularism is an inevitable consequence of advancement. In the world this correlation can clearly be seen. Given this, there is an irony in the Islamic republic. The more it strives for advancement the more secular it will become, in the end finding itself to be obsolete I think.
Soheil is one of those fools who need a mullah to tell him how he can wipe his own äss. A change is not impossible, but within fingertips.
My idea of secularism can be illustrated in the form of a pie chart with the vague title "Important Values". A judgement of secularity depends on how much place religion takes in the chart. As advances in the arts, sciences, sports etc take place, these will become values that share a portion of the chart with religion I think. In this sense secularism is an inevitable consequence of advancement. In the world this correlation can clearly be seen. Given this, there is an irony in the Islamic republic. The more it strives for advancement the more secular it will become, in the end finding itself to be obsolete I think.

What you are missing is, religion would do anything to remain as the biggest slice, that's why it is preventing others from getting bigger.
What you are missing is, religion would to anything to remain as the biggest slice, that's why it is preventing others getting bigger.

What we mis is a person like Ataturk. Many Turks could have ended up with the same intellect as Soheil, if it wasn't for Ataturk. He saved Turkey.
It is not impossible for a socially backward country to have technological achievements especially if enough money spent, but there is little chance of getting something new. Innovation and new discovery (in many fields including science, social studies, arts, literature etc) is faster in freerer and modern society in general.

That is precisely what is holding many south asian countries back and I guess Iran too. (might be Iran is ahead of south asia but there is room for improvement)

Scientifically they are advancing there is no doubt in that...
They have less poor people than us. Socially they are good.
Education also they are better...
Scientifically they are advancing there is no doubt in that...
They have less poor people than us. Socially they are good.

4th largest proven oil reserves and second largest gas reserves, and people still have to beg to Ahmadinejad to give them a hamburger when he's passing by.
4th largest proven oil reserves and second largest gas reserves, and people still have to beg to Ahmadinejad to give them a hamburger when he's passing by.

According to source i checked, ofcoz not Iranian one....says that 15% Poors in US 18% in Iran. You are better than UAE also.

If sactions are lifted may be even better.

What do u think make Iran problem free country? i mean zero problems..?
4th largest proven oil reserves and second largest gas reserves, and people still have to beg to Ahmadinejad to give them a hamburger when he's passing by.

hey miss Amsterdam !!!

we are talking about Iran not N.Korea ...
What you are missing is, religion would do anything to remain as the biggest slice, that's why it is preventing others getting bigger.

You are right that between certain values there is a conflict, and with other values there is not. When more and more of these values,for which there exists no conflict, become established in the pie then the portion of religion becomes smaller and smaller along with it's capacity to supress conflicting values I think.
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