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What is your idea about the possibility of secularism in Iran?

my friend !!!

make it clear ... have you ever been in Iran ???

No I have not. You can refute any factual error in my post. I know I can speak with more conviction if I ever visited Iran and internet/news is poor substitute of that.
Very interesting, isn't it?

Why our economy failed?
Not important, we are going to lunch a human to the space

Why the democracy level is not acceptable?
Not important, we are going to lunch a human to the space

Why the human right in Iran is at this stage?
Not important, we are going to lunch a human to the space

Why corruption indexes are that high?
Not important, we are going to lunch a human to the space

Why sending a human to the space for France with near T$3 GDP still is not a priority?
Not important, we are going to lunch a human to the space

Why nobody is responsible in this country?
You are talking more than needed! (Thanks god. we got a different answer, finally!)

first of all launch not lunch :D

do you know anything about sanctions !?

what kind of democracy !? liberal democracy !?

you don't have human right !? again what is human right meaning in your dictionary !?

& do you know what is going on in France !?

do you know what going on in their economy !?

why nobody is responsible in this country ... I agree with this ... are you responsible ???
:rofl: funny post

But come on, you are not being fair! Only 1 time was the space launch mentioned. Also nobody brought up corruption levels, France, or anything like this.

maybe he means this is a waist of money !!!

do you know why he get angry ???

I insult his PM & his non-exist balls !!! :D
the only thing he said :

my Sunni friend said this ...

my Sunni friend said that ...

source : his Sunni friend !!! :D

20% Sunni !!!

holy crap ...

I only mentioned information/opinions from my Sunni friend twice.

1. When he gave his opinion on the amount of support that the regime has.
2. They thought Khatami was as not as bad as, if not better than Ahmadinejad.

Point 2 is clear as Ahmadinejad is more of a Shia chauvinist than the more liberal Khatami. Point 1 is his own personal opinion, which I think makes sense.

The fact that you were clearly ruffled by what I said is that your trolled not once, but twice with two troll posts with lots of exclamation marks, a green face with white teeth and the word "crap".

1. The Iranian revolution was indeed a nation-wide revolution consisting of many different groups of people with both secular, religious and ethnic ideologies.

2. The Iranian urban elite do indeed hate the Khamenei regime.

3. Ethnic groups in Iran such as the Kurds and Balochis are indeed not happy with the Khamenei regime.

There are many other things which I pointed out which are quite obvious and can be attested to by others.

If this is the level of the "discussion" on this sub-forum, with trolls with pictures of green faces and lots of !!! and talk of drugs and crap, then bye.
bulshit^^^ khomeini asked people to choose their favorite gov type.98% voted for islamic republic.
Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

1. That was during the time of Khomenei.

I am talking about now.

2. Saddam and other leaders also had elections or votes where 99.9% of people "voted" the way he wanted them to vote.

I will leave it to @Abii and others to say how true and accurate this claim of 98% wanted the Khomenei system (in a country with millions of Sunni Kurds and millions of Sunni Balochis). It is like saying 98% of Indians voted for a Hindu theocracy when officially at least 10% of Indians are Muslim.

In other words nonsense.

Why not let Iranians have free and fair elections and a true democracy now, not one where things are controlled and all candidates approved and vetted by the Khomeneist-mafia?

Answer: Because they know many, if not most Iranians are against them and their regime so they can only survive for dictatorship and censorship.
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I only mentioned information/opinions from my Sunni friend twice.

1. When he gave his opinion on the amount of support that the regime has.
2. They thought Khatami was as not as bad as, if not better than Ahmadinejad.

Point 2 is clear as Ahmadinejad is more of a Shia chauvinist than the more liberal Khatami. Point 1 is his own personal opinion, which I think makes sense.

The fact that you were clearly ruffled by what I said is that your trolled not once, but twice with two troll posts with lots of exclamation marks, a green face with white teeth and the word "crap".

1. The Iranian revolution was indeed a nation-wide revolution consisting of many different groups of people with both secular, religious and ethnic ideologies.

2. The Iranian urban elite do indeed hate the Khamenei regime.

3. Ethnic groups in Iran such as the Kurds and Balochis are indeed not happy with the Khamenei regime.

There are many other things which I pointed out which are quite obvious and can be attested to by others.

If this is the level of the "discussion" on this sub-forum, with trolls with pictures of green faces and lots of !!! and talk of drugs and crap, then bye.

no comment again !!!

keep smoking man !!! leave this boring discussions ...

good for you ...
1. That was during the time of Khomenei.

I am talking about now.

2. Saddam and other leaders also had elections or votes where 99.9% of people "voted" the way he wanted them to vote.

I will leave it to @Abii and others to say how true and accurate this claim of 98% wanted the Khomenei system (in a country with millions of Sunni Kurds and millions of Sunni Balochis). It is like saying 98% of Indians voted for a Hindu theocracy when officially at least 10% of Indians are Muslim.

In other words nonsense.

Why not let Iranians have free and fair elections and a true democracy now, not one where things are controlled and all candidates approved and vetted by the Khomeneist-mafia?

Answer: Because they know many, if not most Iranians are against them and their regime so they can only survive for dictatorship and censorship.

another fail !!!

fail after fail ...

source : my Sunni friend :D

As I thought...you have no answer or anything sensible to say.

not for bullcrap ... Sunni friend :)
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Democracy is worst form of government, but there is no alternative to it.

Democray is evolutionary process not revolutionary. The style of democracy ought to be tailor made for any country. The system works in USA might not work in India, the system works fine in India might not work in london...

If Iran is looking for democracy it has to look tailor-made democracy for itself.
first of all launch not lunch :D
Lunch is the optimistic future verb form of the "launch"

do you know anything about sanctions !?
Yaaa, I know. If a government miss calculate it's strength and behave carelessly the giant powers will push her to the sanction. Who is responsible for?

what kind of democracy !? liberal democracy !?
This discussion is about that, good one, although I have only seen non-liberal democracies just on papers!

you don't have human right !? again what is human right meaning in your dictionary !?
I am familiar with this logic. I remember how Ahmadinejad decreased the rate of unemployment in Iran by changing the definition of employment! However tell us with which part of western definition for human right you disagree! If government do not accept that why it is a member there?

& do you know what is going on in France !?
do you know what going on in their economy !?
GDP per capita:
Iran: less than $5000
France: more than $42000
based on world bank data.

why nobody is responsible in this country ... I agree with this ... are you responsible ???
Are you Ahmadinejad? This is exactly his way of answering with a question? Why do I call him irresponsible? because he is the only governor in the world who has decided to not publish the performance of his government officially!
Lunch is the optimistic future verb form of the "launch"

Yaaa, I know. If a government miss calculate it's strength and behave carelessly the giant powers will push her to the sanction. Who is responsible for?

This discussion is about that, good one, although I have only seen non-liberal democracies just on papers!

I am familiar with this logic. I remember how Ahmadinejad decreased the rate of unemployment in Iran by changing the definition of employment! However tell us with which part of western definition for human right you disagree! If government do not accept that why it is a member there?

GDP per capita:
Iran: less than $5000
France: more than $42000
based on world bank data.

Are you Ahmadinejad? This is exactly his way of answering with a question? Why do I call him irresponsible? because he is the only governor in the world who has decided to not publish the performance of his government officially!

let's make it clear ...

you have economical problems ...

we have a crap government ...

we need some changes , for example another government ... but a new system is impossible boy !!!

you know it is impossible ...

look at the first page ... discussion about a civil war is unacceptable ...

if after a civil ( it is impossible but if ) a puppet regime comes into the power ... what will happen ???

another civil war ???

a secular system is impossible in Iran because most of Iranian people are religious ...

try to make things better not worth ...
First of all, Do u know what the delhi victim wanted?
She wanted to burn all the rapists alive. If she had done this at that time no one would have objected because every one at that time would understand her feelings...No one would feel it is barbaric.

Aim of these punishments in islam is not tortured death of criminal. Aim is to create fear about the crime. Which works really well. This is the reason punishment carried out in public. Just looking at the pics i get scared to death.

Do u know why punishment to rape is barbaric in islam?

Islam first prohibits every possibility of getting such mentality, including modest dress, asking to marry without any delay. No indecent movies. No pornography,No tempting adds on road side walls. Even after so much is done person still choses to commit a barbaric crime, then he must be punished in barbaric way and his death should be a lesson for every one. sure that every victim would want this.

Whatever ill-conceived 'justification' you peddle out for those medieval and barbaric practises, I and any other individual who is sane wont accept that. Why go to Shariah ? There are even more brutal and barabaric punishments that are supposedly described in Garuda Purana - one of the 18 Puranas..but still no. Humanity has moved on from medieval ages and for no reason I would like it to go backwards. Period.

p.s. what she would have done at that time in self-defence is different from what the rapists must undergo as a punishment.
let's make it clear ...

you have economical problems ...

we have a crap government ...

we need some changes , for example another government ... but a new system is impossible boy !!!

you know it is impossible ...

look at the first page ... discussion about a civil war is unacceptable ...

if after a civil ( it is impossible but if ) a puppet regime comes into the power ... what will happen ???

another civil war ???

a secular system is impossible in Iran because most of Iranian people are religious ...

try to make things better not worth ...

I am not talking about regime change. I was talking about how foolish the current system is.
I am not talking about regime change. I was talking about how foolish the current system is.

this is not about the system ... this is about some a$$hole people working in the system ...

for example you !!!

if you done a bad thing in the system , the first person whom going to insulted is supreme leader :D
this is not about the system ... this is about some a$$hole people working in the system ...

for example you !!!

if you done a bad thing in the system , the first person whom going to insulted is supreme leader :D

In a system, the one who is the manager is responsible for the performance. Regardless of the highness of your literature about "to how extend the nation are hole-shaped!" If the system is not successful the manager should answer.

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