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What is possibility of a potential war between US and Pakistan?

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Also pls don't feed me the
'Mujhahedeen defeated Soviet' BS.
Without American support, the
Afghans would have been slaughtered in the millions by the
CIA played a vital role in afghan war...they provide Arms and supplies to Mujahedeen...and Mujahedeen confronted soviets , American Rangers or marines did not face soviets in afg, they are not that brave
Iraq has a popn of 20 mil and afghan about 10 mill.
Iraqi population is 30 million+.

Afghan population is around 30 million. This is excluding the millions of Afghans who are settled in Pakistan.

both countries were victims of UN sanctions to some degree or other. No comparison to pakistan.
In this case; consider Gulf War 1991. US performance in this war stunned even the Chinese military generals.

You can say what you want but iraq its arguable whether they have achieved what their aims were, they didnt mean for iran to have the influence it has in Iraq.
I have listed all the facts that have been observed and documented with passage of time. All of US objectives in Iraq have been met. Also, Iran may have some leverage in Iraq but it is limited to Shia population. However, the Sunni and Kurdish populations show Iranians middle finger.

And afghanistan make whatever excuse u want americans are leaving with their tale between their legs
Blame Obama for it. Not US military capabilities. Leadership is a very essential segment of warfare.

CIA played a vital role in afghan war...they provide Arms and supplies to Mujahedeen...and Mujahedeen confronted soviets , American Rangers or marines did not face soviets in afg, they are not that brave
It is not the matter of bravery. Any direct US and Soviet military engagement could spill out of control. This is where proxies came in to the picture.

Yeah, 3000 planes, more than the entire fighter inventory of the US air force today, was downed in Vietnam.

That's the US going all in. You don't bring 3000+ planes (and lose 3000 of them) if you're not going all in. They failed. End of story. Yes, that's a different era and the difference between Vietnam and today is like the difference between horse cavalry days and Vietnam, but it is still a reminder of what a hardcore disciplined army with comparable weapons can do to an invading US military.

With the kill ratios of the Vietnamese pilots, if they had carriers, they would've been bombing Hawaii and Los Angeles in no time.
You are beating on a dead bush. Should I remind about Chinese debacle in Vietnam?

Here it is:

China's twenty-nine-day incursion into Vietnam in February 1979 was a response to what China considered to be a collection of provocative actions and policies on Hanoi's part. These included Vietnamese intimacy with the Soviet Union, mistreatment of ethnic Chinese living in Vietnam, hegemonistic "imperial dreams" in Southeast Asia, and spurning of Beijing's attempt to repatriate Chinese residents of Vietnam to China.

In February 1979 China attacked along virtually the entire Sino-Vietnamese border in a brief, limited campaign that involved ground forces only. The Chinese attack came at dawn on the morning of 17 February 1979, and employed infantry, armor, and artillery. Air power was not employed then or at any time during the war. Within a day, the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) had advanced some eight kilometers into Vietnam along a broad front. It then slowed and nearly stalled because of heavy Vietnamese resistance and difficulties within the Chinese supply system. On February 21, the advance resumed against Cao Bang in the far north and against the all-important regional hub of Lang Son. Chinese troops entered Cao Bang on February 27, but the city was not secured completely until March 2. Lang Son fell two days later. On March 5, the Chinese, saying Vietnam had been sufficiently chastised, announced that the campaign was over. Beijing declared its "lesson" finished and the PLA withdrawal was completed on March 16.
(From globalsecurity)

And casualties:

30,000+ dead on both sides in just a month.

Not very impressive.
Iraqi population is 30 million+.

Afghan population is around 30 million. This is excluding the millions of Afghans who are settled in Pakistan.

In this case; consider Gulf War 1991. US performance in this war stunned even the Chinese military generals.

I have listed all the facts that have been observed and documented with passage of time. All of US objectives in Iraq have been met. Also, Iran may have some leverage in Iraq but it is limited to Shia population. The Sunni and Kurdish population shows Iranians middle finger.

Blame Obama for it. Not US military capabilities. Leadership is a very essential segment of warfare.

It is not the matter of bravery. Any direct US and Soviet military engagement could spill out of control. This is where proxies came in to the picture.

Wow you have convinced me the americans are great and unbeatable.
Do not mention Iraq. US has clearly won in Iraq.

1. Captured the entire country in 21 days.
2. Dismantled Saddam's regime.
3. Executed Saddam and killed his sons.
4. Defeated the Al-Qaeda network in Iraq.
5. Controlled Iraqi resistance.
6. Set a stage for unified Iraqi govenment.
7. Withdrew is major combat forces from Iraq after all the major objectives have been met.

This is an example of absolute victory.

In case of Afghanistan;

Obama has different objectives. He is more interested in ending OEF then solving the issue of Afghanistan. In addition, economic issues have taken priority. Bad luck.

Also, US never went all out in these nations.

Want me to provide statistics of full US military might?

Listen carefully now,
lets suppose china encircle india, they impose no fly zone's with the help of UN. Economic and trade snactions put up against them. There is no trade with India, everybody is against india. After 10-15 year india will be starving for food, water, Medicine, weapons...now china decide to attack india with the help of Pakistan, Srilanka , nepal , how much time india will last ??
Simply there is no possibility of any war between Pakistan and US
Wow you have convinced me the americans are great and unbeatable.
Like it or not; US has many victories under its belt in its history of warfare to date. This is incredible.

---------- Post added at 02:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:21 AM ----------

Listen carefully now,
lets suppose china encircle india, they impose no fly zone's with the help of UN. Economic and trade snactions put up against them. There is no trade with India, everybody is against india. After 10-15 year india will be starving for food, water, Medicine, weapons...now china decide to attack india with the help of Pakistan, Srilanka , nepal , how much time india will last ??
Try Gulf War 1991. During this period, Iraq was not under sanctions and it was arguably the strongest Islamic country in the world.
Like it or not; US has many victories under its belt in its history of warfare to date. This is incredible.

---------- Post added at 02:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:21 AM ----------

Try Gulf War 1991. During this period, Iraq was not under sanctions and it was arguably the strongest Islamic country in the world.

You talking rubbish mate iraq was under sanctions when they were beaten hands down. Thats what you were comparing to earlier. Now you talking about 1991 when there were different dynamics in place.

But no you are right why dont we all just surrender to mighty americans let them do whatever they want. When I mean surrender I mean to their propaganda as well. lets stop bowing to allah lets bow to americans
You talking rubbish mate iraq was under sanctions when they were beaten hands down. Thats what you were comparing to earlier. Now you talking about 1991 when there were different dynamics in place.
I am not talking rubbish. I am responding to your rubbish actually and trying to give you some serious reality check.

Gulf War 1991 was a fair contest. Since you have an excuse to negate US military accomplishments in WOT (sanctions on Iraq and Afghanistan) and wanted a more fair example.

But no you are right why dont we all just surrender to mighty americans let them do whatever they want. When I mean surrender I mean to their propaganda as well. lets stop bowing to allah lets bow to americans
Our nation has bowed to Americans since independence.
I am not talking rubbish. I am responding to your rubbish actually and trying to give you some serious reality check.

Gulf War 1991 was a fair contest. Since you have an excuse to negate US military accomplishments in WOT (sanctions on Iraq and Afghanistan) and wanted a more fair example.

Our nation has bowed to Americans since independence.

Our corrupt leadership mate not our people. i wonder if you are one of ours
Our corrupt leadership mate not our people. i wonder if you are one of ours
Our society is equally responsible. Those who were elected to power also did the same thing.
If only America could see the might of Pakistan based on "comments" on PDF! Alas...
If only America could see the might of Pakistan based on "comments" on PDF! Alas...
Are you ever on thread or topic? BTW they wouldnt dream of attacking Pakistan.
each of the above mentioned factor becomes relevant when the us wants to commit boots on the ground...how about if they decide, "nah...we ll just bomb these blokes with our f-18, b-2s and tomahawks "? still the ak-47s you mentioned will be useful....?

i dont think the us will ever invade pakistan..except when a big attack is directly traced to pakistan, but saying us is afraid of pakistan is the craziest joke one can imagine....

If you think that America can just "Bomb" 796,095 km2 of land, then you are a fool and debating on the matter with you will be a waste of time.

---------- Post added at 05:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:20 PM ----------

remove china factor..i can bet,they will support with words and morally...it even cant be assured;)

Did you even read what I wrote? I'm not saying they will ride in to save us, it would serve their own national interests.
Why talk about war.. both USA and Pakistan should get rid of these terrorists and go home be happy. look after your family and children and make this world a better place. simple.

Pakistan should be happy that USA killed the World's biggest terrorist and trying to kill all of them. They are doing your job. They are also paying you for all this. Rather than appreciating it, you guys are talking about war with USA?

USA should respect the Pakistan as a state and avoid any unilateral action or operation. Why the hell you wanna kill people for no good reason?

avoid war and be happy.
Why talk about war.. both USA and Pakistan should get rid of these terrorists and go home be happy. look after your family and children and make this world a better place. simple.

Pakistan should be happy that USA killed the World's biggest terrorist and trying to kill all of them. They are doing your job. They are also paying you for all this. Rather than appreciating it, you guys are talking about war with USA?

USA should respect the Pakistan as a state and avoid any unilateral action or operation. Why the hell you wanna kill people for no good reason?

avoid war and be happy.

American wars are not in my opinion to kill terrorists. Yea they use it as a front but their main aim is to steal resources from other countries. Pakistan is a strategic location so they want a Pakistan that is pliable and weak and will do its bidding
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