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What is possibility of a potential war between US and Pakistan?

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America won't go to war with Pakistan for a number of reasons:

Troops Shortage: To take America will easily need over 0.5 million men along with their supplies/Tanks/Artillery/Aircraft, etc. Which would be impractical. Moving such huge numbers half-way across the world is expensive business. The American economy already strained by the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan cannot sustain such a large military offensive.

Point of entry: To attack Pakistan, the Americans need a point of entry. China and Iran will not provide it to the Americans. Afghanistan is landlocked, so the Americans can't move 0.5 million troops along with Tanks/Artillery through there. India is a possibility however, allowing the Americans to land in India will hardly go unnoticed. Allowing us time to prepare our defences and play diplomacy.

The PA Factor: Pakistan is not Afghanistan or Iraq, it has a well-established and professional military who's operational commitment has been lauded by a number of military historians and professionals. Chuck Yeager himself said that: "The level of commitment of the men of Pak Army is a deterrent in itself". Not only are our soldiers committed, but they are also armed to the teeth with highly dependable weaponry.

When in Pakistan, buy an AK-47: One of the best and worst thing about Pakistan is that EVERYONE has a semi-automatic assault rifle laying about at home. Whereas this might cause problems in preventing terrorism in normal days, in the case of an American attack, it means that raising a militia will take minutes if not seconds. These militias may add to the fighting strength of the PA if needed or defend their own towns/cities.

Unpopularity of America: Only about 11% of Pakistani don't believe that America is Pakistan's enemy, but it is not necessary that they should also hold a positive view of America, they just said that America is not our enemy. Quit loading things. Which means that if the Americans attack, they will not be welcomed by cheering civilians like in Iraq or Afghanistan. On the contrary, it will be a very horrifying welcome.

The China Factor: China is "Flexing it's muscles and preparing to become the next superpower", these are the word of an American journalists who's work I read in 2008. If America does attack Pakistan, it will be China's golden opportunity to dethrone America and become the superpower itself without even lifting a finger. In an on-going war, all they will have to ensure is that we do not run out of ammo and we will just be serving their interests while fighting for ourselves. Should the shyte really hit the fan. The Chinese may also choose to intervene as in Korea. Should that happen, then American forces in Pakistan will have to prepare for a massive surrender, a hasty retreat or a massacre.

Above stated are only some of the reasons that come to my mind that will discourage America from attacking Pakistan. Being short on time, I cannot jot down any more(for now).
Possibility is zero

Pakistan cannot afford it at all. And opening another front would be suicidal for us. After all Pakistan is our friend :angel:
US need to not to go all out WAR with pakistan.

It has enough CIA agent in Pakistan to tropple any government.

Remember Mushraff Coup of Nawaz Governemnt.....After the Kargil War USA and Isreal saw a big market as India.

So it removed the incompetent civilian government and brought military to make threat more real and sold 20+ billion $ Arms to India.

I think US has power to tropple any government in pakistan.... and make one which favours US.

It has become a reality that Pakistani poltician cannot live without US....(see all Drone attack you cannot do anything about it.)
Well the Iraqis and Afghans can thank their lucky stars that it was US that invaded them under heavy world media scrutiny. If it was Russians or Pre-WW2 Germans they would have just carpet bombed them and moved on.

I hope the feeling is mutual.

i think Russian's invaded Afghanistan , they used their assests but fail to coup with Rough elements of Afg
i think Russian's invaded Afghanistan , they used their assests but fail to coup with Rough elements of Afg

By Mid 1980s they were in complete control of the situation. They will use their Hinds to attack any rebel village, kill everyone thats moving which will then be followed by Soviet infantry who will kill anyone thats left alive. Also Hinds were used to kill anyone or anythings thats not using the ofically sanctioned roads.This was the Soviet Strategy and thats how brutal the war was. Compared to that the present US intervention in AF is nothing more than a walk in the park (for both the parties).

Also pls don't feed me the 'Mujhahedeen defeated Soviet' BS. Without American support, the Afghans would have been slaughtered in the millions by the Soviets. Unlike US , Soviets (or present day Russians) don't care much for their image and would have used anything to get the job done.
i think Russian's invaded Afghanistan , they used their assests but fail to coup with Rough elements of Afg

The Afghan Mujahadeen had powerful backers - no doubt. Much like the NVA of Vietnam.

@harpoon, it'd fair to say they did beat the Soviets and the Yanks respectively. Neither Afghanistan or Vietnam had the military industrial base to be sufficient. So of-course, they had to rely on training, supplies and support from those that have the capability. Although I'd have to admit, the Americans played that part brilliantly. No one even knew what was going on.
i dont understand this why pakistanis bring nukes even when they buy vegetables from market???

USSr had nukes,thousand of nukes..but still broken......

why do you ppl bring topics about war then? obviously our nukes are to defend our country, not to show off.
US is more than capable of launching missiles and carpet bombing Pakistan. Where they fail is in occupation and reconstruction of occupied territories. In case of a hypothetical war between US and Pakistan, if the US decides not to 'reconstruct' Pakistan, there is nothing that Pak can do. "Back to stone-age" rings a bell.

Pakistan having nukes is of no danger to US/EU homeland. So how is Pakistan going to use the nukes against the US, by bombing Arab countries or Afghanistan??
Well presently possibility of a war is a low. But after 2nd May we can not rule out any limited strikes in NWA.

In the distant future ? Well who can say nobody has seen the future and due the divergent nature of US, Pakistan interests war can never be ruled out completely.
@harpoon, it'd fair to say they did beat the Soviets and the Yanks respectively. Neither Afghanistan or Vietnam had the military industrial base to be sufficient. So of-course, they had to rely on training, supplies and support from those that have the capability.

You are embarrassing the Vietcong by comparing Mujhahedeen/Taliban to them. Vietcongs are far greater warriors than Taliban ever will be, as they were fighting for their country not for their commanders or ethnicity or religion and when the Americans were expelled Vietcong disbanded and order was brought to the country....something AF could not achieve till now.

The Taliban is winning because the US Army is kept on a tight leash by the political leadership for the fear of public outcry.Let the US Armed forces go loose like they did on Japanese in WW2 and there will no trace of Taliban within months.

Although I'd have to admit, the Americans played that part brilliantly. No one even knew what was going on.

Ofcourse they knew, they just couldn't connect the dots because of the complex shipping routes that US took to deliver the goods to Afghans.
Afghans were basically using soviet weapons.
stupid thread....next what mongolia invading russia ?....the us 5 th fleet in persian gulf and the b-2s in diego garcia can finish off pakistan many times over ad send them back to an age before stone age.....
America won't go to war with Pakistan for a number of reasons:

Troops Shortage: To take America will easily need over 0.5 million men along with their supplies/Tanks/Artillery/Aircraft, etc. Which would be impractical. Moving such huge numbers half-way across the world is expensive business. The American economy already strained by the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan cannot sustain such a large military offensive.

Point of entry: To attack Pakistan, the Americans need a point of entry. China and Iran will not provide it to the Americans. Afghanistan is landlocked, so the Americans can't move 0.5 million troops along with Tanks/Artillery through there. India is a possibility however, allowing the Americans to land in India will hardly go unnoticed. Allowing us time to prepare our defences and play diplomacy.

The PA Factor: Pakistan is not Afghanistan or Iraq, it has a well-established and professional military who's operational commitment has been lauded by a number of military historians and professionals. Chuck Yeager himself said that: "The level of commitment of the men of Pak Army is a deterrent in itself". Not only are our soldiers committed, but they are also armed to the teeth with highly dependable weaponry.

When in Pakistan, buy an AK-47: One of the best and worst thing about Pakistan is that EVERYONE has a semi-automatic assault rifle laying about at home. Whereas this might cause problems in preventing terrorism in normal days, in the case of an American attack, it means that raising a militia will take minutes if not seconds. These militias may add to the fighting strength of the PA if needed or defend their own towns/cities.

Unpopularity of America: Only about 11% of Pakistani don't believe that America is Pakistan's enemy, but it is not necessary that they should also hold a positive view of America, they just said that America is not our enemy. Quit loading things. Which means that if the Americans attack, they will not be welcomed by cheering civilians like in Iraq or Afghanistan. On the contrary, it will be a very horrifying welcome.

The China Factor: China is "Flexing it's muscles and preparing to become the next superpower", these are the word of an American journalists who's work I read in 2008. If America does attack Pakistan, it will be China's golden opportunity to dethrone America and become the superpower itself without even lifting a finger. In an on-going war, all they will have to ensure is that we do not run out of ammo and we will just be serving their interests while fighting for ourselves. Should the shyte really hit the fan. The Chinese may also choose to intervene as in Korea. Should that happen, then American forces in Pakistan will have to prepare for a massive surrender, a hasty retreat or a massacre.

Above stated are only some of the reasons that come to my mind that will discourage America from attacking Pakistan. Being short on time, I cannot jot down any more(for now).

each of the above mentioned factor becomes relevant when the us wants to commit boots on the ground...how about if they decide, "nah...we ll just bomb these blokes with our f-18, b-2s and tomahawks "? still the ak-47s you mentioned will be useful....?

i dont think the us will ever invade pakistan..except when a big attack is directly traced to pakistan, but saying us is afraid of pakistan is the craziest joke one can imagine....
Afghans were basically using soviet weapons.

Afghans were basically using soviet weapons....many of which are of Egyptian & Israeli Origin.
You are embarrassing the Vietcong by comparing Mujhahedeen/Taliban to them. Vietcongs are far greater warriors than Taliban ever will be, as they were fighting for their country not for their commanders or ethnicity or religion and when the Americans were expelled Vietcong disbanded and order was brought to the country....something AF could not achieve till now.

The Taliban is winning because the US Army is kept on a tight leash by the political leadership for the fear of public outcry.Let the US Armed forces go loose like they did on Japanese in WW2 and there will no trace of Taliban within months.

Ofcourse they knew, they just couldn't connect the dots because of the complex shipping routes that US took to deliver the goods to Afghans.

Yes, the NVA are far more disciplined and organized than the Afghan Mujaheddin. By the way, there was no Taliban at the time, there was just the Mujaheddin.

That lack of discipline and organization within the Afghan Mujaheddin was the reason why Afghanistan has been in constant civil war after the Soviets left.

I wouldn't say which one is better or inferior. I'd say both of the forces fought for their respective causes, albeit not an honorable way from the Afghans, and they had their reasons. But the Afghans certainly are fine warriors. They even kicked out the British invasion. And you know who their backers were? Ho!
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