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What do modern day Indians think of Britain?

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We are busy thinking that once India becomes a very strong developed country of 1.5 billion people, how many nukes will be needed to drown and bury this tiny and feeble nation under the Atlantic ocean. I would say 300 and maybe 50 for Scotland. Any estimates are welcomed. :). @SinoChallenger you are an expert in nuclear shower, please give us an estimate for Britain.
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While imperialism Britain did in the past was undeniably wrong, the present day British people are very different in their views about India from their ancestors, and have never meant us any harm. So personally, I am neutral towards them...

That is a very naive view of Britain. Post 1947, UK has consistently and actively attempted to harm our reputation Globally.

They have promoted subtle racism in UK and their media has been Anti India for the last 60 years. Do you really think they would be pro India when their Media (with active support of the Govt.) has been feeding them Anti India stuff for the last 200 years?
Positive or Negative? What are the averge Indians opinion on the UK? How you members do see 21st century Britain as? An mighty powerful nation or a declining superpower?

Former oppressor of many continents but especially south Asia. But now things are changing, they need our capital, we are one of their top investors. Just look at the outcry about the Eurofighter deal.
"great" britain is stuck in the past, just take a look at the whole fuss around their queen...

If conflict between China and the UK happens, who's side would indians be with? Would they rejoin a commonwealth force?

If any western nation tries to play the colonial game again, we will be with you.
Indians respect British people alot.. They respect the white British more than the white Mughal... I wonder why?
PS: Present day border disputes with China are a result of western imperialism.
Indians respect British people alot.. They respect the white British more than the white Mughal... I wonder why?

British Rule in delhi were knows as the white Mughal's....apart from that ....happy trolling :disagree:
of course... they have raised you to worship ur white masters...

even though at muslim rule India had top GDP, the richest nation in the world, and now after the British rule India is reduced to the state it is in today... open ur eyes and see

10th largest economy growing over the global economic growth... and your country....?
mughals were defeated by nadir shah, by the time east india company arrived, mughal didnt even control any territory

Two perspectives here :

1. Maybe Nadir shah was sent by allah himself. Maybe Allah didnt think that muslims didn't deserve to rule any more. What better way than to make the "brothers' fight among themselves :woot:

2. Under Hindu Brahmin/baniya rule, the country again rose from gutters( after british rule as you pointed out) to 10th largest economy in the world notwithstanding the fact that it broke a muslim country into two during the process ?
right now ur countrys gdp growth is 5%... next year it is forecasted to be 2%.... ur industrial growth is 0.1%... your 75% of country is poor

i can go on and on

Last fiscal year witnessed 6.5 % growth. This FY isnt over yet. Most predictions for the NEAR future predict around 6 % growth, still well above the global average. We have ALREADY the 10 largest economy by GDP and the 4th largest by PPP. Sure growth isnt as high as compared to 2010 and earlier, but the world witnesses a recession. Maybe you dont notice it in your dreamworld or its simply because your economy is too insignificant.
+ We are lifting millions out of poverty every year and we have one of the largest middle classes. But there is poverty. No one denies that. However, poor states like Bihar are already growing.
Two perspectives here :

1. Maybe Nadir shah was sent by allah himself. Maybe Allah didnt think that muslims didn't deserve to rule any more.
2. Under Hindu Brahmin rule, the country again rose from gutters( after british rule as you pointed out) to 10th largest economy in the world notwithstanding the fact that it broke a muslim country into two during the process ?

1. Nadir Shah was a Shia Muslim who hated Aurangzeb for his atrocities against Shia.

2. India is not always ruled by Hindus anymore, by saying "ruled by Hindu Brahmins" you are showing me that India isnt a secular nation as it protrays itself to be
Let's be realistic, many Indians who leave India by whatever means usually end up in the UK, hence one can say they look up to Britain.....however it's a different story that their misery doesn't end there.

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You don't need to go to madaras and Pakistani schools to get this basic history of Muslims ruling you banyas for thousands of year's, I studied at Indian international school here in Saudia there syllabus was from ncert India.

I studied NCERT too bro and know there is nothing in NCERT that suggests that 1000 year part . so please keep these lies to yourself . a lot of Indians study in school from the NCERT and you will fool no one.

It's amazing the amount of open racism and phobia against Hindus on this thread and no action from mods. Very sad, the future of Pakistan is this ? :pakistan:
I studied NCERT too bro and know there is nothing in NCERT that suggests that 1000 year part . so please keep these lies to yourself . a lot of Indians study in school from the NCERT and you will fool no one.

It's amazing the amount of open racism and phobia against Hindus on this thread and no action from mods. Very sad, the future of Pakistan is this ? :pakistan:

Muslim rulers came and went again came and ruled they died their heirs took over your textbooks are full of lies they do mention Muslim rulers but are filled with other lies.
But sir, what you have to understand is the Brits did not this as charity or for the devlopment of the Indian people. They did this to expedite their pillaging of India. Ie the railways they built meant they could move large amounts of men and materials all over India at their pleasure, they set up the civil servaice to help them administer their pliaging, they united the 1000 kingdoms of India for their ease etc etc

Once you accept that the British went to India on a purely selfish and destrucitve mission (fro India) you have to say that their intentions were bad and any long-term good created by their actions was purely accidental.

agree with you....but it is also true that we have benefited from that...i dont have any affinity towards british like every other indian i hated their rule over our country just tryn to be objective..we must condemn the bad but also appreciate the good...for all they have taken is just wealth..we have self respect...may indian freedom struggle be an inspiration to many suppressed..jai hind
Muslim rulers came and went again came and ruled they died their heirs took over your textbooks are full of lies they do mention Muslim rulers but are filled with other lies.

If you don't believe our text books then why were you trying to prove your 1000 year theory using our NCERT books earlier ? This is very funny , now when i told you they don't say any such thing , you are saying they lie . Thank god you are not a lawyer. Trying to disprove your own evidence :rolleyes:

Muslims were a dominant power in India from 1206 to 1707 . Not before that and not after that, Before 1206 muslims ruled a very small part of North-Western India and after 1707 their rule was for the most part limited to a small part of North India. These are historical facts , what you read in your 'Pakistan Studies' text books does not change facts .

I will suggest you to pick a book written by an international/western author and read with an open mind.
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