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What do modern day Indians think of Britain?

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yeah..also know that kanishka captured it and collected tax from chinese..but thats history this is 20th century...and we have to plan future taking prenst in to account...

I'm saying there is path from India to reach Central Asia's energy through China's xinxiang state.

If we have strategic alliance with them , it would help us both.
Well as a Brit of Indian origin all I can say is there is a,somewhat, conflict of identities within me. On one hand I was brought up and educated in the UK so of course I feel British, but my Indian identity, to me, is undeniable and unforgettable. As such the conflict arises when I recall all that was done to India by Britain (rape,pillage,looting,genocide etc), I still have very close link to India in the form of my family who are in India and visit regularly as such I feel Indian too, and this really, REALLY angers me. I have doen quite a bit of research on the British empire and India under colonail rule and what happened was utterly sickening. What makes it worse is the UK media adding their BS ignorant POV on the entire colonial period was a "golden age" for the world where Britain civilized the brutes, brought democracy, devlopment etc etc and then add to this false narrative with "India is a poor nation with x amount of poverty" pretty implying India was BETTER off under British rule. Recent foreign aid debates vis a vis India have only highlighted this stupid POV and angered me further, there is 0 recognition for the fact that before the Britis came there was virtually no poverty in India and that the only period of serious poverty in the sub-continent in History has occured from just after the Brits invaded till today. There is always the argument that the UK of today is not the same as the UK/Britain of old but I find at the higher echoleons of society the mindset hasn't changed in centuries and these people still look down their noses at India and its people.

The UK view (white view) is mixed between India is a poor,dirty,smelly (etc) nation and India is a cool,vibrant,interesting nation.

A few more years need to pass for the views to change.

As far as the OP's Q goes, I cannot really comment for those who are Indian citizens, have been brought up in India and educated under the Indian education system. For me the UK has a lot to answer for but it is what it is. The young generations probobly don't care too much, they are aware of the history between India and the UK but in today's world the UK is a fading/faded insignifcant nation 1000s of miles away. India has its own path now and that is the focus (as it should be).

As I say, I can't really comment.

like your reply mate..but i dont like to see the things one sidedly...so im just tryin to project another side of the coin for the people who like or hate british...

british unified india which is more than a 1000 kingdoms after the advent of later mughals,if not india would be a 1000 nations today,they are the reason a sense of unity came to the people..navigation was reintroduced in india after it faded away during the time of gupts because of superstitions,a rational mind set to people to question superstions,awareness of foreign nations,infrastructure like dams,bridges,railways etc..people still worship some engeneers like sir cotton who made their life easier,digging of indian history was started by britishers like alexander cunningham...yes they have taken money,killed people and all..but also they contributed some
i never said hdi must be a criterion but what i mean is before going to the world stage we must take care of our home first....

India has already entered world stage, It gives billions of dollar in aid to Africa.

most of the oil nation has instability so by supporting those nations in UNSC would earn us more Oil contracts.

Do you know why China support sudan or nigeria or burma in UNSC ?

i never said hdi must be a criterion but what i mean is before going to the world stage we must take care of our home first....

India has already entered world stage, It gives billions of dollar in aid to Africa.

most of the oil nation has instability so by supporting those nations in UNSC would earn us more Oil contracts.

Do you know why China support sudan or nigeria or burma in UNSC ?
I'm saying there is path from India to reach Central Asia's energy through China's xinxiang state.

If we have strategic alliance with them , it would help us both.

there is a possibility...but needs strong political will
India has already entered world stage, It gives billions of dollar in aid to Africa.

most of the oil nation has instability so by supporting those nations in UNSC would earn us more Oil contracts.

Do you know why China support sudan or nigeria or burma in UNSC ?

aid always comes with strings buddy no country would give aid just like that...we need their resources...so we develop the region maintain a good will and trade the resources..so does china....why do you compare india with african countries???compare to present unsc members....if atall india joins unsc..guess who will be the weakest amonst all..i understand ur concern...but its just my opinion that theres still tym
there is a possibility...but needs strong political will

It needs much more than political will,it need trust from both side for that Border dispute must be resolved amicably.

If Border adjustment is needed with 2-3 mountains here and there, then we should do that.
aid always comes with strings buddy no country would give aid just like that...we need their resources...so we develop the region maintain a good will and trade the resources..so does china....why do you compare india with african countries???compare to present unsc members....if atall india joins unsc..guess who will be the weakest amonst all..i understand ur concern...but its just my opinion that theres still tym

At least we would represent UNSC better than Fat Old Lady's Island because later has no self identity. The Island follow the footstep of USA.

At least we can make independent decisions.
like your reply mate..but i dont like to see the things one sidedly...so im just tryin to project another side of the coin for the people who like or hate british...

british unified india which is more than a 1000 kingdoms after the advent of later mughals,if not india would be a 1000 nations today,they are the reason a sense of unity came to the people..navigation was reintroduced in india after it faded away during the time of gupts because of superstitions,a rational mind set to people to question superstions,awareness of foreign nations,infrastructure like dams,bridges,railways etc..people still worship some engeneers like sir cotton who made their life easier,digging of indian history was started by britishers like alexander cunningham...yes they have taken money,killed people and all..but also they contributed some
But sir, what you have to understand is the Brits did not this as charity or for the devlopment of the Indian people. They did this to expedite their pillaging of India. Ie the railways they built meant they could move large amounts of men and materials all over India at their pleasure, they set up the civil servaice to help them administer their pliaging, they united the 1000 kingdoms of India for their ease etc etc

Once you accept that the British went to India on a purely selfish and destrucitve mission (fro India) you have to say that their intentions were bad and any long-term good created by their actions was purely accidental.
Here are some impressions I have:
Britain was a destination for education earlier(Many Indian independence activists were barristers. Britain was natural destination for education for some time later.). Now, there are places like USA which fund education, and then let us get jobs and stay there for a living. Nobody wants to go to a xenophobic country like Britain. Nowadays not even for a visit because they have a la-di-da visa separate from EU visa.

People(meaning I :)) feel a little bit of schadenfreude seeing the Scottish national movement. Historically the Brits are for self-determination among groups of people who lived together for centuries(probably the cause of the worst conflicts in the world), which felt like they were raking up separatism by giving an option. Now they are feeling the pinch at home where they have to explain people how unity is beneficial in the long run.

They hold a lot of legendary Indian wealth like Kohinoor diamond and Peacock throne. But I also feel that those valuables wouldn't have such value if they are in India. We just don't care about our heritage.

On the international stage, Britain is a chamcha of USA. They don't seem to have any real position these days. They haven't taken a stand against the US not even when it is fitting because their 'interests' always are the same.

Back in the day, British accent was taught in India. Today American accent is the mainstream.
Indians aren't like Orientals we forgive. That isn't to say it is better or worse, it's just different.
If conflict between China and the UK happens, who's side would indians be with? Would they rejoin a commonwealth force?

You think we Indians are that idiots that we will support a 18th century superpower over a 21 century rising power and a neighbour with a huge trade and investment capacity.
While imperialism Britain did in the past was undeniably wrong, the present day British people are very different in their views about India from their ancestors, and have never meant us any harm. So personally, I am neutral towards them...
Stupid thread made by the imagination of a Chinese member being trolled over 4 pages by Indians...:lol:

Looks like Divide n rule still works...:rofl:

The basic question is why would China attack Britain in first place, i mean they already got HK...
Besides since Britain n China don't share borders by thousands of miles it would be more of a ICBM or SLBM kind of a battle as no country is stupid enough to become another Cuba between NATO n China so why or how would India interfare...:what:

Wake up n smell the coffee Indians n stop getting trolled by Chinese....:hitwall:
If conflict between China and the UK happens, who's side would indians be with? Would they rejoin a commonwealth force?
india wont take anyone's side. Instead indians will pull down both china and uk coz india has to avenge and payback both.
Considering the MASSIVE wealth the UK looted from around the world its astonishing how fast they became broke.

I wouldn't mind an apology from the UK for the godawful mess their imposed partition caused (1 million dead and territorial disputes).

Considering the MASSIVE wealth the UK looted from around the world its astonishing how fast they became broke.

I wouldn't mind an apology from the UK for the godawful mess their imposed partition caused (1 million dead and territorial disputes).
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