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What are your "political leanings"?

My result:


Economic Left/Right: 0.12
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.69
. .
Your political compass
Economic Left/Right: -6.25
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.67
Actually, never mind. I just read the description of the chart again. What I was saying was the opposite: you guys are leaning towards communism than capitalism. My bad. Just ignore my last post.

That's why I thought it was a little odd. Can't stand communists or the socialists and am a big supporter of a free market economy (with some riders). However it would be absurd to expect a citizen of a still poor country with great disparities of wealth to have identical opinions to those in the West having a similar mindset. People in the west are not going to die if the state does not help them, some people in India would and are deserving of governmental intervention. I think that if I was transplanted into a country in Europe or the U.S., I would probably have a graph that would more correctly reflect my general thought process.
. . . .
Into red ZONE :mod:

The Political Compass
Economic Left/Right: -2.50
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 0.41

Good find Bilal!!!! Now I know, where do I stand.....:drag:
Though honestly I dont know what the fcuk it means.

Economic Left/Right: -2.50
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 1.38


I pictured myself as a guy who stands on the Right side of the divide, though the graph thinks no.
Though honestly I dont know what the fcuk it means.

Economic Left/Right: -2.50
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 1.38

It means, you are infavor of limited control on economic issues as well as limited control on activities of people.
This is what I got:

Your political compass
Economic Left/Right: -5.12
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.64

And my wife says that I am far too rigid, conservative and bossy!

Dunno if this proves her correct? But I'll not tell her.

BTW, thanks Bilal for this, did'nt quite get it though. I'm sure that it means that I am very SEXY.
Though honestly I dont know what the fcuk it means.

Economic Left/Right: -2.50
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: 1.38


I pictured myself as a guy who stands on the Right side of the divide, though the graph thinks no.

Maybe what is Right is'nt always Right. And what is Left might just be Right, though it is Left.
Now that sounds as mysterious as the result of the TEST itself. Plain Esoterica. :P

Geez, apparently it seems I have issues with authority ;)

ps: Interesting site Bilal. Thanks
It means, you are infavor of limited control on economic issues as well as limited control on activities of people.

Well I guess then it fits my profile ok. I'm in favor of some Govt regulation on economy and some unavoidable control on the people's activities for the greater good especially in trying times like these.

Thanx mate.

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