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What Africans really think of China !!!!

is this a thread related to Dalai lama , taliban , mukti bahini etc
It really entertaining to see a load of typical Indian "sour grape" flooding this thread, yeah right, China has every "evil intention" while India is a "Saint" in africa, the "Truth" have everything to do with "Business and "resource" nothing more, nothing less.

Exactly. It is just business. :tup:

We pay them, and we get resources. In the same way that we get resources from Brazil, Saudi Arabia, or Australia. That is how the world economy works.

But we still have all the Indians whining, because they realize that they arrived late to the party.
the difference between paying resources to Brazil, Saudi Arabia, or Australia is that china pays them at market price but in case of african countries china just pay them a part of the total revenue aginst their investment for setting up facilities to extrect these resources out of earth and bribing the local admistration help them to get such baised contrect , this is extectly the article called upon..
in india reliance industry extrect gas and pay the govt a part of the gas revenue but the gas is utilized at india only at govt decided price and not allowed to export ..
indian oil companies has invested money in many countries to extrect oil and natural resorces but business modle is different as resourses belong to that country and that country only pay a part of revenue as commision to indian companies , this way that country remian the owner of their resouces and the benifits goes to the countryman..
I don't care what Africans think of us but it'd be nice if they liked us.

According to the Guardian, we're poor racists that hate blacks. We're not a nation of immigrants either, like how some white nations like to advertise themselves as.

So Africans, please stay out of racist China, all 500000 of you Nigerians/Ghanans/Tanzanians, and go to the US/Canada/Europe where the supposedly non-racist whites will welcome you with open hands. Racism shows up first hand at the Embassy so try seeing how easy it is as a black African to get a US visa vs. a China visa, and look me in the face to tell me, US is less racist. HK has visa free entry to Africans even from the Congo so you tell me how racist we are.

Remember you're not here as the type of skilled labor that governments across the world are killing for. Africans are in China as cheap traders and cheap labor. But we're not racists that look down on you for that. Compare to the attitude of US on blacks.
Exactly. It is just business. :tup:

We pay them, and we get resources. In the same way that we get resources from Brazil, Saudi Arabia, or Australia. That is how the world economy works.

But we still have all the Indians whining, because they realize that they arrived late to the party.

Do you actually believe that any sane minded indian ( accustomed to this forum ) would enter such thread.
Look, you and many of your chinese compatriots are senior members now, and should be aware of what goes on this forum. If you wish to comment on such useless threads, you should be ready to face the trolls too.
Anti-india and indian toilet threads used to run hundreds of pages each day in this forum, but most indian members ( i say most not all ) realized that the best way to counter it was not responding in those threads, and the only ones that currently respond to such threads now are the newbies ( and ofcource the trolls). Trolls are on this forum from every country including china (wudnt like ot take names here) and its your responsiility to check the authenticity of the person you respond to.
This is a report from a Sri Lankan Newspaper..which clearly explains what is going in Africa w.r.t Chinese investments..and they are scared it may so happen in Sri Lanka too....

SL opposition to follow Africa against China ?

China’s stance regarding the UN panel report was revealed through its Foreign Ministry spokesman. The latter said, ‘not to complicate the issue and leave it to Colombo to handle it’. China took two to three weeks to make this statement after Russia’s stance was announced in relation to the panel report. China pursued a silent policy earlier in connection with the panel report. Although China was inclined to back the Sri Lanka (SL) Govt., yet it did not rush to express its stance. Russia however came out into the open against the panel report while China expressed its stance through its Foreign Ministry spokesman under pressure exerted by the SL Govt. It is unknown what made China take this reluctant and reticent attitude in connection with the panel report.

Like how the governmental and non-governmental patriotic organisations are conducting a campaign against America and the Western countries, there is a build up of a campaign against China launched by the UNP within SL. The UNP has begun criticising the Hambantota Port and the Chinese work force in other Chinese projects. This situation is reminiscent of that which prevailed in Africa when China was deploying its resources there long time ago.

Countries in Africa are revolting against the Chinese investments and trade in their continent. People are increasingly getting anxious and restless about Chinese intentions, who are being viewed as the new Colonial powers. China claims that it has done more to end poverty in Africa than any other country. China is Africa’s biggest trading partner and its money has paid for countless new Schools and Hospitals.

In the initial years, investments and trade with China were welcomed with open arms. Chinese investment boosted employment in Africa and made basic goods like shoes and radios more affordable . In 2010, Chinese trade with Africa was more than US $ 120 billion. In the past two years China has given more loans to poor countries, mainly in Africa than the World Bank. Chinese are now expanding beyond just mining activity in Africa. Chinese Companies are signing infrastructure deals worth more than $ 50 billion a year. China is also investing in other areas like finance and industrial, and the Commercial Bank of China has bought 20% of South African Standard Bank, the continent’s biggest Bank.In recent time, attitudes towards China have changed in Africa. Chinese products are increasingly held up as examples of shoddy work. Investments from China have multiplied corruption in the African countries. They are also seen as interfering in the internal politics of the countries and therefore viewed as a colonial power. Africans say they increasingly feel under siege. Tens of thousands of entrepreneurs from China have fanned out across the continent. More Chinese have come to Africa in the past ten years than Europeans in the past 400. First came Chinese from State owned companies, but more and more arrive on their own and most of the contract workers, mainly prison labour are left behind after finishing contract work.

Buildings erected by the Chinese construction firms have occasionally fallen apart. :whistle:A hospital in Luanda, the capital of Angola, was opened with great fanfare but cracks appeared in the walls within a few months and it soon closed. The Chinese-built road from Lusaka, Zambia’s capital to Chirundu, 130 km (81 miles) to the South east, was quickly swept away by rains.:undecided:

Chinese expatriates care little about rules and regulations. Local sensitivities are routinely ignored at home, and so abroad. Sinopec, an oil Firm has explored in a Gabonese national park. Another state oil company has created lakes of spilled crude oil in Sudan. To avoid censure regarding poor working conditions, Chinese managers bribe union bosses. Tensions came to a head last year when in mines in Sinazongwe, a town in Southern Zambia, two Chinese managers fired shotguns at protesting workers, injuring at least a dozen. There are three possible reasons for recent hatred towards Chinese in Africa. First is that competition, especially from foreigners including Chinese, is rarely popular. Hundreds of textile factories across Nigeria collapsed in recent years because they could not compete with cheap Chinese garments, resulting in thousands of lost jobs. The second reason could be that the Chinese are bringing bad habits as well as trade and investment. The mainland Chinese economy is riddled with corruption, even by African standards, so when the Chinese go abroad they carry on bribing and undermine good governance in host countries. A third reason is that China is seen as hoarding African resources.

China has become a rallying point for most opposition leaders in several countries because of their relationship with ruling Africa Dictators. Opposition parties, especially in southern Africa, frequently campaign on anti-China platforms. Even in normally calm places like Nambia, antipathy is stirring. In Zambia, the opposition leader, Michael Sata, has made Sino-skepticism his trademark. It could only be a matter of time before the Africans start to throw out Chinese like they did to other colonial powers.

If the SL opposition succeeds in inciting and instigating the people against the Chinese, the new colonial power, it can prove that the Exim Bank of China can be more lethal than the World Bank.

During the tenure of office of the UNP Govt., the SLFP which was in the opposition at that time frowned upon and identified the World Bank ; America and western countries ; and multinational Companies as ‘extortionists’, sucking the blood of third world countries. They discredited and described them as the new colonial power. Today, if the UNP which is in the opposition hurls the same allegations against China, a situation akin to that in Africa could be spawned in SL.

You might want to read the author's other contributions to the Daily Mirror... you will realize that you need to take more than a pinch of salt with his articles.

Also, for your information, the Daily Mirror is closely connected to the United National Party which is the largest opposition party in Sri Lanka.

I for one am very glad of the Chinese investments in Sri Lanka.

The only reason India is rushing to "help" other countries is because of China.
It really entertaining to see a load of typical Indian "sour grape" flooding this thread, yeah right, China has every "evil intention" while India is a "Saint" in africa, the "Truth" have everything to do with "Business and "resource" nothing more, nothing less.

The myth of the "so-called China-India competition" in Africa remained as a daily dose of our Indian friend's wet dream as "IN FACT" India investment there is less than "HALF" of China to start with, at the end of the day, Reality kick in as usual="MONEY TALK", whoever got more money, who is going to win.
"More than 3 trillion VS less than 300 billion" your take?

Where is the issue of China vs India come in?

Also, for your information, the Daily Mirror is closely connected to the United National Party which is the largest opposition party in Sri Lanka.


How come?

Do educate.

I don't care what Africans think of us but it'd be nice if they liked us.

This is a more honest reply.

What one has to remember, do and be damned, don't do and still be damned!!

So, Hakuna matata.
You might want to read the author's other contributions to the Daily Mirror... you will realize that you need to take more than a pinch of salt with his articles.

Also, for your information, the Daily Mirror is closely connected to the United National Party which is the largest opposition party in Sri Lanka.

I for one am very glad of the Chinese investments in Sri Lanka.

The only reason India is rushing to "help" other countries is because of China.

don't helping is different from investing..
by investing , the invester always looks to extrect profit....
i have no problum in china investing in sri lanka , but why then you has problum with india helping others...
in a thread about what africans think, there isn't a single african.

it would sound more convincing hearing this from africans and not indians.
don't helping is different from investing..
by investing , the invester always looks to extrect profit....
i have no problum in china investing in sri lanka , but why then you has problum with india helping others...

I think the the more appropriate question is why Indians are so uptight about China investing around the world, including in South Asia.

India had all the time in the world to invest in neighbouring countries, build bridges and economically integrate her neighbours.

In the case of Sri Lanka she instead chose to arm, train and fund a terrorist group that has caused so much bloodshed.

She chose to treat all around her like shite

And now its a problem when other countries welcome China with open arms?
India itself, does not deny that it hosted our largest separatist group, after their failed violent revolution in 1959. It is simply a historical fact. :azn:

And the Dalai Lama himself, admitted on the record that he trained anti-Chinese militants and guerrillas during the 1960's, while he was being hosted on Indian soil by the Indian government.

India doesn't even deny the fact that Indira Gandhi was helping to train LTTE terrorists on Indian soil.

None of these are disputed.

Yeah mate cause China never supported Pol Pot and his evil ways in Cambodia, cause China never supported the armed struggle of Communist party of Philippines, cause China never backed the Thai "Patriotic" Front in Thailand.
I think the the more appropriate question is why Indians are so uptight about China investing around the world, including in South Asia.

India had all the time in the world to invest in neighbouring countries, build bridges and economically integrate her neighbours.

In the case of Sri Lanka she instead chose to arm, train and fund a terrorist group that has caused so much bloodshed.

She chose to treat all around her like shite

And now its a problem when other countries welcome China with open arms?

where did you find indian are uptight about China investing around the world .....
it was the people of that country only protesting , and we are here to discuss the topic , can't you take that right from a indian on the forum....
where did you find indian are uptight about China investing around the world .....
it was the people of that country only protesting , and we are here to discuss the topic , can't you take that right from a indian on the forum....

All I see are Indian members who are super-desperate to spread the idea that people around the world are opposed to Chinese investment in their countries.
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