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What Africans really think of China !!!!

And what's your point? China has a long and turbulent history. Unlike India, of course, always shining and bright and perfect and better than everyone else.

Unlike some country, with their vibrant and superior democracy, China's government actually gets things done.

wtf ? You said India needs to deal with wife burning and caste system.

Wife burning(self immolation) was outlawed by the end of 18th century, and discrimination based on caste was outlawed in 1950 by the Constitution of India. So read up before blaberring away. That was my point.
Pure Propangda, most African I know welcome Chinese investment because it gives them more choices than what they have with the West. The only people who have a problem with Chinese in Africa are mainly white people and AFrican uncle toms working for white organization, and received money from "european organization"
Yes my friend.

Your examples are as modern as the pigtails and foot binding!

and your explanation of the history of the pigtail in China is as bogus as most of the arguments that you all bandy around here. Totally contrived and totally hilarious!

I bow before your knowledge of Chinese History (gleaned from internet sources!!!)
Unlike Indians, who were enslaved by their Aryan masters, Chinese history is characterized by barbarians absorbing themselves into Chinese culture and political systems. The Manchu established themselves as Chinese emperors and started Chinese dynasties. And Now the Manchu have been assimilated into the Han ethnicity. The people of Manchuria today consider themselves Chinese.

Your attempt to insinuate that somehow China is a defeated culture, no different than the Aryan-dominated or Queen Elizabeth worshiping Indians is laughable, and only shows your ignorance of China. :disagree:

Next time, try not to pass yourself off as a China expert after copying and pasting a few webpages.
There are many different Chinese dynasties. Different dynasties have different customs, do not think the custom of the Qing Dynasty can represent all chinese dynasties customs. However, I can understand, a foreigner may be the lack of understanding of China, can understand it, it could be difficult for foreigners.
China ancient history is generally no good ,no explanation for it and it's really awful to use a manchu image for Avatar.
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