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what action should be taken against Pasha and Kiyani?

What Action against Pasha and Kiyani?

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I hope a complete investigation is made into this event(s), and our questions should be answered to the extent we should know. I think they should complete their service, enough negatives are going for Pakistan, their resignations won't be enough and may make this situation further degrade.
They (Kiyani and Pasha) will never resign, infact they will never dare to be hard against USA, reason is that there famiies r living in USA.
This rubbish civilian government has sold the country sovergenity. Blame lies with the incompetent leaders sitting in our parliments.
American, please take away your filty aid.
American aid does nothing but breed bigots like zardari and nawaz..
Why should they resign????
What would have done when PAF engaged IAF jet soon after MUMBAI ATTACKS and this civilian govt. let it go!!!!!
OFFICIAL investigation is taking place.
let it be completed then NATION will decide either 2 or 4 of BIG ONES must find their way to home!!!!
r u guys insane u actually think that these generals are going to resign? they are so begharut They will do anything to hold onto power and no one will resign trust me!!!
This rubbish civilian government has sold the country sovereignty. Blame lies with the incompetent leaders sitting in our parliments.
American, please take away your filty aid.
American aid does nothing but breed bigots like zardari and nawaz..

Instead of worring about your sovereignty, the question to ask is why was Osama living in a town next to a military academy undetected. Pakistan should stop supporting scum like Osama and it's up to the PA and the ISI to drive the extremist out of the country. Things will get worse if Pakistan decides to do nothing about the extremist.
I am afraid you must have missed Javed Choudry's talk show in Kal Tak where the panel had an ex Vice Chief of PAF and a Pak Army Maj Gen.

You do not have the assets neutralise the US assets since they are well dispersed and deep and then Bagram is not too far.

Therefore, what you are stating is bluster.

It is a fine emotion that it is better to die with dignity instead of living with shame.

If you feel so strongly, are you contemplating this action, or are you merely playing to the gallery?

Time to remain calm and collected and not give way to false emotions that may inflame those filled with despondency.
If we do not have the capacity to take out all American basis within our range, what use are all the ballistic/cruise missiles to us then? You mean that we cannot take out American assets within the range of our Missiles?

P.S. Which show?
Instead of worring about your sovereignty, the question to ask is why was Osama living in a town next to a military academy undetected. Pakistan should stop supporting scum like Osama and it's up to the PA and the ISI to drive the extremist out of the country. Things will get worse if Pakistan decides to do nothing about the extremist.

Before speaking like a typical American, shouldn't you question your government why such an important terrorist was shot instead of taken into custody and interrogated? Why was he not given a fair trial in the US? Why don't you ask your Govt. why they violated so many international laws by invading another country, attacking it and hijacking civilians allegedly involved in terrorism? Why did you not demand proof from your Govt. that it was actually OBL that was found in that compound and murdered? Why don't you ask yourselves why Bush Snr. gets the gulf war for second term, Bush junior gets 9/11 and now Obama has Osama! I mean really, you can't all be that dumb and blind!
If we do not have the capacity to take out all American basis within our range, what use are all the ballistic/cruise missiles to us then? You mean that we cannot take out American assets within the range of our Missiles?

No.. Not unless Pakistan govt decides to commit national suicide..
No.. Not unless Pakistan govt decides to commit national suicide..

But that's the point ain't it? What are we supposed to do when they are continuously murdering innocent men, women and children on the pretext of fight against terrorism? When they do not care about collateral damage? When they provide no fair trial to the alleged terrorist? What should be done when the international community is criminally silent? What to do????
Simply put they should resign but people of Pakistan must also hold Zardari and his side kick Gilani(I swear he looks like a qurbani ka bakra) to account they must go. Oh and dont forget that half breed Malik.
Most Indians would want both of them to be given an extension of term provided they continue doing the ' good work' that have done thus far.

If I were a Pakiatani I would seek a Hamooddur Rehman type inquiry into the entire incident .
what action should be taken against DG ISI Pasha and COAS Kiyani that are primarily responsible for the defence, not only the territory of Pakistan but also to protect its citizens from any intruders including safeguarding the country's sovereignty...:argh:

if we had our civil society strong enough the question would have been directed against Civil government.

NOTE: no Indians should vote, kindly.

lolzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz see how many Indians voted so whats the use of such a poll where bharatis are voting lolzzz as if Kiyani and Pasha are from Indian army.

what action should be taken against Pasha and Kiyani? - View Poll Results

such polls on forums are just a waste of time where fakesters from your enemy country come and poke their long nose
anyway as a Pakistani or an observer one must see that they both are on extension and if they resign or not they are going to leave their posts on expiry of their extension.

if they resign then in my personal view the new ones will need a long time to come up with policies. they will have to face with dilemma either to continue the current policy on WoT or announce end being an ally to US WoT.

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