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We salute Pak fight against terror: Israel

we will kick them out from israil INSHALLAH as you have kicked our brothers from phalastine ...... they have forgotten when they were in deep trouble in spain and our soldiers helped them out gave them jobs game them leadership preferred them our Christian yes they have forgotten ..... but we will remind them once and all ....... when we meet them again in a battle field ........ and we will INSHALLAH ....... time is nigh hazrat MAHDI will be around INSHALLAH in few years .............so till then we to be on our toes ........ we won't die without relationship with israil we have survived till yet its been long more than 60 years...we have survived and we can survived although every single nation have tried enough to eat pakistan like nothing ... but ALLAH has helped this nation we should be more thankful to ALLAH rather finding ways to be a diplomatic partner with israil ..... come on guys what has happened to you ............ be confident show your trust on ALLAH ......... and work hard surely and shortly ALLAH will help us out ........ yes i am emotional because i follow Hazrat Umar RA and Hazrat Khalid Bin Waleed RA ..............and i prefer dieing rather having any kind of relation with israil ...........
They are counting on you rather dying than actually trying .. Oh well, best of luck to you and your army. Yo do know 3 countries tried that before with the same rather die attitude? They were till lately really good friends. So maybe force is not the right option for this change you are talking about.
So maybe force is not the right option for this change you are talking about.

The only equitable solution is to let the refugees return to their homes and live next to the Jews.

And the best way to achieve that is to educate the Israelis to acknowledge their own past.
Who would have thought that at a time where certain members of the public and governments of allies villify Pakistan Nation name and don't give credit to our undying efforts to fight terrorism, a country like Israel would come forward and offer their respect and support. Who would have thought?

I'll say, thank you to Israel for recognizing our efforts and sacrifices.

and I would go so far as to say that if the Palestine issue were resolved justly to suit both sides (SOMEHOW) i would support working with them to fight terrorism.

We shouldnt harp on too much about zionists and militant settlers. They are part of the problem, as are some of the whackos on our side of the world. Extremism and extremist ideas are never a good thing.

There are moderate voices in Israel who want to live in peace. Same way in our country as well. I see some blind and hatred-filled posts here. Too much emotion is not good. It is 2011 now.

But if you want to go back to 1940s, just remember that Muslims of subcontinent wanted their own homeland. We achieved it and we were victorious. Don't Jews also deserve a place to call homeland?

Jerusalem however should be a world capital for all Abrahamic peoples of the book.
You also forget to add the "Hecale Sulmani" for which they are digging under "Mosque Aqsa" to weaken its base.......
Their Ideology and our Ideology they are two different routes.

It was Israel who brought the fighter planes in Jammu Kashmir to destory the Pakistan's Kahotta Laboratary.........Also Their Intelligence Agency's motto is
"Do the work with deceptive."

and it was Pakistani pilots which shot down their aircrafts in 67 and 73....works both ways :)
How is this relevant to the post you replied? I see it as an unusual chest thumping.
Who would have thought that at a time where certain members of the public and governments of allies villify Pakistan Nation name and don't give credit to our undying efforts to fight terrorism, a country like Israel would come forward and offer their respect and support. Who would have thought?

I'll say, thank you to Israel for recognizing our efforts and sacrifices.

and I would go so far as to say that if the Palestine issue were resolved justly to suit both sides (SOMEHOW) i would support working with them to fight terrorism.

We shouldnt harp on too much about zionists and militant settlers. They are part of the problem, as are some of the whackos on our side of the world. Extremism and extremist ideas are never a good thing.

There are moderate voices in Israel who want to live in peace. Same way in our country as well. I see some blind and hatred-filled posts here. Too much emotion is not good. It is 2011 now.

But if you want to go back to 1940s, just remember that Muslims of subcontinent wanted their own homeland. We achieved it and we were victorious. Don't Jews also deserve a place to call homeland?

Jerusalem however should be a world capital for all Abrahamic peoples of the book.


I thought I would get something better from you Bu Zolfiqar...

Did the idea come across your mind that this statement might just be to "fool you"

Israel is a staunch enemy of Pakistan... Make no mistakes about it... Although two can play a game of deception... ;)
I thought I would get something better from you Bu Zolfiqar...

Are we so desperate for praise that we will take it from a two-timing country like Israel?

There are many in Pakistan who are angry at the Arabs for their misdeeds in Pakistan. Indeed, I am one of them.

But we must never make the mistake that Turkey did in the 1950s when they got cozy with Israel just because the Arabs backstabbed the Ottomans and then supported Greece on Cyprus. Look how Israel repaid them -- as soon as Turkey dared stand up to them, their lobbies in the West kicked into action. The US Congress and media are full swing into the Armenian genocide thing. The Europeans passed a resolution making it a crime to deny the Armenian genocide.

The message is crystal clear: anyone who dares oppose Israel will be demonized in the West.
Pakistan has diplomatic relations with India - Does that mean Pakistan approve of Hindutva and the Indian governments behavior in captive Kashmir?? Well??

We all know India is a special case for us, and vice versa.

Israeli lobbies in the West are are attacking Pakistan?? Will they support Pakistan over India?? No, I don't think so, should Pakistan and India continue to be locked into hostile and self defeating postures??
Will Israel and India continue to have military relationship? Sure, why not?

No reason for hysterical arguments, take it, nice and easy - we are not deciding the fate of the universe of anything.

Diplomatic relations serve as the foundations for deeper relations, in other words, diplomatic relations come before even the possibility of deeper relations - it's a unreasonable frame of mind that suggests it's give me everything and I'll give diplomatic relations

What benefit can we derive from Israel other than a false sense of 'friendship'?
Israelis are not stupid; they will never be our 'friends' as long as there is conflict between Pakistan and India.

We get antsy when dealing with the US because they are arming India to the teeth. Israel will be the same thing.
Pakistan has diplomatic relations with India - Does that mean Pakistan approve of Hindutva and the Indian governments behavior in captive Kashmir?? Well??

During the wars with India, Pakistan continued to maintain diplomatic relations with India - was that because even as pakistan warred with India, Pakistan implicitly accepted Indian actions and ideology??

See, Developero, I think the statement you haver offered is not among some of your best.

Israeli lobbies in the West are are attacking Pakistan?? Will they support Pakistan over India?? No, I don't think so, should Pakistan and India continue to be locked into hostile and self defeating postures??
Will Israel and India continue to have military relationship? Sure, why not?

No reason for hysterical arguments, take it, nice and easy - we are not deciding the fate of the universe of anything.

Diplomatic relations serve as the foundations for deeper relations, in other words, diplomatic relations come before even the possibility of deeper relations - it's a unreasonable frame of mind that suggests it's give me everything and I'll give diplomatic relations

What means diplomatic relations we aware of it & we are not looking for everything in response in developing diplomatic relations, it totally absurd. What main question is our Arab allies. So what you think on this point?

This is a fair thinking that why we can't if our neighbor got some use from them?
Don't Jews also deserve a place to call homeland?

Shouldn't this be decided by the people directly affected, i.e. the Palestinians, rather than people living thousands of miles away in comfortable homes?

It's easy to feel generous and compassionate if someone else has to pay the price.
Its a good posture vy Israel I say & we should atleast ask for some technology transfers not necessarily in defence field but as suggested agriculture field. Thats surely will boost our ingenious productivity
I'm a free thinker, Muhammad bhai. Whatever's in our interest, i'm for it.

israel and Pakistan are worlds apart. They are no threat to us, we are no threat to them. Of course you could bring up Kahuta or Mossad this and Mossad that. Leave any possible threats to the agencies who work to interpret and counter them if such threat exists. Palestine issue we take a moral standpoint on, but thats about it. It isnt our war. If you want to solve Palestine problem, defiance and chest-thumping wont help. It's counter-productive. I dont like the occupation of Palestinian lands, i loathe the checkpoints and the environment of fear --which is almost as bad if not worse than the plight of our Kashmiri bretheren.

and it has nothing to do with being 'desperate for praise' -- so if someone interpreted my post that way, then i would recommend a mental health examination.

it's funny we do have diplomatic relations with our enemy, and not with them. then again, until Palestine is solved we shouldnt overtly have relations with them. I would be in favour of behind-the-scenes 'strictly professional' dealings with them.

they make some good hardware, and the irrigation system in parts of Pakistan is quite archaic at best.

Again, use your brains. Don't be emotional all the time. And while I am happy that we have good relations with the Islamic world (they've come to our side, we've come to theirs) we dont need to 'appease' by doing what they do all the time.

be independent...

if we at least establish some contact with them, it would help to 'counter' against them arming the hindustanys or at least gain us access to some of their technologies and core comptetencies (which is primarily what I have my eyes on)

humbly those are my views....take it or chuck it in the drum. I could care less.
Shouldn't this be decided by the people directly affected, i.e. the Palestinians, rather than people living thousands of miles away in comfortable homes?

It's easy to feel generous and compassionate if someone else has to pay the price.

the Palestinians didnt help their cause by dividing (or allowing themselves) to be divided. Fata, PLO, Hamas, etc. etc. Gaza vs. WB.

People can only be helped when they will also unite and help themselves. Israeli disregard for civilian life in crowded areas has been most appalling. However, rocket attacks on their civilian people is also wrong and condemnable.

it's been tit for tat for over 60 years....if you want to pull off the Islamic card, then please at least address why Muslim countries are not promoting independent thinking WHILE promoting unity at the same time?

hope it made sense
The message is crystal clear: anyone who dares oppose Israel will be demonized in the West.

that's for sure!

but that's because they are organized, extremely well educated, extremely hard-working and they are united (due to their size and paranoia about security)

how ridiculous that we cant pool our resources and be a power bloc...potential is there, but will isnt.

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