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We lost Cricket series, so we must attack Pak military posts

indians and sansaani & tehlkaa! i like how india loves to make a drama out of every situtation!
Indians make things blow out of proportion Symbolically everyday, Pakistanis do it Literally everyday.
I banged my head when i read the title.There is no end of these delusional people.
Now india is loosing to england,so it means Ia will attack britain too :hitwall:

I personally wish to pakistanis to remain in delusions for 2-3 years more and then pakistan will be in books only :lol:


There is not need to attack pakistan at all.They will self do it.Even if we start now then there will be loss of economy and india just have started to build its economy and development.Why wasting resources on country who is already collapsed or near collapse? only india will be looser.

its better to ship few million dollars to afghanistan for our resources.They will do more harm then direct war. :)
I have a feeling that Indians are responsible at least partially for this round of hostility.
But blaming it on cricket or even jingoistic indian media is an insult to our policy planners. GoI or army does not take decision based on media feedback (they do try to influence media though, by feeding it with crap storie

A balanced view indeed. Thank you.
We lost matches to England, lets go and attack England.

Yeah and get the SAME British Royal treatment (aka @rse whooping) that Argentinean military received a while back. hahha.

You wanna start the game of truth and dare with Brits? I urge you to go ahead and go ahead quickly please,
All this escalation might have been done by Pakistani side as a precursor for whatever is unfolding in Islamabad today. Derail the peace process (the only positive that PPP government achieved), and then banish them.

Any thoughts @FaujHistorian ? This Qadri guy is being seen as a Pak Military stooge in Indian circles.
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Any thoughts @FaujHistorian ? This Qadri guy is being seen as a Pak Military stooge in Indian circles.
Qadri or TuQ precisely represents the frustration of common Pakistani, frustration with inaction, ineptness, and yes corruption in the upper halls of the government.

The biggest suffering we all have rich and poor alike is the shortage nay absence of electricity and more importantly natural gas.

Some of us are lucky to be close to the main line so gas comes in and heats up water in geezers, and keeps our rooms warm with gas-heaters, but much much more importantly runs our stoves to cook food and make tea.

But most of us are not that close to the main gas line coming to the city. So our moms and wives are crying daily that they can't cook food for the family, not make tea for the guests.

For Pakistanis, eating heaps of food, and drinking drums of tea were the last remaining symbols of good life. And Gadari government has snatched even those ones away.

Gadah-ri has been so inept (note I am not calling him corrupt. Not yet) that in the last 5 fing years, he made no progress, zilch, nada on the two basic but very important things, electricity and gas.

Yes we can live with killings, bomb blasts, and what not. But no government should ignore the cooking stove. When that goes out, so does the credibility of any government (as if Gadari had some to begin with) no matter it is civilian or military government.

So this Mullah TuQ TuQ is channeling that frustration and nothing else. He may have an agenda a hidden agenda. But 1000s of people out on the street are no stooge of anyone.

Please do not cheapen the discussion by terming TuQ TuQ as having support from the army. That is disrespect for Pak Army and gives an utterly false air of credibility to Mullah TuQ TuQ.

All this escalation might have been done by Pakistani side as a precursor for whatever is unfolding in Islamabad today. Derail the peace process (the only positive that PPP government achieved), and then banish them.

peace process with India doesn't even start until the politicos get support from Army and Bureaucracy baboos. So please do not spread such conspiracy theories.

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What kind of BS article people write here and people discuss it as well. As if Army does not have any job to do apart from seeing cricket match and start firing.
Hey how you been mate? :cheers:

not too bad brother, have been really busy with universitiè and the work that comes with it. You excited about hockey, it begins next week, it should be a killer season especially after 3 months of lockout.
not too bad brother, have been really busy with universitiè and the work that comes with it. You excited about hockey, it begins next week, it should be a killer season especially after 3 months of lockout.

I am invested in the Basketball season hardly watch hockey but sometimes tune into Pittsburgh Penguins games.
yeah i saw the news; your trigger happy forces violated the ceasefire again and hopefully they'll be greeted with the same courtesy very soon.
What kind of BS article people write here and people discuss it as well. As if Army does not have any job to do apart from seeing cricket match and start firing.

Of course, what would you expect from IA?
Kill and warmonger needlessly, then when retaliation comes knocking, call the media and scream bloody murder and then precede to whine.

Another one of our boys has embraced Shahadat thanks to unprovoked firing from your side.
Expect a response. We will expect hysteria from your media and whining from your leaders.
In my view the news is being over reported in Some of our media and also believe the truth is in between what we and Pakistan claim------what is wrong in using a strong tool (media) to turn things around and am sure Pakistan would have done the same if they could.

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