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We lost Cricket series, so we must attack Pak military posts

Well, then you will open a flood. I am in no mood to repeat all that. :D

Ye bata, tu nahi jaa raha kya Qadri ke march main ?

Hahaha :D

Nahi main bhi Imran khan ki tarah Qadri sahab un ko support kar raha hoon laikin join nahi kar raha. :D
Yesterday a point was made that many powers in Pakistan wants elections to be delayed. And for that such emergency situation can be a way out.

Apply Occam's Razor. Don't think of far fetched theories.

Why people are hell bent on India's plan ? Can't you think of reason why Pakistan would want it ? Just for discussion's sake. Even you guys haven't taken third party into account. peace between India and Pakistan will affect pockets of so many people especially foreign defense establishments.

KRAIT meray piyaray bhai,

Off all the poster, you should be the last one to believe in such spin-doctored theories.

Please help your fellow posters from India to understand the domestic politics of Pakistan. Off course there is a lot of cr@p being spread even by Pakistanis. So I do not blame you.

Look, Zardari aka Gadari is the last politician that our army will support by launching attacks on Indian posts.

If you see the presidency house, and its distance from 111 brigade HQ, you will know that Gadari shivers day and night and not at all due to the cold spell we are having recently. No Siree! Understand Pakistan and you will know something.

FYI! Pak military is so fed up with this corrupt mafioso sob, that they will rather send few jawans from 111 brigade and dislodge this joke of a president. Why on earth they would attack India.

Heck no!

Especially when that rabid Mullah TuQ TuQ is already doing Tuk tuk, tuk tuk at the gates of Islamabad.

So please quit spinning these tall tails, and believe you me, that this time it was a pathetic decision by Indians to put pressure on Pak and in turn put pressure on USA.

This has all along Indian Plan to stir trouble along LOC. I mentioned cricket as a funny starter only. Read the whole OP to understand the dynamics.

Peace to you bro! peace to all.
Hahaha :D

Nahi main bhi Imran khan ki tarah Qadri sahab un ko support kar raha hoon laikin join nahi kar raha. :D
Seedhe bol de tu aalsi hai aur tujhe Indians se ladna pasand hai. :D
@FaujHistorian I am not saying PA will support Zardari. Point is the other leader may not work for PA. Also as democracy become stable in Pakistan, PA will loose its grip.

See people are now looking at Imran Khan as some sort of savior. People who have lost interest in politics and belief in Democracy are now hoping for IK's victory.

Also, think of this point, the attacks happened after,
India ordered cut of Military budget Rs 10,000 Crore ($ 1.8 billion)
PA said Internal issue is major concern, not India.

Now look at who have been benefiting from Indo-Pak rivalry. Billions of dollars worth defense deals.

So instead of you thinking cricket has to do with this, better look at much better points. Even Oscar said, we should consider this last possibility.
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I googled to find out which country started the conspiry theory....... Couldnt find it..... Then i wanted to know who mastered it.... .......... i Found out......

The part 2 of this story is starring................. India and England..........
Indians have gone crazy over here they need to understand & know the truth, your media is making a mess of everything & they are creating a picture as if Pak Army attacked first or they are some radical army & many Indians are believing in this lies & propaganda (Indian people on this forum are the examples).

Indian Army first opened fire & they violated the cease fire, when Pakistan Army retaliated then the Indians lost it & started to make propaganda & lies against Pakistan. Yesterday there was a Brigadier flag meeting at Ponch Pak Army strongly protested against Indian Army violation of cease fire, when the army personals left Indians rejected everything & worse than that at 1pm Indian once again opened fire in Pakistan territory, another violation by Indian Army.
Indians have gone crazy over here they need to understand & know the truth, your media is making a mess of everything & they are creating a picture as if Pak Army attacked first or they are some radical army & many Indians are believing in this lies & propaganda (Indian people on this forum are the examples).

Indian Army first opened fire & they violated the cease fire, when Pakistan Army retaliated then the Indians lost it & started to make propaganda & lies against Pakistan. Yesterday there was a Brigadier flag meeting at Ponch Pak Army strongly protested against Indian Army violation of cease fire, when the army personals left Indians rejected everything & worse than that at 1pm Indian once again opened fire in Pakistan territory, another violation by Indian Army.

Yeah! And your ISPR is Allah's word that we will believe without a doubt :D ?
If one keeps a cool head and really wants to find out what triggered these chain of events in the last few days it all boils down to PA violating cease fire by giving covering fire to TTP, LeT and other militant groups who want to revive militancy in Kashmir.



@FaujHistorian I am not saying PA will support Zardari. Point is the other leader may not work for PA. Also as democracy become stable in Pakistan, PA will loose its grip.

KRAIT bhai. Please don't shoot from the hip now. Accept the fact that Pak army would not launch attacks across LOC to save Gadari or any Politician @rse.

Please don't make up stuff. now. Thank you.

PA loosing grip? That's a fanciful theory that my senior uncle in Bihar repeats everytime I talk to him. Yeah. I respect my uncle. He stayed behind in Bihar kept the family name going, even if he remained dirt poor. But his theories about Pakistan like PA grip and land reforms are just fanciful things that are throwback to time that existed many decades ago.

See people are now looking at Imran Khan as some sort of savior. People who have lost interest in politics and belief in Democracy are now hoping for IK's victory.

Come to Pakistan yara and you will know that IK balloon has deflated. It is now time of rabid Mullah TuQ, TuQ, who is doing Tuk Tuk, Tuk Tuk in Islamabad.

IK is now an old flame only lit in the little tiny tiny hearts of expat Pakistanis. Don't take me wrong, He will win few seats, and may become power broker. But the political field belongs to the Big 2. That's it.

IK is IK, even my cute Bihari brothers' party aka MQM aka Altaf Mota Chor ki party is going to struggle in the next election. So the mota chor has put his @rse in Mullah TuQ TuQ's chair.

Also, think of this point, the attacks happened after,
India ordered cut of Military budget Rs 10,000 Crore ($ 1.8 billion)

Now look at who have been benefiting from Indo-Pak rivalry. Billions of dollars worth defense deals.

OK so Indian gov cut the Indian General's budget by 1.8 billion dollars and they are prompted by foreign powers to launch attacks across LOC.

Does not make sense at all KRAIT bhai, doesn't make sense, Pl go back to the drawing board or drawing room and come up with something new.

Remember Pak army budget has not been cut so Pak army has no reason whatsoever to rock the boat. They are fully focused on the West right now.

Near West and far far far far West ;) if you know what I mean.

OK. please don't take this as disrespect.

Just an enlightened discussion.

peace to you.
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Okies. Then cricket series is the reason. :enjoy:
[First in Tehelka] Hurriyat delegation meets Hafiz Saeed and Salahuddin

A delegation of separatists leaders from Jammu and Kashmir on a visit to Pakistan last month also met Hafiz Saeed and Syed Salahuddin

A delegation of separatists leaders from Jammu and Kashmir on a visit to Pakistan last month also met Hafiz Saeed and Syed Salahuddin, who India has named as terror masterminds. The duo told a delegation of separatists from Jammu and Kashmir that armed militancy would revive in the Valley in 2014, TEHELKA has learnt.

Saeed is wanted in India for several acts of terror, including the November 2008 attack by 10 Pakistani gunmen in Mumbai that left 174 people dead. While India has maintained that Saeed was behind the terror attack, the latter has denied the charge. Even Pakistan has expressed its inability to prosecute Saeed, citing lack of “credible” evidence.

“Both Saeed and Salahuddin told us that militancy in Kashmir would escalate after the US-led international troops depart from Afghanistan in 2014,” one of the delegates told TEHELKA.

The delegation also met Pakistan Army Chief, Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani, who ruled out Islamabad’s support for armed militancy in Kashmir in the future. Kayani urged the separatists to work towards a consensus among themselves, while accommodating the views of the hardliners.

While the meeting with Kayani in Islamabad was well-publicised, those with Saeed in Lahore and Hizbul Mujahideen supremo Salahuddin in Islamabad were kept private. Hizbul Mujahideen was one of the first outfits to have launched an armed insurgency in Kashmir.

“Pakistani authorities believe that the Taliban insurgency would spill over into Pakistan and possibly into Kashmir,” said Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, who led the delegation. “Should this happen, they say, Pakistan would not be in a position to stop it.” The Pakistani establishment expects the fallout in the country of the exit of US forces from its northern neighbour to be messy and is wary of it.

Following the 11 September 2001 terror attacks in the US, Washington had forced Pakistan to hold in check the militancy aimed at Kashmir in view of the war in Afghanistan for much of the last decade. With the coalition troops set to withdraw from Afghanistan next year, the Taliban is expected to make gains in that strife-torn nation.

”Saeed and Salahuddin think that with the US off their back, the militants would be in a position of command in Kashmir after 2014,” a Hurriyat delegate said. ”They say India won’t bargain sincerely unless armed militancy forces its hands.”

The delegation of Indian Kashmiri separatist leaders visited Pakistan during December 16-28, 2012. It included Abdul Gani Bhat, Bilal Gani Lone, Maulana Abbas Ansari, Aga Syed Al-Hassan, Musadiq Adil and Mukhtar Ahmad Waza. They were visiting under the banner of the Hurriyat Conference, an amalgam of Kashmir-based separatist groups.

The delegates also met with ISI chief Lt Gen Zahir ul Islam and had interactions at the National Defence University and the Pakistan Institute of Strategic Studies.

The meetings with Saeed and Salahuddin were unscheduled and took place on the personal initiative of some leaders “with no government role in the matter”, a Hurriyat leader said. They were “short and focussed on the situation in Kashmir”.

“Both Saeed and Salahuddin disapproved of dialogues between India and Pakistan,” he said. “They also said the war in Afghanistan had adversely affected the armed struggle for the liberation of Kashmir from India.”

India claims Saeed runs the Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT), a terror outfit that Washington forced Pakistan to ban shortly after the 9/11 terror attacks in the US. Saeed now heads Jamaat-ud-Dawa, which he claims is a social welfare organisation, but which India identifies as a front for the LeT.

The meetings between the Hurriyat leaders and the alleged terror masterminds are significant as the two sides have long shared an ambivalent relationship. Pakistan-based Saeed and Salahuddin have often dubbed the Hurriyat as “moderate” and slammed them for engaging in “pointless dialogue” with New Delhi.

This friction was blamed for the shooting of a separatist leader, Fazal Haq Qureshi, in 2009, after a meeting between Hurriyat leaders and then Union Home Minister P Chidambaram was reported.


Kashmir Separatist leaders - meeting up with terrorists, the PA and the ISI chief and viola there you have it - the reasons for the spate in cease fire violations and militant infiltration's.
Border tension related to Indo-Pak cricket?
-------do------------ to US withdrawal?
--------do------------ to PA new policy change.
--------do------------ to India Rape protests.
--------do------------ to new Pakistan protests by some Qudri or something?

did anything I miss?

Can come up with a series of
I have a feeling that Indians are responsible at least partially for this round of hostility.
But blaming it on cricket or even jingoistic indian media is an insult to our policy planners. GoI or army does not take decision based on media feedback (they do try to influence media though, by feeding it with crap storie
indians and sansaani & tehlkaa! i like how india loves to make a drama out of every situtation!
I feel so sad to see Pakistani and Indian posters come on this board and repeat the vitreol of Indian army chief or totally childish statements by Indian air cheif, or b@stardly statements by some Pakistani Mullah.

What's wrong with us.

Is this how we want to spend next 100 years?
Why not start cricket matches between the PA and IA? :D (Umpires from RAW and ISI of course will be debarred from acting as umpires! :cheesy: )
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