Terms such as dar ul hard, dar ul Islam used to qualify states within the world. These qualifications (just as Third World or conflict zone) were based on a set of particular parameters.. The same way that the view on Kashmir is different between India and Pakistan, the same way these particular designations would apply depending on the interpretation of a Muslim. A Dar ul harb for example is a nation where Muslims are being openly prosecuted, not allowed to practice their religion, or where mass genocide of Muslims is taking place; the Balkans in 1995 is an example or Uzbekistan under Soviet rule. That being said any other interpretations of persecution, oppression or otherwise are up to the individual and by that analogy just as certain states qualify other states as rogue nations based on entire political falsehood, the same can be done with these designations.
If a legitimate state declares Jihad on a non-Muslim state it has to be under these particular conditions. However, these conditions assume that the rulers are just an honest