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Was Ataturk spy for British against Ottoman Empire?

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You will likely to get ban if you don't speak ENGLISH here, please use it wisely for all debates, not turkish languages....

I'd take a (so-called) British spy like Ataturk who defeated the enemy than someone who pretends to love his nation and people.

And how come you know those stories and we don't? Don't be an ignorant idiot! You probably had a dream last night and thought it was for real! Time to wake up kid!

Another personal attacks, here's my smile....:lol:

Come on, please back to topic. Mr.Ataturk had to choose two decisions: follow West policy demand to erase history or divide country with new independence, Ataturk picked first one.
In Turkey discussing Kemal is a taboo, because there is indeed a personality cult, and i feel terribly sorry for the people in here who have shown their idiotic behaviour by calling me so many names, i don't see a difference between them and vatanperver in conducting their argument. Folks i can't educate you 24/7 so i was away for a couple of hours, it seems someone of your own caliber have shown you your true colors. So funny to see you guys telling lies after lies, curses after curses, and me just listening to your utter bs haven't fallen down to your level. But when a person of different opinion arrives you are ready to accuse me of double account etc. this just shows how much some of you fells backpain after getting totally pwned by me.

After all ignorance is bliss. I guess some people don't like hearing the truth. And cirit don't ask a question if you can't handle the answers. You lot is a very good example on why the Turkish indoctrination system (education system) totally fails.

Edit: Icinizdede bir tane cikar adam gibi konusur, ama ne yazikki hepiniz okulda ögrendiginiz tren mentaliteyle birlesip köpek gibi bir tarafa saldiriyorsunuz. Bir alkoholu putlastiralak adam olduk vatansever olduk sanan zavalli insanlarsiniz siz.
Translation: There isn't one among you who speaks like a normal human. Sadly you are all bandwagoning on me like you have learnred in your school and attacking like dogs/hyenas. Making an alcohlic a cult and thinking you are patriots, i feel truly sorry for you.
It is amazing, Pakistan deal alot of negatives criticism daily, we handle the better calm.

Unfortunately, these Kemalists are out of control and many personal insulting attacks, where did they learn from? Ataturk instruction ??
In Turkey discussing Kemal is a taboo, because there is indeed a personality cult, and i feel terribly sorry for the people in here who have shown their idiotic behaviour by calling me so many names, i don't see a difference between them and vatanperver in conducting their argument. Folks i can't educate you 24/7 so i was away for a couple of hours, it seems someone of your own caliber have shown you your true colors. So funny to see you guys telling lies after lies, curses after curses, and me just listening to your utter bs haven't fallen down to your level. But when a person of different opinion arrives you are ready to accuse me of double account etc. this just shows how much some of you fells backpain after getting totally pwned by me.

After all ignorance is bliss. I guess some people don't like hearing the truth. And cirit don't ask a question if you can't handle the answers. You lot is a very good example on why the Turkish indoctrination system (education system) totally fails.

Tripple X Zulky.

Quite amusing piece of unintellegent fool. What about your gang? Cirit,TrMhMt, what, MeteHAN, Deno, turAr, Targon, Axa-, Quasar and LegionnairE. And probably more.

quadrotrippledoubleepic X? (Most of you) (Perhaps) all of you supporting anti-Islamis from day 1 and all of you are Kemalist. And not that you weren't enough, now you created a new account MeteHAN? :rofl:

EDIT: new names came to my mind.
so far, it is becoming off-topics, we can't focus on the straight discussion.




I notice people cried for Kim Jong death, these Kemalists become emotional for Ataturk similarly, they forgot many Ottoman history of thousand years rule the world).......
In Turkey discussing Kemal is a taboo, because there is indeed a personality cult, and i feel terribly sorry for the people in here who have shown their idiotic behaviour by calling me so many names, i don't see a difference between them and vatanperver in conducting their argument. Folks i can't educate you 24/7 so i was away for a couple of hours, it seems someone of your own caliber have shown you your true colors. So funny to see you guys telling lies after lies, curses after curses, and me just listening to your utter bs haven't fallen down to your level. But when a person of different opinion arrives you are ready to accuse me of double account etc. this just shows how much some of you fells backpain after getting totally pwned by me.

After all ignorance is bliss. I guess some people don't like hearing the truth. And cirit don't ask a question if you can't handle the answers. You lot is a very good example on why the Turkish indoctrination system (education system) totally fails.

Edit: Icinizdede bir tane cikar adam gibi konusur, ama ne yazikki hepiniz okulda ögrendiginiz tren mentaliteyle birlesip köpek gibi bir tarafa saldiriyorsunuz. Bir alkoholu putlastiralak adam olduk vatansever olduk sanan zavalli insanlarsiniz siz.
Translation: There isn't one among you who speaks like a normal human. Sadly you are all bandwagoning on me like you have learnred in your school and attacking like dogs/hyenas. Making an alcohlic a cult and thinking you are patriots, i feel truly sorry for you.

Zulky the Cry Baby--------------


My Reaction:

In Turkey discussing Kemal is a taboo, because there is indeed a personality cult, and i feel terribly sorry for the people in here who have shown their idiotic behaviour by calling me so many names, i don't see a difference between them and vatanperver in conducting their argument. Folks i can't educate you 24/7 so i was away for a couple of hours, it seems someone of your own caliber have shown you your true colors. So funny to see you guys telling lies after lies, curses after curses, and me just listening to your utter bs haven't fallen down to your level. But when a person of different opinion arrives you are ready to accuse me of double account etc. this just shows how much some of you fells backpain after getting totally pwned by me.

After all ignorance is bliss. I guess some people don't like hearing the truth. And cirit don't ask a question if you can't handle the answers. You lot is a very good example on why the Turkish indoctrination system (education system) totally fails.

Zulk, my hands are aching because of the slaps that I've given to your face. Are you a real slap addict, you smelly danablu?
Did you become what you are, with Feto indoctrination system? Did you also get some, in his schools? You know what I mean...
Can this expalin your addiction of being spanked?
It is amazing, Pakistan deal alot of negatives criticism daily, we handle the better calm.

Unfortunately, these Kemalists are out of control and many personal insulting attacks, where did they learn from? Ataturk instruction ??

Firstly Raptor it was wrong of you to title this thread as "Was Ataturk spy for British against Ottoman Empire?" you could have chosen a more appropriate title. Secondly these kemalists are in a constant denial. The indoctrination school system has stunted them, which is quiet obvious if you observe their behavior right now. Therefore, my advice would be to not taking these guys seriously, they are the group with limited brain capacity, which is very obvious. You can't discuss or criticize their "god". But their time is over, people are waking up, those people who have suffered most under the totalitarian kemalist regime aka muslims have already changed the corrupt scums. I am trying really hard to not fall down to their disgusting level, but it is hard to ignore so much idiocy at once.
@Raptor keep itup ...U doing an excellent job uncovering the secret MI6/British agents trying to fool and rule us.....:smokin:
If it was up to kemalists,they wouldnt even accept any legitimate criticism of Kemal. The problem of Kemal was not his intentions and he was of course not a spy. His problem was his positivist ideology that led him to follow ultra-nationalist and anti-religion policies. Another problem was the history which was written by him. He erased his companions even from the books that were studied in schools at that time. Kemal was responsible for the western front of the war while Kazım Karabekir was responsible for the eastern front. Yet,Kemal in his work NUTUK,insulted him too and called him traitor.(For Turks: 'En hain dimağların mahsülü').

With this education and brainwashing policy,Kemal has become a personality cult similar to ones in totalitarian regimes. A guy shows up and saves the nation from all bad guys inside and outside of the country,therefore people should worship him. Our history used to tell us that everyone was asleep but Kemal and he saved us. But now we know that the resistance to Greeks and Armenians had started before he showed up.

I agree the title is provocating but that doesnt change the fact that kemalist standards regarding this provocation thing are problematic. They are inclined to get provoked too easily since Kemal is really a taboo.

Finally,Kemal may stay as the founder of the republic but his ideas should be left by the state. He died in 1938 and his ideas have nothing to offer 21st century.
Zulky the Cry Baby--------------

My Reaction:

You are well-known drama, my Queen! You never follow the discussion, you are athiest hard-core kemalist who want to marry Ataturk and many children, Lol. How is school? :rolleyes:

P.S: I thought the title was appropriate which I follow the article to match the title. I am apologize if it is not correct. let's take time out here, let we cool first. Chill, guys.

another personal attacks, anyone? If you continue to attack, it doesn't work.
Zulky the Cry Baby--------------


My Reaction:


I am not a crybaby little dango, i am just unable to listen to pure ignorance coming from you cultists. Even though you have a limited brain capacity i am trying hard to teach you things. I guess it will take time for these things to penetrate your thick skull, and i hope it will happen. If not Turkey will have to deal with you and waste its time on so many cultists like you. Oh and i am stubborn, i will try harder until you cultists learn one or two things. Don't worry i won't give up on you just yet because i believe that each of us is more than the worst thing that we have ever done.
I notice people cried for Kim Jong death, these Kemalists become emotional for Ataturk similarly, they forgot many Ottoman history of thousand years rule the world).......
No you fool, Ottomans tried to erase pre-ottoman Turkish history. Atatürk tried to save our history. You don't have the slightest clue about what are you talking about.
Firstly Raptor it was wrong of you to title this thread as "Was Ataturk spy for British against Ottoman Empire?" you could have chosen a more appropriate title. Secondly these kemalists are in a constant denial. The indoctrination school system has stunted them, which is quiet obvious if you observe their behavior right now. Therefore, my advice would be to not taking these guys seriously, they are the group with limited brain capacity, which is very obvious. You can't discuss or criticize their "god". But their time is over, people are waking up, those people who have suffered most under the totalitarian kemalist regime aka muslims have already changed the corrupt scums. I am trying really hard to not fall down to their disgusting level, but it is hard to ignore so much idiocy at once.

Is that why you created a new account and went all dinosour **** on us :)
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